
第17章 生命掌握在你的手里(8)
















Follow your dream


If you have a dream, follow it. No matter how wild, outrageous and improbable it may seem. If possible travel on your journey with friends who will support you. Friendship can keep your faith alive long after your energy and hope have been worn away.   Another thing you might want to do is to go where your probability of success is greatest.

When you work long and hard at the apparently futile, remember that your sense of futility is a lie; it is merely your conditioned mind reminding you of your limits; the lie seeks to eliminate your future promise.

Sooner or later, you"ll get results.

Above all, in the throes of failure persist. Persistence can initiate success. When talent and effort have been exhausted, persistence will carry you through to the end. Sometimes all that is needed to change a hopeless situation is hanging on until you find the millionth pebble.

In the memorable words of Winston Churchill,“Never, never, never, never give up.”

The mass appeal of movie-character Indiana Jones is that he symbolizes the quality of persistence. No matter how bad things get, he keeps on trying one more time.

Eventually, somehow, despite every reversal, he breaks through to his goal.

You, too, must learn the art of persistence. Persist when you"re completely exhausted. Persist when all efforts fail. Persist when you feel hopeless. You will find your dream if you can persist long enough.

You may sometimes win through sheer luck. You may sometimes win through broad talent. But, eventually, neither luck nor talent will be enough, and the principle of persistence is all that you will have left. In the end, it may be that persistence is your only abiding friend. It will pull you through all the pain, all the toil, all the hardship. In the long run, persistence, more than any other trait of success, makes a true winner. Persistence pays. It pays handsomely. With persistence comes learning and adaptation. With persistence comes luck and change.

To succeed in anything, learn how to endure adversity, learn how to feel confident in the midst of obvious failure. Let no-one and nothing deter you from your heart"s desire.

Water persistently washing against the hardest rock will eventually erode it away. Be as water. “Beware of no-one more than of yourself,” said Charles Spurgeon.“We carry our worst enemies within us.” When you give up, you let yourself down. You lose your chance at success. You also lose your self-confidence.

Persist! Stick to what you set out to do. Stick to it even if it doesn"t seem worth it. Physical energy, moods, circumstances change. The darkness passes. In the face of failure, poverty, loneliness and obscurity, persistence brings you success.






温斯顿· 丘吉尔曾经说过这样一句令人难忘的话:“永远,永远,永远,永远不要放弃。”








Answering Life"s Most Difficult Question


As a parent, one of my most difficult tasks is to explain to my children why things happen. I can fall back on my considerable knowledge of science to help me deal with questions like “Why is the sky blue?”or “Why do leaves fall from the trees in the fall?” Now I have to face the challenges of answering questions like “Why do people act the way they do?” or the most difficult question of all: “Why do things have to die?” I was confronted with this question recently in dealing with the loss of a pet. This particular pet was a cat that had lived with us for almost 10 years. She has shared in the good times and the bad and has provided comfort to every member of my family.

My son is taking this loss especially hard. Sure, he has seen death on a limited scale in the loss of a fish or an occasional hamster, but they don’t really survive long enough to create a lasting bond. They don’t rub up against you, purring and meowing, begging for attention. They don’t respond to your emotions and jump into your lap or lick your hand to lend moral support.

So how do you explain to a child the concept of life and death? How do you comfort him when he feels he has lost such a close friend? Like anyone else, I draw on my past experiences.