书城外语Le Mort d'Arthur

第205章 BOOK X(57)

How Sir Palomides and Sir Safere conducted Sir Epinogris to his castle,and of other adventures.

THEN Sir Palomides took the lady by the hand and brought her to Sir Epinogris,and there was great joy betwixt them,for either swooned for joy.When they were met:Fair knight and lady,said Sir Safere,it were pity to depart you;Jesu send you joy either of other.

Gramercy,gentle knight,said Epinogris;and much more thanks be to my lord Sir Palomides,that thus hath through his prowess made me to get my lady.Then Sir Epinogris required Sir Palomides and Sir Safere,his brother,to ride with them unto his castle,for the safeguard of his person.Sir,said Palomides,we will be ready to conduct you because that ye are sore wounded;and so was Epinogris and his lady horsed,and his lady behind him upon a soft ambler.And then they rode unto his castle,where they had great cheer and joy,as great as ever Sir Palomides and Sir Safere had in their life-days.

So on the morn Sir Safere and Sir Palomides departed,day until after noon.And at the last they heard a great weeping and a great noise down in a manor.Sir,said then Sir Safere,let us wit what noise this is.I will well,said Sir Palomides.And so they rode forth till that they came to a fair gate of a manor,and there sat an old man saying his prayers and beads.Then Sir Palomides and Sir Safere alighted and left their horses,and went within the gates,and there they saw full many goodly men weeping.Fair sirs,said Palomides,wherefore weep ye and make this sorrow?Anon one of the knights of the castle beheld Sir Palomides and knew him,and then went to his fellows and said:Fair fellows,wit ye well all,we have in this castle the same knight that slew our lord at Lonazep,for I know him well;it is Sir Palomides.Then they went unto harness,all that might bear harness,some on horseback and some on foot,to the number of three score.

And when they were ready they came freshly upon Sir Palomides and upon Sir Safere with a great noise,and said thus:Keep thee,Sir Palomides,for thou art known,and by right thou must be dead,for thou hast slain our lord;and therefore wit ye well we will slay thee,therefore defend thee.

Then Sir Palomides and Sir Safere,the one set his back to the other,and gave many great strokes,and took many great strokes;and thus they fought with a twenty knights and forty gentlemen and yeomen nigh two hours.But at the last though they were loath,Sir Palomides and Sir Safere were taken and yolden,and put in a strong prison;and within three days twelve knights passed upon them,and they found Sir Palomides guilty,and Sir Safere not guilty,of their lord's death.And when Sir Safere should be delivered there was great dole betwixt Sir Palomides and him,and many piteous complaints that Sir Safere made at his departing,there is no maker can rehearse the tenth part.Fair brother,said Palomides,let be thy dolour and thy sorrow.And if I be ordained to die a shameful death,welcome be it;but an I had wist of this death that I am deemed unto,I should never have been yolden.So Sir Safere departed from his brother with the greatest dolour and sorrow that ever made knight.

And on the morn they of the castle ordained twelve knights to ride with Sir Palomides unto the father of the same knight that Sir Palomides slew;and so they bound his legs under an old steed's belly.And then they rode with Sir Palomides unto a castle by the seaside,that hight Pelownes,and there Sir Palomides should have justice.

Thus was their ordinance;and so they rode with Sir Palomides fast by the castle of Joyous Gard.And as they passed by that castle there came riding out of that castle by them one that knew Sir Palomides.And when that knight saw Sir Palomides bounden upon a crooked courser,the knight asked Sir Palomides for what cause he was led so.Ah,my fair fellow and knight,said Palomides,I ride toward my death for the slaying of a knight at a tournament of Lonazep;and if I had not departed from my lord Sir Tristram,as I ought not to have done,now might I have been sure to have had my life saved;but Ipray you,sir knight,recommend me unto my lord,Sir Tristram,and unto my lady,Queen Isoud,and say to them if ever I trespassed to them I ask them forgiveness.

And also I beseech you recommend me unto my lord,King Arthur,and to all the fellowship of the Round Table,unto my power.Then that knight wept for pity of Sir Palomides;and therewithal he rode unto Joyous Gard as fast as his horse might run,and lightly that knight descended down off his horse and went unto Sir Tristram,and there he told him all as ye have heard,and ever the knight wept as he had been mad.


How Sir Tristram made him ready to rescue Sir Palomides,but Sir Launcelot rescued him or he came.

WHEN Sir Tristram heard how Sir Palomides went to his death,he was heavy to hear that,and said:Howbeit that I am wroth with Sir Palomides,yet will not I suffer him to die so shameful a death,for he is a full noble knight.And then anon Sir Tristram was armed and took his horse and two squires with him,and rode a great pace toward the castle of Pelownes where Sir Palomides was judged to death.

And these twelve knights that led Sir Palomides passed by a well whereas Sir Launcelot was,which was alighted there,and had tied his horse to a tree,and taken off his helm to drink of that well;and when he saw these knights,Sir Launcelot put on his helm and suffered them to pass by him.And then was he ware of Sir Palomides bounden,and led shamefully to his death.O Jesu,said Launcelot,what misadventure is befallen him that he is thus led toward his death?Forsooth,said Launcelot,it were shame to me to suffer this noble knight so to die an I might help him,therefore I will help him whatsomever come of it,or else I shall die for Sir Palomides'sake.And then Sir Launcelot mounted upon his horse,and gat his spear in his hand,and rode after the twelve knights that led Sir Palomides.Fair knights,said Sir Launcelot,whither lead ye that knight?it beseemeth him full ill to ride bounden.