
第38章 Unit Twelve Ambition (2)

[例句] Although they are prepa red to be reconciled with one another ,neithe r is prepa red to make the first step.

relinquish [ri..li..kwi..] v.放弃

rim6 [rim] n.( 圆形物体的) 边缘,篮框

v.环绕(圆形或环形物的) 边缘

[例句] We climbed up to the rim of the volcano and looked down into it.

shooter * [....u..t..( r) ] n.(篮球) 投篮手

sideline [..saidlain] n.(球场) 边线

socket [..s..kit ] n.( 天然或人造的、承托其他物体的凹形)


swish [swi..] v.发出嗖嗖声

tendon [..tend..n] n.腱

unofficial [....n....fi....l] adj.非官方的,非正式的

brush by 接近( 某人/ 某物时) 轻轻相碰

[例句] The gi rl’s hair brushed by his cheek.

get away with 不受惩罚

[例句] He bribed her—and got away with it mor e or less.

more or less 多多少少,有点儿

[例句] Brian more or less impelled that we were lying.

Passage Ⅱ Romantic Ambit ion


biblical * [..biblik..l ] ad j.圣经的

eternity* [i..t....n..ti] n.永恒

falcon [..f....lk..n ,..f....k..n] n.猎鹰

furnish4 [..f....ni..] v.①供应,提供,装备② 布置,为. 配备家具

[同义] ①provide ,supply

[反义] ①divest

[考点] furnish sb.with sth.为某人提供某物

[辨析] provide ;supply;furnish provide 使某人得到他想要或需要的东西;supply 提供人们需要或想要的东西,尤其是在很长时间内经常这么做;furnis h 正式用语,指向某人提供做工作、做决定所需要的信息。

[例句] She was asked to furnish the commit tee with details of her complaint.

[同义] ②decorate

[考点] furnish sth.with sth.用.装饰.

[例句] His house is furnished with thing he’s collected on his tr avels around the world.

hum6 [h..m] v.哼( 曲子) ;发出嗡嗡声;活跃;忙碌

[例句] She was humming to herself.

industrialist* [in..d..st ri..list ] n.工业家,实业家

intent6 [in..tent ] ad j.急切的,专心的,专注的


[考点] intent to do sth.打算做. ,有做.的意图

[例句] It ’s not my intent to deny the value of univer sity educa tion.

interfere4 [..int....fi..( r) ] v.妨碍,干扰;干涉,介入

[同义] meddle

[反义] assist

[考点] interfere in sth.干涉、妨碍某事

interfere with sth./ sb.干涉、妨碍某人/ 某事

[辨析] interfere ;plemeddle interfere 参与和自己无关的事情,试图改变、影响将发生的事情,让他人感到厌烦;plemeddle 积极参与和自己无关的事情,尤其是给他人造成不必要的麻烦。

[例句] 1 ) He’s made up mind not to interfe re with the way she was raising her childr en.

2 ) Local journalists have been wa rned not to interfer e in the peace negotiation.

landscape4 [..l .. ndskeip] n.风景,景色;风景画;全景


[例句] Constable is probably England’s most famous landscape ar tist.

mess4 [mes ] n.凌乱状态,脏乱状态;混乱的局面,困境


[同义] clutter

[考点] be in a mess 处于凌乱状态

make a mes s of 弄脏,搞乱

[辨析] mess ;clutter mess 凌乱地铺了一地的东西,例如是因为某人刚刚工作过或玩耍过;clutter 放在某一地方的一堆东西,尤其是不需要的东西,它使你移动不便,显得凌乱。

[例句] 1 ) This’s another fine mes s you’ve got us into.

2 ) Who’s messed up the bookshelf ?

muse [..mju..z] v.沉思自语

romant ic4 [r..u..m .. ntik ] adj.① 浪漫的,多情的;有浪漫色彩的,传奇性的②不切实际的,空想的


[例句] 1 ) He took me for a romantic meal in a candlelit restaurant.

2 ) The old abbey looks very romantic in the moonlight.

3 ) That he has romantic doesn’t mean he is not practical.

surroundings4 [s....raundi..z ] n.环境

[例句] The house is set in beautiful surroundings nea r lake concision.

at the expanse of sth.以损失( 坏) 某事物为代价

[例句] They incr ease thei r income at the expense of the rural mes ses.

interfere with 阻碍,妨碍

[例句] Child bea ring will not inte rfer e with a ca reer.

take on 开始具有( 某种品质、面貌等)

[例句] His voice took on a new note of uncer tainty.

to one’s taste 符合某人的口味

[例句] I’ve neve r ca red much for flash new ca rs—old ca rs a re more to my taste.

Passage Ⅲ The Virtues of Ambition


acquisi tive* [....kwizitiv] ad j.贪得无厌的

attainment* [....teinm..nt ] n.实现

collectivity * [..k..lek..tiv..ti ] n.集体

courageously* [k....reid....sli ] adv.勇敢地,大无畏地

devious [..di..vi..s ] ad j.不直率的,不光明正大的

dishonorably * [dis....n..r..bli ] adv.不光彩地

distrustful* [dis..t r..stful ] adj.不信任的,怀疑的

exaggeration* [i....z .. d......rei....n] n.夸张

extinct6 [ik..sti..kt ] adj.灭绝的,绝种的;( 火山等) 不再活跃的,( 火等) 熄灭了的

[同义] disappea r ,vanish

[辨析] extinct ;disappear ;vanish extinct 如果某种动物绝种了,这种动物便不再存在了;disappear 不再存在,再也看不到,感觉不到了;vanish 完全消失了。

[例句] If nothing is done to save the whales now ,the species will soon become extinct.

fantasize* [..f .. nt..saiz] v.想像,幻想

foremost6 [..f....m..ust ] ad j.最重要的,第一流的

[同义] best ,gr eatest ,top

[辨析] best ;gr eatest ;top;foremost best 与其他任何人、事物相比,质量更高、更成功、更熟练、更合适;greatest 最好的、最重要的;top 最熟练、最成功、最出名;foremost 最成功、最受人尊重的。

[例句] The confe rence was attended by some of the wor ld’s foremost environmental scientists.

grandeur [....r .. nd....( r) ] n.伟大,壮丽,壮观

honorably * [....n..r..bli] adv.应享有荣誉地,值得尊敬地

ignoble [i....n..ubl ] ad j.不光彩的,卑鄙的,可耻的

large heartedness [..l....d....h....tidnis ] n.宽宏大量,仁慈,富有同情心

lest6 [lest ] conj.惟恐,免得

[例句] The driver looked over the engine ca refully lest it would go wrong on the way.

neutral6 [..nju..t r..l ] adj.中立的,公正的,中性的

[同义] objective ,disinterested

[辨析] objective ;disinterested;neut ral objective 尤其是在做判断时,不受个人意见、情感的影响;disinterested 在考虑某个特定局势时,因为不参与其中,不希望从中获得个人好处,所以能公正;neut ral 在争论、争吵中不支持任何一方。

[例句] Civil se rvants a re supposed to be politically neut ral ,se rving governments of any political par ty with equal loyalty.

profess* [pr..u..fes ] v.表明观点、感情、信仰等

realm4 [relm] n.①王国,国度,领域②范围

[同义] a rea ,field ,world ,branch

[辨析] a rea ;world;branch;r ealm a rea (一部分) 科目或研究,尤其是你懂得很多的那一部分;wor ld 指某一活动、工作的领域,尤其是用在谈论所有在此领域工作的人的时候;branch 研究、知识中的一部分;realm 正式用语,指思想、兴趣、知识的一个宽概括的领域。

[例句] In a realm as large as medieval Ge rmany ,the king faced a huge task.

secretive [s..i kr..i tiv] adj.遮遮掩掩的

selfishness* [..selfi..nis] n.自私

sham [.... m] n.虚假的事物

signif icance6 [si....nifik..ns ] n.重要性,重大;意义,含义

[同义] meaning ,sense,

[辨析] meaning;sense;significance meaning 通过口头、书面或手势等其他形式表达你想理解的东西;sense 某一特定词语所拥有的一个意思;significance 某事物所具有的重要意义,尤其是这个意义不是马上可以看得出来的。

[例句] The discovery of the new drug is of great significance to people suffering from hea r t problems.

uncontrollable* [....nk..n..tr..ul..bl] ad j.不可控制的,控制不住的

underground4 [....nd....raund] adv.秘密地,不公开地,在地(面) 下地,往地(面) 下的

[例句] 1 ) The news has been passed on underground ,but hasn’t appear ed on the newspape rs.

2 ) The unclear waste was bur ied deep underground.

ad j.在地( 面) 下;秘密地,不公开地

[例句] 1 ) The re is an unde rground ca r park nearby.

2 ) The IRA is an underground organization operating against the Br itain in Nor thern Ireland.

n.地铁;地下组织( 或运动)

[例句] The role the underground played was to harass the occupying forces with a campaign of bombings and assas sina tions.

unworldly [....n..w....ldli ] ad j.精神的,非物质的

at an end 结束

[例句] Everyone wishes the quarr el would be a t an end.

at all costs 不惜任何代价

[例句] He wanted her at all costs,even if it meant giving up everything he had.

come about 发生

[例句] How did this dangerous situation come about ?

count for 有价值,有重要性

[例句] My opinion doesn’t count for anything a round here.

distinguish. from 使某事物或某人有所不同

[例句] The twins ar e so alike ,you can hardly distinguish one from the other.

first and foremost 首要地

[例句] In spite of her recent election success ,she r emains first and foremost a writer ,not a politician.

hold something together 使某事物不散开

[例句] Individual pa r ts a re held together by glue.

in demand 非常重要的,受欢迎的

[例句] He r books ar e in great demand at the moment.

indifferent to 不感兴趣,冷漠

[例句] I was so excited to see snow that I was indiffer ent to the cold.

make up 构成