
第1章 序






The purpose of this thesis is to examine the developments of Turkish political modernization with respect to Islam from the Ottoman Empire to the present.Hence,the initial chapters has been devoted to a look at the character of Islam and the political reform with respect to Islam in Ottoman Empire.Then,there is a chapter which deal with the Ataturk period when the Turkish national liberation war took place and most of the Turkish secularism reforms were carried out,So that the turkish state declared a farewell to the Ottoman’s past.However,the superficiality of Ataturk’S reform was one of the most important reasons which result in the revival of Islam after the World War TWO.

Despite laws that clearly supported secularism,Islam made inroads into politics in Turkey during and after the transition to a multiparty-system.In general,various political parties that were in power or vied for power after 1 946 became more Liberal,if not lax,in interpreting such laws,The main reason for this appears to be the possibilities of manipulation and exploitation of lslam for political purposes.Although the Democratic Party tried to avoid excesses of reaction,it sometimes had difficulties in controlling outbursts of reaction,which were one of the reasons for the military coup of may 27,1960.The Justice Party,on the other hand,considered itself heir to the then defunct Democratic Party,and took a similar attitude to ward Islam and secularism.The committee of National Unity and the coalition government under premiership of Ismet Inonu did not exploit Islam.The military regime allowed the innovations of recent years to remain as they were.Military intervention in 1 960 merely speeded uD the dichotomous evolution of Turkish nationalism.With the election of a Justice Party government in 1965 dividisions soon emerged between the capitalist secularist faction and the minority nationalist—sacredist faction.fore shadowing the nationalist—Islamic synthesis within the Motherland Party government of Turgut Ozal and Refah of Erbakan.

In 1 970 the National order party was established,the forerunner of the National Salvation Party in the 1 970s and the Refah in 1980s,all led by Erbakan and Promoting a revived Muslim consciousness,The military intervention of 1980 constituted another watershed in the life of the Republic that Islamic values were regarded by the military as a necessary antidote to the extremism of the late 1970s.Both General Kenan Evren and Prime Minister Ozal repeatedly stressed the importance of religious values in the fabric of Turkish nationalism.In party political terms the most striking aspect of Islamic revivalism has been the growth of the Refah Party,and after all the government of Refah Party resigned under the oppression of secularists,especially the military.

Although Islamic revival has developed very greatly and Islam has made inroads into politics,modernization and secularism are still the mainstream in the Turkish society and Turkish Politics.