书城外语Le Mort d'Arthur

第143章 BOOK IX(23)

Had not ye been we had not lost Sir Tristram,for he was here daily unto the time ye met with him,and in an evil time,said Arthur,ye encountered with him.My lord Arthur,said Launcelot,ye put upon me that I should be cause of his departition;God knoweth it was against my will.But when men be hot in deeds of arms oft they hurt their friends as well as their foes.And my lord,said Sir Launcelot,ye shall understand that Sir Tristram is a man that I am loath to offend,for he hath done for me more than ever I did for him as yet.But then Sir Launcelot made bring forth a book:and then Sir Launcelot said:Here we are ten knights that will swear upon a book never to rest one night where we rest another this twelvemonth until that we find Sir Tristram.

And as for me,said Sir Launcelot,I promise you upon this book that an I may meet with him,either with fairness or foulness Ishall bring him to this court,or else I shall die therefore.

And the names of these ten knights that had undertaken this quest were these following:First was Sir Launcelot,Sir Ector de Maris,Sir Bors de Ganis,and Bleoberis,and Sir Blamore de Ganis,and Lucan the Butler,Sir Uwaine,Sir Galihud Lionel,and Galiodin.So these ten noble knights departed from the court of King Arthur,and so they rode upon their quest together until they came to a cross where departed four ways,and there departed the fellowship in four to seek Sir Tristram.

And as Sir Launcelot rode by adventure he met with Dame Bragwaine that was sent into that country to seek Sir Tristram,and she fled as fast as her palfrey might go.So Sir Launcelot met with her and asked her why she fled.Ah,fair knight,said Dame Bragwaine,I flee for dread of my life,for here followeth me Sir Breuse Saunce Pite to slay me.Hold you nigh me,said Sir Launcelot.Then when Sir Launcelot saw Sir Breuse Saunce Pite,Sir Launcelot cried unto him,and said:False knight destroyer of ladies and damosels,now thy last days be come.When Sir Breuse Saunce Pite saw Sir Launcelot's shield he knew it well,for at that time he bare not the arms of Cornwall,but he bare his own shield.And then Sir Breuse fled,and Sir Launcelot followed after him.But Sir Breuse was so well horsed that when him list to flee he might well flee,and also abide when him list.And then Sir Launcelot returned unto Dame Bragwaine,and she thanked him of his great labour.


How Sir Tristram,Sir Palomides,and Sir Dinadan were taken and put in prison.

NOW will we speak of Sir Lucan the butler,that by fortune he came riding to the same place thereas was Sir Tristram,and in he came in none other intent but to ask harbour.Then the porter asked what was his name.Tell your lord that my name is Sir Lucan,the butler,a Knight of the Round Table.So the porter went unto Sir Darras,lord of the place,and told him who was there to ask harbour.Nay,nay,said Sir Daname,that was nephew to Sir Darras,say him that he shall not be lodged here,but let him wit that I,Sir Daname,will meet with him anon,and bid him make him ready.So Sir Daname came forth on horseback,and there they met together with spears,and Sir Lucan smote down Sir Daname over his horse's croup,and then he fled into that place,and Sir Lucan rode after him,and asked after him many times.

Then Sir Dinadan said to Sir Tristram:It is shame to see the lord's cousin of this place defoiled.Abide,said Sir Tristram,and I shall redress it.And in the meanwhile Sir Dinadan was on horseback,and he jousted with Lucan the butler,and there Sir Lucan smote Dinadan through the thick of the thigh,and so he rode his way;and Sir Tristram was wroth that Sir Dinadan was hurt,and followed after,and thought to avenge him;and within a while he overtook Sir Lucan,and bade him turn;and so they met together so that Sir Tristram hurt Sir Lucan passing sore and gave him a fall.With that came Sir Uwaine,a gentle knight,and when he saw Sir Lucan so hurt he called Sir Tristram to joust with him.Fair knight,said Sir Tristram,tell me your name Irequire you.Sir knight,wit ye well my name is Sir Uwaine le Fise de Roy Ureine.Ah,said Sir Tristram,by my will I would not have ado with you at no time.Ye shall not so,said Sir Uwaine,but ye shall have ado with me.And then Sir Tristram saw none other bote,but rode against him,and overthrew Sir Uwaine and hurt him in the side,and so he departed unto his lodging again.And when Sir Dinadan understood that Sir Tristram had hurt Sir Lucan he would have ridden after Sir Lucan for to have slain him,but Sir Tristram would not suffer him.Then Sir Uwaine let ordain an horse litter,and brought Sir Lucan to the abbey of Ganis,and the castle thereby hight the Castle of Ganis,of the which Sir Bleoberis was lord.And at that castle Sir Launcelot promised all his fellows to meet in the quest of Sir Tristram.