书城公版The Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches

第276章 LEIGH HUNT(18)

"The miracle to-day is, that we find A lover true, not that a woman's kind."Collier's reply was severe and triumphant.One of his repartees we will quote, not as a favourable specimen of his manner, but because it was called forth by Congreve's characteristic affectation.The poet spoke of the Old Bachelor as a trifle to which he attached no value, and which had become public by a sort of accident, "I wrote it," he said," to amuse myself in a slow recovery from a fit of sickness." "What his disease was," replied Collier, "I am not to inquire, but it must be a very ill one to be worse than the remedy."All that Congreve gained by coming forward on this occasion, was that he completely deprived himself of the excuse which he might with justice have pleaded for his early offences."Why," asked Collier, "should the man laugh at the mischief of the boy, and make the disorders of his nonage his own, by an after approbation?"Congreve was not Collier's only opponent.Vanbrugh, Dennis, and Settle took the field.And from a passage in a contemporary satire, we are inclined to think that among the answers to the Short View was one written, or supposed to be written, by Wycherley.The victory remained with Collier.A great and rapid reform in almost all the departments of our lighter literature was the effect of his labours.A new race of wits and poets arose, who generally treated with reverence the great ties which bind society together, and whose very indecencies were decent when compared with those of the school which flourished during the last forty years of the seventeenth century.

This controversy probably prevented Congreve from fulfilling the engagements into which he had entered with the actors.It was not till 1700 that he produced the Way of the World, the most deeply meditated and the most brilliantly written of all his works.It wants, perhaps, the constant movement, the effervescence of animal spirits, which we find in love for Love.But the hysterical rants of Lady Wishfort, the meeting of Witwould and his brother, the country knight's courtship and his subsequent revel, and, above all, the chase and surrender of Millamant, are superior to anything that is to be found in the whole range of English comedy from the civil war downwards.It is quite inexplicable to us that this play should have failed on the stage.Yet so it was; and the author, already sore with the wounds which Collier had inflicted, was galled past endurance by this new stroke.He resolved never again to expose himself to the rudeness of a tasteless audience, and took leave of the theatre for ever.

He lived twenty-eight years longer, without adding to the high literary reputation which he had attained.He read much while he retained his eyesight, and now and then wrote a short essay, or put an idle tale into verse; but he appears never to have planned any considerable work.The miscellaneous pieces which he published in 1710 are of little value, and have long been forgotten.

The stock of fame which he had acquired by his comedies was sufficient, assisted by the graces of his manner and conversation, to secure for him a high place in the estimation of the world.During the winter, he lived among the most distinguished and agreeable people in London.His summers were passed at the splendid country-seats of ministers and peers.

Literary envy and political faction, which in that age respected nothing else, respected his repose.He professed to be one of the party of which his patron Montagu, now Lord Halifax, was the head.But he had civil words and small good offices for men of every shade of opinion.And men of every shade of opinion spoke well of him in return.

His means were for a long time scanty.The place which he had in possession barely enabled him to live with comfort.And, when the Tories came into power, some thought that he would lose even this moderate provision.But Harley, who was by no means disposed to adopt the exterminating policy of the October club, and who, with all his faults of understanding and temper, had a sincere kindness for men of genius, reassured the anxious poet by quoting very gracefully and happily the lines of Virgil,"Non obtusa adeo gestamus pectora Poeni, Nec tam aversus equos Tyria Sol jungit ab urbe."The indulgence with which Congreve was treated by the Tories was not purchased by any concession on his part which could justly offend the Whigs.It was his rare good fortune to share the triumph of his friends without having shared their proscription.

When the House of Hanover came to the throne, he partook largely of the prosperity of those with whom he was connected.The reversion to which he had been nominated twenty years before fell in.He was made secretary to the island of Jamaica; and his whole income amounted to twelve hundred a year, a fortune which, for a single man, was in that age not only easy but splendid.He continued, however, to practise the frugality which he had learned when he could scarce spare, as Swift tells us, a shilling to pay the chairman who carried him to Lord Halifax's.Though he had nobody to save for, he laid up at least as much as he spent.

The infirmities of age came early upon him.His habits had been intemperate; he suffered much from gout; and, when confined to his chamber, he had no longer the solace of literature.

Blindness, the most cruel misfortune that can befall the lonely student, made his books useless to him.He was thrown on society for all his amusement; and in society his good breeding and vivacity made him always welcome.

By the rising men of letters he was considered not as a rival, but as a classic.He had left their arena; he never measured his strength with them; and he was always loud in applause of their exertions.They could, therefore, entertain no jealousy of him and thought no more of detracting from his fame than of carping at the great men who had been lying a hundred years in Poets'