One night he met, in a lonely wood, a dusty, black charcoal-burner, who was burning charcoal there, and had some potatoes by the fire, on which he was going to make a meal. Good evening, blackbird, said the youth. How do you get on in your solitude.
One day is like another, replied the charcoal-burner, and every night potatoes. Have you a mind to have some, and will you be my guest.
Many thanks, replied the traveler, I won't rob you of your supper, you did not reckon on a visitor, but if you will put up with what Ihave, you shall have an invitation. Who is to prepare it for you, said the charcoal-burner. I see that you have nothing with you, and there is no one within a two hours' walk who could give you anything.
And yet there shall be a meal, answered the youth, and better than any you have ever tasted. Thereupon he brought his cloth out of his knapsack, spread it on the ground, and said, little cloth, cover yourself, and instantly boiled meat and baked meat stood there, and as hot as if it had just come out of the kitchen.
The charcoal-burner stared with wide-open eyes, but did not require much pressing, he fell to, and thrust larger and larger mouthfuls into his black mouth. When they had eaten everything, the charcoal-burner smiled contentedly, and said, listen, your table-cloth has my approval, it would be a fine thing for me in this forest, where no one ever cooks me anything good. I will propose an exchange to you, there in the corner hangs a soldier's knapsack, which is certainly old and shabby, but in it lie concealed wonderful powers, but, as I no longer use it, I will give it to you for the table-cloth.
I must first know what these wonderful powers are, answered the youth.
That will I tell you, replied the charcoal-burner, every time you tap it with your hand, a corporal comes with six men armed from head to foot, and they do whatsover you command them. So far as I am concerned, said the youth, if nothing else can be done, we will exchange, and he gave the charcoal-burner the cloth, took the knapsack from the hook, put it on, and bade farewell. When he had walked a while, he wished to make a trial of the magical powers of his knapsack and tapped it. Immediately the seven warriors stepped up to him, and the corporal said, what does my lord and ruler wish for.
March with all speed to the charcoal-burner, and demand my wishing-cloth back. They faced to the left, and it was not long before they brought what he required, and had taken it from the charcoal-burner without asking many questions. The young man bade them retire, went onwards, and hoped fortune would shine yet more brightly on him. By sunset he came to another charcoal-burner, who was making his supper ready by the fire. If you will eat some potatoes with salt, but with no dripping, come and sit down with me, said the sooty fellow.
No, he replied, this time you shall be my guest, and he spread out his cloth, which was instantly covered with the most beautiful dishes. They ate and drank together, and enjoyed themselves heartily. After the meal was over, the charcoal-burner said, up there on that shelf lies a little old worn-out hat which has strange properties - the moment someone puts it on, and turns it round on his head, the cannons go off as if twelve were fired all together, and they demolish everything so that no one can withstand them. The hat is of no use to me, and I will willingly give it for your tablecloth.
That suits me very well, he answered, took the hat, put it on, and left his table-cloth behind him. But hardly had he walked away than he tapped on his knapsack, and his soldiers had to fetch the cloth back again. One thing comes on the top of another, thought he, and Ifeel as if my luck had not yet come to an end. Neither had his thoughts deceived him. After he had walked on for the whole of one day, he came to a third charcoal-burner, who like the previous one, invited him to potatoes without dripping. But he let him also dine with him from his wishing-cloth, and the charcoal-burner liked it so well, that at last he offered him a horn for it, which had very different properties from those of the hat. The moment someone blew it all the walls and fortifications fell down, and all towns and villages became ruins. For this he immediately gave the charcoal-burner the cloth, but he afterwards sent his soldiers to demand it back again, so that at length he had the knapsack, hat and horn, all three. Now, said he, I am a made man, and it is time for me to go home and see how my brothers are getting on.
When he reached home, his brothers had built themselves a handsome house with their silver and gold, and were living in clover. He went to see them, but as he came in a ragged coat, with his shabby hat on his head, and his old knapsack on his back, they would not acknowledge him as their brother. They mocked and said, you give out that you are our brother who despised silver and gold, and craved for something still better for himself. Such a person arrives in his carriage in full splendor like a mighty king, not like a beggar, and they drove him out of doors. Then he fell into a rage, and tapped his knapsack until a hundred and fifty men stood before him armed from head to foot. He commanded them to surround his brothers, house, and two of them were to take hazelsticks with them, and beat the two insolent men until they knew who he was.