
第12章 Unit Three Attitudes Toward (2)

let someone/ something go 松开或释放某人/ 某事物

[例句] The dog r an away when he let it go.

make room for 给.腾地方

[例句] Move alone and make room for me!

on a(n). basis 以某方式或方法

[例句] The machine has been installed on a tr ial basis.

wear someone out 使某人筋疲力尽

[例句] All this talking wea rs me out.

Passage Ⅱ Company Man


bitterness* [..bit..( r ) nis] n.怨恨

conceivably * [k..n..si..v..bli ] adv.想像中,可能

[同义] probably

[反义] inconceivably

[辨析] conceivably;imaginary;possibly;probably conceivably 指你认为某事可能会发生,但可能性很小;imaginary 指只存在于想像中而实际并不存在的事;pos sibly 指你猜测某事是对的,但你没有充足的事实证明;probably 指你想有可能发生的事。

dearly * [..di..li] adv.充满深情地

deceased [di..si..st ] a dj.已死的,死去了的

discreetly * [dis..kri..tli] adv.( 言行) 谨慎地,慎重地

[同义] cautiously ,conservative

[反义] indiscreetly

instantly* [..inst .. ntli ] adv.立即,马上

[同义] immediately ,promptly ,speedily

lineup [..lain..p] n.一行人,一排人

monthly4 [..m..n..li] a dj.每月的,每月一次的

obituary [....bitju..ri;( US) ....bit..ueri ] n.讣告

replacement4 [ri..pleism..nt ] n.替代物,替代人,接替者,接替物

[同义] substitute ,alternate

[考点] replacement for sb./ sth.代替.的人/ 物

[例句] We need a replacement for the secr etary who lef t.

salad4 [..s .. l..d] n.色拉

look someone in the eye 直视某人

[例句] Can you look me in the eye and say you didn’t steal it ?

make inquiries about 询问

[例句] Have they made any inquiries about me ?

pick someone/ something out 辨认出,分辨出

[例句] The witness picked out the wrong man in the identification pa rade.

stay up 醒着,不去睡

[例句] He stayed up all the night ,thinking about the approaching examinations.

Passage Ⅲ A Day in the Life of“Salaryman”


amusement* [....mju..zm..nt ] n.娱乐,消遣

[同义] enter tainment

[例句] He shook his head in amusement.

assemble4 [....sembl ] v t.聚集,收集

[同义] gather ,collect

[反义] dispe rse ,sca tter ,dis sipate

[考点] assemble forces 调集兵力

assemble a toy 把零件装配成玩具

[辨析] assemble;collect ;gather

assemble 获得并按照顺序把某东西( 如证据、信息) 排列好放到一起;collect 从不同地方得到同类东西并把它们聚集到一起;ga the r 搜寻并从不同地方获得了同类东西。

briefcase6 [..br i..fkeis ] n.公文包

cab4 [k .. b] n.出租车

chapter4 [..t.... pt..( r ) ] n.( 书等的) 章,回,篇

cityscape [..sitis keip] n.城市风光,城市景色

clutter [..kl..t..] v.使杂乱,乱堆放

communal [..k..mjunl ] ad j.共有的,公有的

commute6 [k....mju..t ] v.定期往返,通勤

[考点] commute between 往返于.和.之间

commute from. to 往返于.和.之间

[例句] 1) She commutes between Cambridge and London eve ry day.

2 ) She commutes from Cambridge to London eve ry day.

dressing [..dresi..] n.穿衣

embark6 [im..b....k] vi./ vt.(使) 上船( 或飞机/ 汽车等)

[同义] boa rd

[反义] deba rk ,disembark ,get off

[考点] embark on 开始;从事( 尤指新的或困难的事)

[例句] He has emba rked on an adventure no one else has da red.

flashy [..fl ....i ] adj.奢华的,炫耀的

flirt [fl....t ] v.卖弄风情,调情

fuss4 [f..s ] v.过分关心,过分体贴


[同义] complain ,stir ,commotion

[考点] fus s about sth.对.大惊小怪

make a fuss of/ ove r sb.娇养某人

kick up a fuss 挑起事端,大吵大闹

[例句] 1 ) When the teache r gave the clas s five more hours of homework ,the class kicked up a fus s.

2 ) I’m not fussed about the color ,you choose.

groan6 [..r..un] v.呻吟;叹息;抱怨

[例句] He was groaning with pain.

headquarters4 [..hed..kw....t..z] n.总部,司令部

ignorant4 [..i..n..r..nt ] a dj.不知道的,无知的,愚昧的

[同义] empty headed ,illite rate ,rude ,uneducated ,unlet tered ,unschooled ,untaught

[反义] educated ,litera te,conscious

[考点] be ignor ant of/ about sth.对.一无所知

[例句] I’m afraid I’m rather ignor ant of/ about computers.

import4 [im..p....t ] v.进口;输入;引进

[考点] impor t. from 从.地方进口.

[例句] Vegetables we re impor ted into the city from the surrounding fa rms.

kimono [ki..m..un..u] n.和服

mustache [m....st......] n.八字胡

necktie [..nektai] n.领带

neon [..ni....n ,-..n] n.氖

noodle4 [..nu..dl] n.面条

outing [..auti..] n.短途旅行;远足

[同义] excur sion

partition6 [p......ti....n] n.分割物;隔板;隔墙

pickle [..pikl] n.腌菜

pornographic [..p....n......r .. fik] a dj.色情的,淫秽作品的

scrub6 [skr..b] v.彻底擦洗

[考点] scrub. down 彻底擦洗

[例句] All the floor should be scrubbed down within a day.

seniority* [..si..ni....r..ti ] n.①资深②职位高③年长,年高

slack6 [sl .. k] v.懈怠;懒散

[例句] His head slacked over to one side.

sushi [..su....i..] n.寿司

throng [..r....] n.一大群;聚集的人群

a batch of (人或物的) 一批

[例句] The pr isone rs wer e r eleased in batches of 10.

adapt (.) to something (使) 适应,( 使) 适合

[例句] Can you adapt your way of thinking to the new life style ?

body and soul 全心全意地,完完全全地

[例句] The city turned out body and soul for the Democratic candidate.

count on 指望;依靠

[例句] 1 ) You can’t count on the weather being fine.

2 ) You can count on him to come.

dig in 开始吃

[例句] He re’s your br eakfast ,so dig in !

embark on 开始,从事(尤指新的或困难的事)

[例句] To save his gir lfriend ,he emba rked on a long journey.

fuss over 过分关心,过分体贴

[例句] The old lady fus sed over her little dog as if it we re a sick child.

hail someone/ something as something 热情赞扬

[例句] They hailed the agr eement as a“landmark”.

head for 朝.行进

[例句] He is heading for r eti rement.

let someone down 使某人失望

[例句] He has been let down so much in the past that he t rusts no one.

push one’s way 往前挤;挤

[例句] She pushed her way to the front of the c rowd.

scrub.down 彻底擦洗

[例句] Scrub the wall down before painting them.

slack off 懈怠;懒散

[例句] It’s natural to slack off towa rds the end of a hard day’s work.

touch on/ upon 提及或涉及

[例句] The major problems have hardly been touched on in this deba te.