But,on the other hand,there is no doubt either,that the King's officers and men punished the good monks with the bad;did great injustice;demolished many beautiful things and many valuable libraries;destroyed numbers of paintings,stained glass windows,fine pavements,and carvings;and that the whole court were ravenously greedy and rapacious for the division of this great spoil among them.The King seems to have grown almost mad in the ardour of this pursuit;for he declared Thomas a Becket a traitor,though he had been dead so many years,and had his body dug up out of his grave.He must have been as miraculous as the monks pretended,if they had told the truth,for he was found with one head on his shoulders,and they had shown another as his undoubted and genuine head ever since his death;it had brought them vast sums of money,too.The gold and jewels on his shrine filled two great chests,and eight men tottered as they carried them away.
How rich the monasteries were you may infer from the fact that,when they were all suppressed,one hundred and thirty thousand pounds a year-in those days an immense sum-came to the Crown.
These things were not done without causing great discontent among the people.The monks had been good landlords and hospitable entertainers of all travellers,and had been accustomed to give away a great deal of corn,and fruit,and meat,and other things.
In those days it was difficult to change goods into money,in consequence of the roads being very few and very bad,and the carts,and waggons of the worst deion;and they must either have given away some of the good things they possessed in enormous quantities,or have suffered them to spoil and moulder.So,many of the people missed what it was more agreeable to get idly than to work for;and the monks who were driven out of their homes and wandered about encouraged their discontent;and there were,consequently,great risings in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire.These were put down by terrific executions,from which the monks themselves did not escape,and the King went on grunting and growling in his own fat way,like a Royal pig.
I have told all this story of the religious houses at one time,to make it plainer,and to get back to the King's domestic affairs.
The unfortunate Queen Catherine was by this time dead;and the King was by this time as tired of his second Queen as he had been of his first.As he had fallen in love with Anne when she was in the service of Catherine,so he now fell in love with another lady in the service of Anne.See how wicked deeds are punished,and how bitterly and self-reproachfully the Queen must now have thought of her own rise to the throne!The new fancy was a LADY JANE SEYMOUR;
and the King no sooner set his mind on her,than he resolved to have Anne Boleyn's head.So,he brought a number of charges against Anne,accusing her of dreadful crimes which she had never committed,and implicating in them her own brother and certain gentlemen in her service:among whom one Norris,and Mark Smeaton a musician,are best remembered.As the lords and councillors were as afraid of the King and as subservient to him as the meanest peasant in England was,they brought in Anne Boleyn guilty,and the other unfortunate persons accused with her,guilty too.Those gentlemen died like men,with the exception of Smeaton,who had been tempted by the King into telling lies,which he called confessions,and who had expected to be pardoned;but who,I am very glad to say,was not.There was then only the Queen to dispose of.She had been surrounded in the Tower with women spies;had been monstrously persecuted and foully slandered;and had received no justice.But her spirit rose with her afflictions;
And,after having in vain tried to soften the King by writing an affecting letter to him which still exists,'from her doleful prison in the Tower,'she resigned herself to death.She said to those about her,very cheerfully,that she had heard say the executioner was a good one,and that she had a little neck (she laughed and clasped it with her hands as she said that),and would soon be out of her pain.And she WAS soon out of her pain,poor creature,on the Green inside the Tower,and her body was flung into an old box and put away in the ground under the chapel.
There is a story that the King sat in his palace listening very anxiously for the sound of the cannon which was to announce this new murder;and that,when he heard it come booming on the air,he rose up in great spirits and ordered out his dogs to go a-hunting.
He was bad enough to do it;but whether he did it or not,it is certain that he married Jane Seymour the very next day.
I have not much pleasure in recording that she lived just long enough to give birth to a son who was christened EDWARD,and then to die of a fever:for,I cannot but think that any woman who married such a ruffian,and knew what innocent blood was on his hands,deserved the axe that would assuredly have fallen on the neck of Jane Seymour,if she had lived much longer.
Cranmer had done what he could to save some of the Church property for purposes of religion and education;but,the great families had been so hungry to get hold of it,that very little could be rescued for such objects.Even MILES COVERDALE,who did the people the inestimable service of translating the Bible into English (which the unreformed religion never permitted to be done),was left in poverty while the great families clutched the Church lands and money.The people had been told that when the Crown came into possession of these funds,it would not be necessary to tax them;