
第29章 Unit Nine Computer Technology (2)

astounding 指印象太深而几乎不敢相信,如The results of the tests a re astounding.amazing 指对不可能发生或发生几率很小的但却发生了的事感到惊异,甚至恐慌,如He’s an amazing player to watch— he’s so fast.astonishing 语气较强,表示一个人对意外事情做出的超常反应,如The way such a small s pider creates such a la rge web is astonishing . star tling 指对一未曾预料到的事实或消息感到吃惊,甚至可能会让人担忧,如Ther e is sta rtling new evidence that the hole in the ozone layer may be much worse than was at first thought.astonished ,amazed ,astounded ,stunned (过度惊骇而不能言语) 等词和上面astounding ,amazing ,astounding ,stunning 等词意思分别对应,不过在用法上有所区别,即指人时用ed 结尾的词,指物时用ing 结尾的词。如The teacher was amazed to find that a lazy student grained a mark of 100 in an impor tant test.其中a - mazed 不能用amazing.

banking [..b ....ki..] n.银行业

Buddhist [..budist ] n.佛教徒

ad j.佛教的

[考点] Buddhist monks 和尚

compute6 [k..m..pju..t ] v.计算,估算,用计算机计算( 或确定)

[同义] calculate ,reckon

[考点] compute sth.at sth.计算,估计

[例句] Mother computed the lost of our t rip.

crystal4 [..krist..l] adj.结晶状的


[考点] a necklace of crystals 水晶项链

the c rystals of sugar 糖的晶体

digitize [did..itaiz] v.将资料数字化

dishwasher [..di....w......( r) ] n.洗碗机,洗碗的人

etching [..et..i..] n.蚀刻版画,蚀刻术,铜版画

far-fetched [..f......fet..t ] ad j.不可信的,牵强的,不自然的

[同义] st rained ,unnatur al

[考点] a far fetched comparison 勉强的比拟

[例句] It’s an inter esting book but ra the r fa r fetched.

global4 [....l..ub..l] adj.球形的,全球的,全世界的

[考点] global t ravel 环球旅行

[例句] The ear th is a global mas s.

grid [..rid] n.①格子,栅格,(地图的)座标方格②高压输电网

[考点] a cattle grid 牛栅栏

halfway [..h....f..wei ] ad j.中途的,部分的,不彻底的

a dv.半路地,在中途,在半途,几乎,差不多

[考点] meet sb.halfway 与某人妥协,迁就某人

halfway to Pa ris 在去巴黎的途中

to be halfway acceptable 差不多可接受

[例句] You can’ t go halfway when you ’re painting the

walls.Otherwise ,you’ll probably make a mes s of it.

invisible4 [in..viz..bl ] ad j.看不见的,无形的

[反义] visible

[考点] invisible ink 隐形墨水

invisible diffe rences 无从察觉的区别

[例句] Many star s a re invisible without a telescope.

meta- [met..] p re f.超越,超出

[考点] metaphysics 形而上学

metabolism 新陈代谢

microchip [..maikr..ut..ip] n.微芯片( 一种很小的片状半导体材料,通常是硅材料,它含有小型化电子电路)

microprocessor [..maikr..u..pr..uses..( r) ] n.微处理器

microwave [..maikr..uweiv] n.微波( 波长为1 毫米至30 厘米的高频电磁波)

[考点] microwave oven 微波炉

monk [m....k] n.修道士,僧侣

[反义] nun

outf it6 [..autfit ] n.①用具,配备,机构② 全套装配,全套服装



[同义] equip ,furnis h

[例句] The football team were wear ing orange outfits.

pacemaker [..peis..meik..( r) ] n.① 领跑者,带头人,标兵② 心脏起搏器

[同义] paceset ter

[例句] That fi rm was the pacemake r in ca r design for many yea rs.

postage4 [..p..ustid..] n.邮资,邮费

[考点] postage stamp 邮票

[例句] How much is the postage for an airmail lette r to Canada ?

raindrop [..reindr..p] n.雨滴,雨点

sewer [..sju..( r ) ,..su....( r) ] n.①下水道,污水管②缝具,缝纫者

[考点] sewer gas 下水道的臭味

simulate6 [..simjuleit ] vt.模拟,模仿,假装,冒充

[例句] Some moths (蛾,蛀虫) simula te dead leaves.

sliver [..sliv..( r) ] n.长条,小木片,薄片

[同义] splinter

[例句] Cut me just a small silve r of cheese.

streetlight [..st ri..tlait ] n.路灯,街灯

[同义] st reetlamp

stunning* [..st..ni..] a dj.足以使人晕倒的,极好的,极吸引人的,令人愉快的,美丽的

[同义] impressive ,amazing ,astonishing ,astounding ,shocking ,surprising

[考点] a stunning blow 一次重大的打击

a stunning piece of news 惊人的消息

a stunning beauty 绝代佳人

a stunning performance 惊人的表现

supercomputer [..sju..p..k..m..pju..t..( r ) ] n.巨型计算机,超级计算机

surgical [..s....d..ik..l] adj.外科的,外科医生的,手术上的


[考点] surgical t reatment 外科治疗

a surgical ope ration 外科手术

teachings [..ti..t..i..z] n.①教学②教义,教导,学说

[同义] doct rine

[考点] the teachings of Buddha 佛教的教义

[例句] Teachings is a demanding profession.

transistor6 [t r .. n..zist..( r) ] n.晶体管,晶体管收音机( = t ransistor r adio)

undress [....n..dres ] vt.使脱衣服,暴露,使卸去装饰



[同义] unclothe ,dis robe

[例句] Jane undr es sed he r doll.

unimaginable* [....ni..m .. d..in..bl ] adj.想不到的,不可思议的

unworkable* [....n..w....k..bl] a dj.难运转的,不能实行的,行不通的,不切实可行的

[反义] feasible ,practical

[考点] an unworkable plan/ proposal/ scheme 行不通的计划/ 建议/ 计划

derive from 源自,源于

[例句] The word“wa rmth”derives from“warm”.

in the face of 面对

[例句] We a re powe rless in the face of such forces.

put/ keep/ get/ consider something in perspective 恰当地对待某事物,恰当不夸大地看待某事物

[例句] He considers things in perspective.

shut ( something) down ( 使) 停工,歇业,关闭

[例句] The whole company shuts down for three weeks ’holiday every yea r.

try something on 试穿( 衣服)

[例句] Never buy shoes without trying them on fi rst.

Passage Ⅱ Workplace of the 90’s:

High Tech Sweatshop ?


accountable [....kaunt..bl ] ad j.应负责任的,有责任的,可解释的

[同义] responsible

[考点] accountable to sb.for sth.某人对某事应负责

[辨析] accountable ;responsible

accountable 指由于职务原因而对公众或上级负责,

如The reforme rs believe that the police depa r tment

should be mor e accountable.responsible 指在公司

或组织中职位所在而对上级负责,如The Chief of Police is appointed by and is res ponsible to the City Council.

[例句] 1 ) His bad temper is easily accountable ;he has had a toothache all day.

2) He is mentally ill and cannot be held accounta - ble for his actions.

assembly4 [....sembli ] n.集合,装配,集会,集结,汇编

[考点] assembly line 装配线,流水线

assembly room 会场,会议室

[例句] Each component is ca refully checked befor e assembly.

contention6 [k..n..ten....n] n.争夺,争论,争辩,论点

[考点] contention for sth./ to do sth.为某事/ 做某事争论

[例句] 1 ) My contention is that the scheme will never work.

2 ) The two teams will be in contention for the tit le/ to win the title.

eavesdrop [..i..vzdr..p] vi.偷听


[考点] eavesdrop on sb./ sth.偷听.

eavesdrop on a discussion/ one’s pa rents 偷听讨论/ 父母谈话

idle4 [..aidl] adj.空闲的,懒惰的,停顿的,无用的,无价值的

vi.不做事,游手好闲,( 机器) 空转,虚度,闲散,不做事,游手好闲,浪费


[同义] lazy

[反义] diligent ,indust rious

[考点] idle fears 无端的恐惧

idling in the park 在公园里闲逛

idling away the hours 消磨时光

[辨析] idle ;lazy

idle 懒惰或浪费时间,如Wake up that idle young brother of yours and tell him it’s time for school.

lazy 指不喜欢工作或体力活动而设法逃避,如I