
第15章 爱的错误也美丽(8)

We slid into a booth and our conversation picked up where it left off before. He, too, was making a career change and was moving back to South Africa. His departure date was one week before mine. Now I knew I had to calm my pounding heart. We obviously had no future together. He took my phone number and invited me to dinner sometime. I accepted, suppressing my sadness, knowing I would be leaving in two short weeks and the date would probably never happen.

But it did. He picked me up a few days later for a movie and dinner. We talked for hours about our lives, our hopes, our separate dreams--- mine in New York, his in South Africa. Never had I spoken so freely, so comfortably, with a man. He reached across the table and took my hand. I thought I saw in his eyes the same love l felt swelling in my hear. He said, "I"m just sorry I met you only one week before l leave."

"We still have seven days, " I said meekly.

"Then let"s make the most of it." He helped me on with my sweater. Hand in hand, we strolled to the car and made plans for the next day and the next and the next. As he drove me home, Tracy Chapman sang, "Give me one reason to stay, and I"ll turn right back around." Was his heart singing along like mine?

We spent part of every day together for the next week. I knew I was falling in love, but dared not speak it. I couldn"t upset our chances for a lifetime.

" And I know he loves me, too," l moaned to Stacy over a cup of coffee in my near-empty restaurant. "We"ve even talked about trying to get together over holidays. He"s meeting me here soon to bring me a gift to remember him by."

Just then, Bary strolled in. I stood to welcome his arms around me. We sat, sipping our coffee. "I will miss you so much, "he said softly. "But I know you"ll think of me whenever you hear this. "He placed a Tracy Chapman CD on the table in front of me. Then he pointed to the song title, Just Give Me One Reason. "We can listen to the same music and remember each other."

"Oh, and one more thing to remember me by." He set a small box on top of the CD. The same awe I felt at our first meeting paralyzed me now. The love I saw in his eyes as we gazed across the table was gift enough for a lifetime. Finally I reached for the box and opened it slowly. A diamond ring!

"Michelle, I have loved you from the first moment I saw you. On our first date, even before we had coffee, l knew you were the woman I was going to marry. I woke up this morning, desperate, thinking, it"s May 3! In three days I"ll lose my angel. Sure, my career in South Africa is a chance in a lifetime, but you, Michelle, are my dream come true. Please marry me."

"Yes, Barry, yes, "I cried. "

I know what moving to New York means to you, but will you come with me to South Africa? I believe with all my heart, Michelle, that we were brought together on purpose. Nothing in my life is going as I planned it, but l know it"s all a part of a bigger plan." Barry chuckled. "God has a great sense of humor, but a poor sense of timing."

Exactly one year later, on May 3, we were married under an African sky. Our dream come true. Our chance of a lifetime.




我看着那英俊的家伙卷起他那宽松外套的衣袖。他桌边的同伴都全神贯注地望着他。我轻呼道;"哦!那正是我要嫁的男人。""的确不错,"斯泰西说。"不过,还是快说说你在纽约打算住哪儿?要知道我们都打算等你工作定了去那儿看你。" 我回答着她的问题,目光却不由自主地移向那个神采飞扬的男人。









"你好,"他温柔地说道。"现在有空喝杯咖啡吗? "





"那么就让我们充分地享受它们吧,"说着,他帮我穿上外套。我们手牵着手走向汽车,计划着我们的明天以及明天的明天。在他开车送我回家的路上,我心中响起了特蕾西?查普曼的歌? "给我一个留下的理由,我将会回头……"。不知他心里是否也在和我一起歌唱呢?





"米歇尔,我见到你的第一眼便深深地爱上了你。在我们第一次约会之前,不,甚至在我们一起喝咖啡之前,我已经知道你是我要娶的女人。今天早上,我睁开眼睛,一想到已经是5月3号,我绝望极了,再过三天,我将失去我的天使。的确,在非洲的事业是我生命中的一个转机。可是你。米歇尔,让我的梦想成真。请嫁给我吧,亲爱的米歇尔? "


"我知道到纽约对你意味着什么,可是你能到南非和我一同生活吗?我深深地感到,米歇尔,我们的相遇是上天的安排。我生活中的许多事都与计划背道而驰。可我相信那都是一个更大计划的组成部分? "巴里笑言:"上帝的确够幽默,可却不太会安排时间。"


Bug Spray #5


Our wedding was on October 14, 1996. But our marriage began three weeks later. We were dressed up and on our way to the swankiest restaurant in town. We had saved all week for the big splurge.

One problem—my bride was wearing the most horrible perfume ever manufactured. Smelled like a mixture of mustard gas, black pepper, and vaporized maple syrup. I still get queasy thinking about it.

We had stopped at a railroad crossing. It was cold outside. The windows were up and the heater was on. My nose and lungs silently begged for mercy. But I didn’t want to upset my bride with a comment about her perfume.