
第17章 Unit Five Appearance (3)

[辨析] occupation;business ;profession;t rade ;employment ;vocation ;c raft ;ca reer occupation 指人经过选择并受到一定训练的职业,往往是相当熟练的;business 指以赢利为目的的职业;profes sion 指需要经过特殊训练的脑力劳动者的职业,但有时也可以指一般的职业;t rade 指匠人行业,如工匠、铁匠、石匠等,以手工艺为手段取得赢利;employment 指被雇佣的职业;vocation 指需要特殊才能方可胜任的职业;c raft 指比t rade 所需技艺更高的职业;ca reer 指人的一生所从事的职业,有“ 生涯”的意思。

[例句] What made you chose teacher as your profession ?

reuse [..ri....ju..z] v.再使用

[例句] If we r euse the bottles and cans ,the re will be less garbage each week.

rinse [rins] v.冲洗

salvage [..s .. lvid..] v.挽救,抢救

sloppiness [..sl..pinis] n.凌乱,马虎

unvarying* [..n..v....r ii..] adj.经久不变的,从无变化的

[考点] an unvarying breakfast menu 老一套的早餐菜单

[例句] Be of unva rying validity.一直有效。

wad [w..d] v.使.成一团

wardrobe6 [..w....dr..ub] n.衣橱

[例句] We need a large wardrobe.

at heart 本质上,实际上

[例句] Our teacher seems very st rict but he is a ve ry kind man at hear t.

clear off 清理,清除

[例句] Let’s clear off the table now tha t dinner is over.

cut down (on) 减少

[例句] I am t rying to cut down on the amount of money we spend everyday.

finish with (something) 完成,结束,用好

[例句] I hope you will finish with your homework in ten minutes and then we could do to see the film.

in one’s mind’s eye 在想像中,在记忆中

[例句] He can still see in his mind’s eye the school wher e he studied as a child.

in one’s way 挡道的,妨碍人的

[例句] The men stood in the way and wound not let us enter the building.

part with 放弃,舍弃

[例句] It is very difficult to par t with one ’ s favorite pos sessions.

pass something on ( to someone) 传给(另外的人)

[例句] Could you pass the book to Tom ?

pile up 堆积,积聚

[例句] Her debts ar e piling up and she has no money to pay them.

toy with the idea (of doing something) 随随便便地对待,不很认真地考虑

[例句] He has been toying with the idea of moving abroad for some time.

Passage Ⅲ Turning Boys into Girls


affordable* [....f....d..bl ] ad j.支付得起的,不太昂贵的

[例句] A car will be affordable to a teacher in next ten years.

alienate6 [..eili..neit ] v.使疏远,使不友好

aspiring [....spai..ri..] adj.积极追求的,有抱负的

biceps [..baiseps] n.二头肌

bittersweet* [..bit..swi..t ] ad j.又苦又甜的,苦乐参半的

blazer [..bleiz..] n.(与裤子不配套的) 男式便装

bombard [b..m..b....d] v.① 不断给予,连珠炮似地发问② 炮击,轰炸

bulge [b..ld..] v.膨胀,鼓起

cosmetic [k..z..metik] adj.美容用的,整容的

crippling* [..kr ipli..] adj.造成严重后果的

[例句] Af ter the accident ,he got cr ippling debts of 100 ,000 yuan.

dividend6 [..dividend] n.①回报,效益②红利,股息

elevate6 [..eliveit ] v.提高,使上升

equity [..ekw..ti ] n.公平,公正

financially* [f( a) i..n .. n....li] a dv.经济上,财政上

[例句] I don’t worry financially because I can get a large

sum of money from my fr iend abroad.

gel [d..el ] n.凝胶体

girly* [........li ] ad j.像少女的,女人气的

greed [..ri..d] n.贪婪,贪心

hairline* [..h....lain] n.头发轮廓线,发际线

[例句] His hairline r ecedes ( 向后) as he grows bold.

handful4 [..h .. ndful ] n.①少量,少数,一小撮②一把

[考点] a handful of sth./ sb.少量的人

pick up a handful of sand 抓起一把沙子

[例句] A handful of fans were al ready waiting for the famous singer’s coming.

hysterical6 [hi..sterik..l ] ad j.歇斯底里的,情绪非常激动的

insane6 [in..sein] ad j.①蠢极的,荒唐的② 神经错乱的,疯狂的

insanity* [in..s .. n..ti] n.① 极端的愚蠢,荒唐② 精神错乱,疯狂

jaw4 [d......] n.下巴,口部,上、下颌

[例句] He could not eat with a broken jaw.

journalistic * [..d......n....listik ] adj.新闻业的

[例句] It is very easy for him to find a job in the TV sta-tion because he has some journalistic experience on the student newspaper.

liability6 [..lai....bil..ti] n.不利条件

lotion [..l..u....n] n.护肤液,洗液,洗剂

manicure [..m .. ni..kju..( r) ] n.修指甲

manufacturer4 [..m .. nju..f .. kt....r..( r ) ] n.制造商,制造公司

[同义] producer ,builder ,maker

[例句] Send these faulty goods back to the manufactur er.

moisture4 [..m..ist....( r) ] n.潮湿,湿气

[例句] Plants use their roots to absorb moisture from the soil.

moisturizer* [..m..ist....raiz..] n.润肤霜

mud [m..d] n.泥,泥浆

[考点] in the mud 在泥里

one’s name is mud 某人声名狼藉

[例句] He r feet were stuck in the mud.

nat ionwide* [..nei....n..waid] adv.在全国范围内

ad j.全国性的

[考点] a nationwide s urvey/ campaign 全国性的调查/ 活动

[例句] The police ca rried out a nationwide sea rch for the c riminals.

pedicure [..pedi..kju..( r ) ] n.修脚趾甲,足部治疗

perpetuate [p....petjueit ] v.使永久存在

potbelly [..p..t..beli] n.大肚皮

radius6 [..reidi..s ] n.①半径范围②半径

readership* [..ri..d....ip] n.(某一报刊杂志等的) 读者们

[例句] The local news paper has a lot of r eade rship.

saturated [..s .. t....r eitid] ad j.饱和的,充满的

[考点] be saturated with 充满.

[例句] That book is sa turated with incorr ect facts.

shortcoming4 [........tk..mi..] n.缺点,短处

[同义] defect ,flaw,faul t ,failing ,weaknes s

[考点] 此词经常以复数形式出现

[例句] We all have shor tcomings.

[辨析] fault ;defect ;flaw;failing;weaknes s

fault 指不十分严重的缺点,用于人时,多指道德上或行为举止、习惯方面的缺点;用于物时,多指功能上的缺陷;defect 指易于觉察的缺陷,如人体器官上的缺陷,也可以指美中不足之处;flaw 原意是“裂缝”,意味着破裂或不能衔接,常用于文章、论证,暗示使批评有隙可乘;failing 指人在性格或行为方式上具有较大的“缺点、弱点”,这种缺点会引起严重的后果;shor tcoming 指不足,此词很难达到完美、优良的标准;weakness 指人性格中的弱点或人的嗜好、癖好等。

silken* [..silk..n] adj.柔软光滑的

[考点] silken hai r 柔软光滑的头发

a silken voice 柔和的嗓音

softener * [..s..fn..( r ) ;(US) ..s....-] n.起软化作用的东西,软化剂,柔软剂

suitor [..sju..t..( r) ] n.求婚的

toiletries [..t..ilit riz] n.梳妆用品,化妆品

underdeveloped4 [....nd..di..vel..pt ] adj.不发达的,落后的,发育不全的

[反义] developed

[例句] Ther e are many underdeveloped counties in Africa.

underlying6 [....nd....laii..] ad j.含蓄的,内在的,潜在的

underwear * [....nd..w....] n.内衣裤

vanity [..v .. n..ti] n.虚荣心

whitener* [..waitn..] vi.变白


even out 使相等,(使) 平均

[例句] The manager t ried to even out the dist ribution of work among his employees.

fall short of 未达到目标、令人满意的标准等

[例句] The movie fell shor t of our expectations.

have a thing about 对.有某种强烈的感情,对. 讨厌、关注

[例句] He has a thing about noise for he can not stand it.

on one’s way 正在( 做. ) ,正在(变成. )

[例句] He is on his way to becoming a teacher.

put on 搽,抹

[例句] She puts on some cr eam to soothe her sunburn.

thumb through 浏览

[例句] She was thumbing through the newspaper in order to find some impor tant news.