She was moving now inside the room hurriedly and in silence.He waited.There was a moment of perfect stillness in there,and then she spoke in an exhausted voice,in words that were shaped out of an expiring sigh--out of a sigh light and profound,like words breathed out by a woman before going off into a dead faint--"Come in."
He pushed the door.Ali,coming through the passage with an armful of pillows and blankets pressed to his breast high up under his chin,caught sight of his master before the door closed behind him.He was so astonished that he dropped his bundle and stood staring at the door for a long time.He heard the voice of his master talking.Talking to that Sirani woman!Who was she?
He had never thought about that really.He speculated for a while hazily upon things in general.She was a Sirani woman--and ugly.He made a disdainful grimace,picked up the bedding,and went about his work,slinging the hammock between two uprights of the verandah...Those things did not concern him.She was ugly,and brought here by the Rajah Laut,and his master spoke to her in the night.Very well.He,Ali,had his work to do.
Sling the hammock--go round and see that the watchmen were awake--take a look at the moorings of the boats,at the padlock of the big storehouse--then go to sleep.To sleep!He shivered pleasantly.He leaned with both arms over his master's hammock and fell into a light doze.
A scream,unexpected,piercing--a scream beginning at once in the highest pitch of a woman's voice and then cut short,so short that it suggested the swift work of death--caused Ali to jump on one side away from the hammock,and the silence that succeeded seemed to him as startling as the awful shriek.He was thunderstruck with surprise.Almayer came out of the office,leaving the door ajar,passed close to his servant without taking any notice,and made straight for the water-chatty hung on a nail in a draughty place.He took it down and came back,missing the petrified Ali by an inch.He moved with long strides,yet,notwithstanding his haste,stopped short before the door,and,throwing his head back,poured a thin stream of water down his throat.While he came and went,while he stopped to drink,while he did all this,there came steadily from the dark room the sound of feeble and persistent crying,the crying of a sleepy and frightened child.After he had drunk,Almayer went in,closing the door carefully.
Ali did not budge.That Sirani woman shrieked!He felt an immense curiosity very unusual to his stolid disposition.He could not take his eyes off the door.Was she dead in there?
How interesting and funny!He stood with open mouth till he heard again the rattle of the door-handle.Master coming out.
He pivoted on his heels with great rapidity and made believe to be absorbed in the contemplation of the night outside.He heard Almayer moving about behind his back.Chairs were displaced.
His master sat down.
"Ali,"said Almayer.
His face was gloomy and thoughtful.He looked at his head man,who had approached the table,then he pulled out his watch.It was going.Whenever Lingard was in Sambir Almayer's watch was going.He would set it by the cabin clock,telling himself every time that he must really keep that watch going for the future.
And every time,when Lingard went away,he would let it run down and would measure his weariness by sunrises and sunsets in an apathetic indifference to mere hours;to hours only;to hours that had no importance in Sambir life,in the tired stagnation of empty days;when nothing mattered to him but the quality of guttah and the size of rattans;where there were no small hopes to be watched for;where to him there was nothing interesting,nothing supportable,nothing desirable to expect;nothing bitter but the slowness of the passing days;nothing sweet but the hope,the distant and glorious hope--the hope wearying,aching and precious,of getting away.
He looked at the watch.Half-past eight.Ali waited stolidly.
"Go to the settlement,"said Almayer,"and tell Mahmat Banjer to come and speak to me to-night."Ali went off muttering.He did not like his errand.Banjer and his two brothers were Bajow vagabonds who had appeared lately in Sambir and had been allowed to take possession of a tumbledown abandoned hut,on three posts,belonging to Lingard &Co.,and standing just outside their fence.Ali disapproved of the favour shown to those strangers.Any kind of dwelling was valuable in Sambir at that time,and if master did not want that old rotten house he might have given it to him,Ali,who was his servant,instead of bestowing it upon those bad men.Everybody knew they were bad.It was well known that they had stolen a boat from Hinopari,who was very aged and feeble and had no sons;and that afterwards,by the truculent recklessness of their demeanour,they had frightened the poor old man into holding his tongue about it.Yet everybody knew of it.It was one of the tolerated scandals of Sambir,disapproved and accepted,a manifestation of that base acquiescence in success,of that inexpressed and cowardly toleration of strength,that exists,infamous and irremediable,at the bottom of all hearts,in all societies;whenever men congregate;in bigger and more virtuous places than Sambir,and in Sambir also,where,as in other places,one man could steal a boat with impunity while another would have no right to look at a paddle.
Almayer,leaning back in his chair,meditated.The more he thought,the more he felt convinced that Banjer and his brothers were exactly the men he wanted.Those fellows were sea gipsies,and could disappear without attracting notice;and if they returned,nobody--and Lingard least of all--would dream of seeking information from them.Moreover,they had no personal interest of any kind in Sambir affairs--had taken no sides--would know nothing anyway.
He called in a strong voice:"Mrs.Willems!"She came out quickly,almost startling him,so much did she appear as though she had surged up through the floor,on the other side of the table.The lamp was between them,and Almayer moved it aside,looking up at her from his chair.She was crying.She was crying gently,silently,in a ceaseless welling up of tears that did not fall in drops,but seemed to overflow in a clear sheet from under her eyelids--seemed to flow at once all over her face,her cheeks,and over her chin that glistened with moisture in the light.Her breast and her shoulders were shaken repeatedly by a convulsive and noiseless catching in her breath,and after every spasmodic sob her sorrowful little head,tied up in a red kerchief,trembled on her long neck,round which her bony hand gathered and clasped the disarranged dress.
"Compose yourself,Mrs.Willems,"said Almayer.
She emitted an inarticulate sound that seemed to be a faint,a very far off,a hardly audible cry of mortal distress.Then the tears went on flowing in profound stillness.
"You must understand that I have told you all this because I am your friend--real friend,"said Almayer,after looking at her for some time with visible dissatisfaction."You,his wife,ought to know the danger he is in.Captain Lingard is a terrible man,you know."She blubbered out,sniffing and sobbing together.
"Do truth now?""Upon my word of honour.On the head of my child,"protested Almayer."I had to deceive you till now because of Captain Lingard.But I couldn't bear it.Think only what a risk I run in telling you--if ever Lingard was to know!Why should I do it?
Pure friendship.Dear Peter was my colleague in Macassar for years,you know.""What shall I do...what shall I do!"she exclaimed,faintly,looking around on every side as if she could not make up her mind which way to rush off.
"You must help him to clear out,now Lingard is away.He offended Lingard,and that's no joke.Lingard said he would kill him.He will do it,too,"said Almayer,earnestly.She wrung her hands."Oh!the wicked man.The wicked,wicked man!"she moaned,swaying her body from side to side.
"Yes.Yes!He is terrible,"assented Almayer."You must not lose any time.I say!Do you understand me,Mrs.Willems?Think of your husband.Of your poor husband.How happy he will be.You will bring him his life--actually his life.Think of him."She ceased her swaying movement,and now,with her head sunk between her shoulders,she hugged herself with both her arms;and she stared at Almayer with wild eyes,while her teeth chattered,rattling violently and uninterruptedly,with a very loud sound,in the deep peace of the house.
"Oh!Mother of God!"she wailed."I am a miserable woman.Will he forgive me?The poor,innocent man.Will he forgive me?Oh,Mr.Almayer,he is so severe.Oh!help me...I dare not..You don't know what I've done to him...I daren't!...I can't!...God help me!"
The last words came in a despairing cry.Had she been flayed alive she could not have sent to heaven a more terrible,a more heartrending and anguished plaint.
"Sh!Sh!"hissed Almayer,jumping up."You will wake up everybody with your shouting."She kept on sobbing then without any noise,and Almayer stared at her in boundless astonishment.The idea that,maybe,he had done wrong by confiding in her,upset him so much that for a moment he could not find a connected thought in his head.
At last he said:"I swear to you that your husband is in such a position that he would welcome the devil...listen well to me...the devil himself if the devil came to him in a canoe.
Unless I am much mistaken,''he added,under his breath.Then again,loudly:"If you have any little difference to make up with him,I assure you--I swear to you--this is your time!"The ardently persuasive tone of his words--he thought--would have carried irresistible conviction to a graven image.He noticed with satisfaction that Joanna seemed to have got some inkling of his meaning.He continued,speaking slowly--"Look here,Mrs.Willems.I can't do anything.Daren't.But Iwill tell you what I will do.There will come here in about ten minutes a Bugis man--you know the language;you are from Macassar.He has a large canoe;he can take you there.To the new Rajah's clearing,tell him.They are three brothers,ready for anything if you pay have some money.Haven't you?"She stood--perhaps listening--but giving no sign of intelligence,and stared at the floor in sudden immobility,as if the horror of the situation,the overwhelming sense of her own wickedness and of her husband's great danger,had stunned her brain,her heart,her will--had left her no faculty but that of breathing and of keeping on her feet.Almayer swore to himself with much mental profanity that he had never seen a more useless,a more stupid being.
"D'ye hear me?"he said,raising his voice."Do try to understand.Have you any money?Money.Dollars.Guilders.Money!What's the matter with you?"
Without raising her eyes she said,in a voice that sounded weak and undecided as if she had been making a desperate effort of memory--"The house has been sold.Mr.Hudig was angry."Almayer gripped the edge of the table with all his strength.He resisted manfully an almost uncontrollable impulse to fly at her and box her ears.
"It was sold for money,I suppose,"he said with studied and incisive calmness."Have you got it?Who has got it?"She looked up at him,raising her swollen eyelids with a great effort,in a sorrowful expression of her drooping mouth,of her whole besmudged and tear-stained face.She whispered resignedly--"Leonard had some.He wanted to get married.And uncle Antonio;he sat at the door and would not go away.And Aghostina--she is so poor...and so many,many children--little children.And Luiz the engineer.He never said a word against my husband.
Also our cousin Maria.She came and shouted,and my head was so bad,and my heart was worse.Then cousin Salvator and old Daniel da Souza,who..."Almayer had listened to her speechless with rage.He thought:Imust give money now to that idiot.Must!Must get her out of the way now before Lingard is back.He made two attempts to speak before he managed to burst out--"I don't want to know their blasted names!Tell me,did all those infernal people leave you anything?To you!That's what Iwant to know!"
"I have two hundred and fifteen dollars,"said Joanna,in a frightened tone.
Almayer breathed freely.He spoke with great friendliness--"That will do.It isn't much,but it will do.Now when the man comes I will be out of the way.You speak to him.Give him some money;only a little,mind!And promise more.Then when you get there you will be guided by your husband,of course.And don't forget to tell him that Captain Lingard is at the mouth of the river--the northern entrance.You will remember.Won't you?
The northern branch.Lingard is--death."Joanna shivered.Almayer went on rapidly--"I would have given you money if you had wanted it.'Pon my word!Tell your husband I've sent you to him.And tell him not to lose any time.And also say to him from me that we shall meet--some day.That I could not die happy unless I met him once more.Only once.I love him,you know.I prove it.Tremendous risk to me--this business is!"Joanna snatched his hand and before he knew what she would be at,pressed it to her lips.
"Mrs.Willems!Don't.What are you..."cried the abashed Almayer,tearing his hand away.
"Oh,you are good!"she cried,with sudden exaltation,"You are noble...I shall pray every all the saints... I shall..."
"Never mind...never mind!"stammered out Almayer,confusedly,without knowing very well what he was saying."Only look out for Lingard...I am happy to be your sad situation...believe me..."They stood with the table between them,Joanna looking down,and her face,in the half-light above the lamp,appeared like a soiled carving of old ivory--a carving,with accentuated anxious hollows,of old,very old ivory.Almayer looked at her,mistrustful,hopeful.He was saying to himself:How frail she is!I could upset her by blowing at her.She seems to have got some idea of what must be done,but will she have the strength to carry it through?I must trust to luck now!
Somewhere far in the back courtyard Ali's voice rang suddenly in angry remonstrance--"Why did you shut the gate,O father of all mischief?You a watchman!You are only a wild man.Did I not tell you I was coming back?You...""I am off,Mrs.Willems,"exclaimed Almayer."That man is here--with my servant.Be calm.Try to..."He heard the footsteps of the two men in the passage,and without finishing his sentence ran rapidly down the steps towards the riverside.
For the next half-hour Almayer,who wanted to give Joanna plenty of time,stumbled amongst the lumber in distant parts of his enclosure,sneaked along the fences;or held his breath,flattened against grass walls behind various outhouses:all this to escape Ali's inconveniently zealous search for his master.He heard him talk with the head watchman--sometimes quite close to him in the darkness--then moving off,coming back,wondering,and,as the time passed,growing uneasy.
"He did not fall into the river?--say,thou blind watcher!"Ali was growling in a bullying tone,to the other man."He told me to fetch Mahmat,and when I came back swiftly I found him not in the house.There is that Sirani woman there,so that Mahmat cannot steal anything,but it is in my mind,the night will be half gone before I rest."He shouted--
"Master!O master!O mast..."
"What are you making that noise for?"said Almayer,with severity,stepping out close to them.
The two Malays leaped away from each other in their surprise.
"You may go.I don't want you any more tonight,Ali,"went on Almayer."Is Mahmat there?""Unless the ill-behaved savage got tired of waiting.Those men know not politeness.They should not be spoken to by white men,"said Ali,resentfully.
Almayer went towards the house,leaving his servants to wonder where he had sprung from so unexpectedly.The watchman hinted obscurely at powers of invisibility possessed by the master,who often at night...Ali interrupted him with great scorn.Not every white man has the power.Now,the Rajah Laut could make himself invisible.Also,he could be in two places at once,as everybody knew;except he--the useless watchman--who knew no more about white men than a wild pig!Ya-wa!
And Ali strolled towards his hut,yawning loudly.
As Almayer ascended the steps he heard the noise of a door flung to,and when he entered the verandah he saw only Mahmat there,close to the doorway of the passage.Mahmat seemed to be caught in the very act of slinking away,and Almayer noticed that with satisfaction.Seeing the white man,the Malay gave up his attempt and leaned against the wall.He was a short,thick,broad-shouldered man with very dark skin and a wide,stained,bright-red mouth that uncovered,when he spoke,a close row of black and glistening teeth.His eyes were big,prominent,dreamy and restless.He said sulkily,looking all over the place from under his eyebrows--"White Tuan,you are great and strong--and I a poor man.Tell me what is your will,and let me go in the name of God.It is late."Almayer examined the man thoughtfully.How could he find out whether...He had it!Lately he had employed that man and his two brothers as extra boatmen to carry stores,provisions,and new axes to a camp of rattan cutters some distance up the river.A three days'expedition.He would test him now in that way.He said negligently--"I want you to start at once for the camp,with surat for the Kavitan.One dollar a day."The man appeared plunged in dull hesitation,but Almayer,who knew his Malays,felt pretty sure from his aspect that nothing would induce the fellow to go.He urged--"It is important--and if you are swift I shall give two dollars for the last day.""No,Tuan.We do not go,"said the man,in a hoarse whisper.
"We start on another journey."
"To a place we know of,"said Mahmat,a little louder,in a stubborn manner,and looking at the floor.
Almayer experienced a feeling of immense joy.He said,with affected annoyance--"You men live in my house and it is as if it were your own.Imay want my house soon."
Mahmat looked up.
"We are men of the sea and care not for a roof when we have a canoe that will hold three,and a paddle apiece.The sea is our house.Peace be with you,Tuan."He turned and went away rapidly,and Almayer heard him directly afterwards in the courtyard calling to the watchman to open the gate.Mahmat passed through the gate in silence,but before the bar had been put up behind him he had made up his mind that if the white man ever wanted to eject him from his hut,he would burn it and also as many of the white man's other buildings as he could safely get at.And he began to call his brothers before he was inside the dilapidated dwelling.
"All's well!"muttered Almayer to himself,taking some loose Java tobacco from a drawer in the table."Now if anything comes out Iam clear.I asked the man to go up the river.I urged him.He will say so himself.Good."He began to charge the china bowl of his pipe,a pipe with a long cherry stem and a curved mouthpiece,pressing the tobacco down with his thumb and thinking:No.I sha'n't see her again.
Don't want to.I will give her a good start,then go in chase--and send an express boat after father.Yes!that's it.
He approached the door of the office and said,holding his pipe away from his lips--"Good luck to you,Mrs.Willems.Don't lose any time.You may get along by the bushes;the fence there is out of repair.Don't lose time.Don't forget that it is a matter and death.And don't forget that I know nothing.I trust you."He heard inside a noise as of a chest-lid falling down.She made a few steps.Then a sigh,profound and long,and some faint words which he did not catch.He moved away from the door on tiptoe,kicked off his slippers in a corner of the verandah,then entered the passage puffing at his pipe;entered cautiously in a gentle creaking of planks and turned into a curtained entrance to the left.There was a big room.On the floor a small binnacle lamp--that had found its way to the house years ago from the lumber-room of the Flash--did duty for a night-light.It glimmered very small and dull in the great darkness.Almayer walked to it,and picking it up revived the flame by pulling the wick with his fingers,which he shook directly after with a grimace of pain.Sleeping shapes,covered--head and all--with white sheets,lay about on the mats on the floor.In the middle of the room a small cot,under a square white mosquito net,stood--the only piece of furniture between the four walls--looking like an altar of transparent marble in a gloomy temple.A woman,half-lying on the floor with her head dropped on her arms,which were crossed on the foot of the cot,woke up as Almayer strode over her outstretched legs.She sat up without a word,leaning forward,and,clasping her knees,stared down with sad eyes,full of sleep.
Almayer,the smoky light in one hand,his pipe in the other,stood before the curtained cot looking at his daughter--at his little Nina--at that part of himself,at that small and unconscious particle of humanity that seemed to him to contain all his soul.And it was as if he had been bathed in a bright and warm wave of tenderness,in a tenderness greater than the world,more precious than life;the only thing real,living,sweet,tangible,beautiful and safe amongst the elusive,the distorted and menacing shadows of existence.On his face,lit up indistinctly by the short yellow flame of the lamp,came a look of rapt attention while he looked into her future.And he could see things there!Things charming and splendid passing before him in a magic unrolling of resplendent pictures;pictures of events brilliant,happy,inexpressibly glorious,that would make up her life.He would do it!He would do it.He would!He would--for that child!And as he stood in the still night,lost in his enchanting and gorgeous dreams,while the ascending,thin thread of tobacco smoke spread into a faint bluish cloud above his head,he appeared strangely impressive and ecstatic:like a devout and mystic worshipper,adoring,transported and mute;burning incense before a shrine,a diaphanous shrine of a child-idol with closed eyes;before a pure and vaporous shrine of a small god--fragile,powerless,unconscious and sleeping.
When Ali,roused by loud and repeated shouting of his name,stumbled outside the door of his hut,he saw a narrow streak of trembling gold above the forests and a pale sky with faded stars overhead:signs of the coming day.His master stood before the door waving a piece of paper in his hand and shouting excitedly--"Quick,Ali!Quick!"When he saw his servant he rushed forward,and pressing the paper on him objurgated him,in tones which induced Ali to think that something awful had happened,to hurry up and get the whale-boat ready to go immediately--at once,at once--after Captain Lingard.Ali remonstrated,agitated also,having caught the infection of distracted haste.
"If must go quick,better canoe.Whale-boat no can catch,same as small canoe.""No,no!Whale-boat!whale-boat!You dolt!you wretch!"howled Almayer,with all the appearance of having gone mad."Call the men!Get along with it.Fly!"And Ali rushed about the courtyard kicking the doors of huts open to put his head in and yell frightfully inside;and as he dashed from hovel to hovel,men shivering and sleepy were coming out,looking after him stupidly,while they scratched their ribs with bewildered apathy.It was hard work to put them in motion.They wanted time to stretch themselves and to shiver a little.Some wanted food.One said he was sick.Nobody knew where the rudder was.Ali darted here and there,ordering,abusing,pushing one,then another,and stopping in his exertions at times to wring his hands hastily and groan,because the whale-boat was much slower than the worst canoe and his master would not listen to his protestations.
Almayer saw the boat go off at last,pulled anyhow by men that were cold,hungry,and sulky;and he remained on the jetty watching it down the reach.It was broad day then,and the sky was perfectly cloudless.Almayer went up to the house for a moment.His household was all astir and wondering at the strange disappearance of the Sirani woman,who had taken her child and had left her luggage.Almayer spoke to no one,got his revolver,and went down to the river again.He jumped into a small canoe and paddled himself towards the schooner.He worked very leisurely,but as soon as he was nearly alongside he began to hail the silent craft with the tone and appearance of a man in a tremendous hurry.
"Schooner ahoy!schooner ahoy!"he shouted.
A row of blank faces popped up above the bulwark.After a while a man with a woolly head of hair said--"Sir!"
"The mate!the mate!Call him,steward!"said Almayer,excitedly,making a frantic grab at a rope thrown down to him by somebody.
In less than a minute the mate put his head over.He asked,surprised--"What can I do for you,Mr.Almayer?"