"Well, Miss Dashwood," said Mrs.Jennings, sagaciously smiling, as soon as the gentleman had withdrawn, "I do not ask you what the Colonel has been saying to you;for though, upon my honour, I TRIED to keep out of hearing, I could not help catching enough to understand his business.
And I assure you I never was better pleased in my life, and I wish you joy of it with all my heart.""Thank you, ma'am," said Elinor."It is a matter of great joy to me; and I feel the goodness of Colonel Brandon most sensibly.There are not many men who would act as he has done.Few people who have so compassionate a heart! I never was more astonished in my life.""Lord! my dear, you are very modest.
I an't the least astonished at it in the world, for I have often thought of late, there was nothing more likely to happen.""You judged from your knowledge of the Colonel's general benevolence; but at least you could not foresee that the opportunity would so very soon occur.""Opportunity!" repeated Mrs.Jennings--"Oh!
as to that, when a man has once made up his mind to such a thing, somehow or other he will soon find an opportunity.
Well, my dear, I wish you joy of it again and again;and if ever there was a happy couple in the world, I think I shall soon know where to look for them.""You mean to go to Delaford after them I suppose,"said Elinor, with a faint smile.
"Aye, my dear, that I do, indeed.And as to the house being a bad one, I do not know what the Colonel would be at, for it is as good a one as ever I saw.""He spoke of its being out of repair."
"Well, and whose fault is that? why don't he repair it?--who should do it but himself?"
They were interrupted by the servant's coming in to announce the carriage being at the door; and Mrs.Jennings immediately preparing to go, said,--"Well, my dear, I must be gone before I have had half my talk out.But, however, we may have it all over in the evening; for we shall be quite alone.I do not ask you to go with me, for I dare say your mind is too full of the matter to care for company; and besides, you must long to tell your sister all about it."Marianne had left the room before the conversation began.
"Certainly, ma'am, I shall tell Marianne of it;but I shall not mention it at present to any body else.""Oh! very well," said Mrs.Jennings rather disappointed.
"Then you would not have me tell it to Lucy, for I think of going as far as Holborn to-day.""No, ma'am, not even Lucy if you please.
One day's delay will not be very material; and till Ihave written to Mr.Ferrars, I think it ought not to be mentioned to any body else.I shall do THAT directly.
It is of importance that no time should be lost with him, for he will of course have much to do relative to his ordination."This speech at first puzzled Mrs.Jennings exceedingly.
Why Mr.Ferrars was to have been written to about it in such a hurry, she could not immediately comprehend.
A few moments' reflection, however, produced a very happy idea, and she exclaimed;--"Oh, ho!--I understand you.Mr.Ferrars is to be the man.Well, so much the better for him.Ay, to be sure, he must be ordained in readiness; and I am very glad to find things are so forward between you.But, my dear, is not this rather out of character? Should not the Colonel write himself?--sure, he is the proper person."Elinor did not quite understand the beginning of Mrs.Jennings's speech, neither did she think it worth inquiring into; and therefore only replied to its conclusion.
"Colonel Brandon is so delicate a man, that he rather wished any one to announce his intentions to Mr.Ferrars than himself.""And so YOU are forced to do it.Well THAT is an odd kind of delicacy! However, I will not disturb you (seeing her preparing to write.) You know your own concerns best.
So goodby, my dear.I have not heard of any thing to please me so well since Charlotte was brought to bed."And away she went; but returning again in a moment, "I have just been thinking of Betty's sister, my dear.
I should be very glad to get her so good a mistress.
But whether she would do for a lady's maid, I am sure Ican't tell.She is an excellent housemaid, and works very well at her needle.However, you will think of all that at your leisure."1
How she should begin--how she should express herself in her note to Edward, was now all her concern.
The particular circumstances between them made a difficulty of that which to any other person would have been the easiest thing in the world; but she equally feared to say too much or too little, and sat deliberating over her paper, with the pen in her band, till broken in on by the entrance of Edward himself.
He had met Mrs.Jennings at the door in her way to the carriage, as he came to leave his farewell card; and she, after apologising for not returning herself, had obliged him to enter, by saying that Miss Dashwood was above, and wanted to speak with him on very particular business.
Elinor had just been congratulating herself, in the midst of her perplexity, that however difficult it might be to express herself properly by letter, it was at least preferable to giving the information by word of mouth, when her visitor entered, to force her upon this greatest exertion of all.Her astonishment and confusion were very great on his so sudden appearance.She had not seen him before since his engagement became public, and therefore not since his knowing her to be acquainted with it; which, with the consciousness of what she had been thinking of, and what she had to tell him, made her feel particularly uncomfortable for some minutes.
He too was much distressed; and they sat down together in a most promising state of embarrassment.--Whether he had asked her pardon for his intrusion on first coming into the room, he could not recollect; but determining to be on the safe side, he made his apology in form as soon as he could say any thing, after taking a chair.