
第57章 规 律 Rule (4)

He that talks much errs much.

He that speaks much is much mistaken.


Salt seasons all things.


Knowing is seeing.

Seeing is believing.

What we see we believe.


An eye finds more truth than two ears.

It is better to trust the eye than the ear.

Men’s ears are less reliable than their eyes.

Seeing once is better than hearing twice.

Trust the ear less than the eye.

What the eye sees the heart believes.

Words are but wind.


Rumor is a lying(假的)jade(玉石).


A reed(芦苇)before the wind lives on, while mighty oaks do fall.


Dumb dogs are dangerous.

Great barkers are no biters


An archer is known by his aim, not by his arrows.


The chain is no stronger than its weakest link.


One link broken, the whole chain is broken.


One shoe will not fit all feet.


A great man cannot brook a rival.

Birds of prey do not flock together.

If two men ride on a horse, one must ride behind.

Two sparrows on one ear of corn make an ill agreement.

Two birds of prey do not keep company with each other.

When two friends have a common purse, one sings and the other weeps.

When two ride on one horse, one must sit behind.


One thing at a time.


Naught is never in danger.


A burnt child dreads the fire.

A scalded cat dreads / fears (even )cold water.

Burnt bairns dread the fire.

He that has been bitten by a serpent(大蛇), is afraid of a rope.

He who has once burnt his mouth always blows his soup.

Once bit / bitten, twice shy.

The burnt child fears the fire.

The dog that has been beaten with a stick is afraid of its shadow.

The scalded(烫伤的)cat / dog fears cold water.

Whom a serpent has bitten fears a lizard.


Well fed, well bred.


Wonders will never cease.


The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb.


No joy without alloy.

No joy without annoy.

There is no joy without alloy.


Even / Every advantage has its disadvantage.

Even a hair has its shadow.

Every day hath its night, every weal its woe.

Every light has its shadow.

Every white has its black, and every sweet its sour.

Everything has two sides: the advantage and the disadvantages.

Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.

No garden without its weeds.

No sunshine but hath its shade / some shade.

No wine without lees(渣滓).

There are lees to every wine.

Roses grow among thorns.


Every rule has its exception.

No rule without an exception.

There is no rule without an exception.


Every tide hath its ebb.


You can’t make omelets without breaking eggs.

Omelets are not made without breaking eggs.


Dry shoes won’t catch fish.

He who would catch fish must not mind getting wet.

One cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs.


Have at it, and have it.


The hand that gives gathers.


There are faults from which none of us is / are free.


Follow glory and it will flee, flee glory, and it will follow you.

Follow love, and it will flee, flee love, and it will follow thee.

Follow pleasure and it will flee you; flee pleasure and it will follow you.

The net of the sleeper catches fish.


Quality without quantity is little thought of.


Grasp all, lose all.


Try to please everyone and you will please no one.


A hasty man is seldom out of trouble.

A hasty man never wants woe.

A short cut is often a wrong cut.

A watched pot never boils.

A watched pot is long in boiling.

Do in haste and repent at leisure.

Fool’s haste is no speed.

Great haste makes great waste.

Haste makes waste.

He that leaves the highway to cut short, commonly goes about.

Hasten slowly.

Make haste slowly.