书城公版South Sea Tales


"I think it would be better to square away for Mangareva.With that breeze that is coming, you'll be there tomorrow evening.""But what if the fire breaks out? It is liable to do it any moment." "Have your boats ready in the falls.The same breeze will carry yourboats to Mangareva if the ship burns out from under."Captain Davenport debated for a moment, and then McCoy heard the question he had not wanted to hear, but which he knew was surely coming."I have no chart of Mangareva.On the general chart it is only a fly speck.I would not know where to look for the entrance into the lagoon.

Will you come along and pilot her in for me?" McCoy's serenity was unbroken.

"Yes, Captain," he said, with the same quiet unconcern with which he would have accepted an invitation to dinner; "I'll go with you to Mangareva."Again the crew was called aft, and the captain spoke to them from the break of the poop.

"We've tried to work her up, but you see how we've lost ground.She's setting off in a two-knot current.This gentleman is the Honorable McCoy, Chief Magistrate and Governor of Pitcairn Island.He will come along with us to Mangareva.So you see the situation is not so dangerous.He would not make such an offer if he thought he was going to lose his life.Besides, whatever risk there is, if he of his own free will come on board and take it, we can do no less.What do you say for Mangareva?"This time there was no uproar.'mcCoy's presence, the surety and calm that seemed to radiate from him, had had its effect.They conferred with one another in low voices.There was little urging.They were virtually unanimous, and they shoved the Cockney out as their spokesman.That worthy was overwhelmed with consciousness of the heroism of himself and his mates, and with flashing eyes he cried:

"By Gawd! If 'e will, we will!"

The crew mumbled its assent and started forward.

"One moment, Captain," McCoy said, as the other was turning to give orders to the mate."I must go ashore first."Mr.Konig was thunderstruck, staring at McCoy as if he were a madman.

"Go ashore!" the captain cried."What for? It will take you three hours to get there in your canoe."McCoy measured the distance of the land away, and nodded.

"Yes, it is six now.I won't get ashore till nine.The people cannot be assembled earlier than ten.As the breeze freshens up tonight, you can begin to work up against it, and pick me up at daylight tomorrow morning.""In the name of reason and common sense," the captain burst forth, "what do you want to assemble the people for? Don't you realize that my ship is burning beneath me?"McCoy was as placid as a summer sea, and the other's anger produced not the slightest ripple upon it.

"Yes, Captain," he cooed in his dove-like voice."I do realize that your ship is burning.That is why I am going with you to Mangareva.But I must get permission to go with you.It is our custom.It is an important matter when the governor leaves the island.The people's interests are at stake, and so they have the right to vote their permission or refusal.But they will give it, I know that.""Are you sure?" "Quite sure."

"Then if you know they will give it, why bother with getting it? Think of the delay--a whole night.""It is our custom," was the imperturbable reply."Also, I am the governor, and I must make arrangements for the conduct of the island during my absence.""But it is only a twenty-four hour run to Mangareva," the captain objected."Suppose it took you six times that long to return to windward; that would bring you back by the end of a week."McCoy smiled his large, benevolent smile.

"Very few vessels come to Pitcairn, and when they do, they are usually from San Francisco or from around the Horn.I shall be fortunate if I get back in six months.I may be away a year, and I may have to go to San Francisco in order to find a vessel that will bring me back.'my father once left Pitcairn to be gone three months, and two years passed before he could get back.Then, too, you are short of food.If you have to take to the boats, and the weather comes up bad, you may be days in reaching land.I can bring off two canoe loads of food in the morning.Dried bananas will be best.As the breeze freshens, you beat up against it.The nearer you are, the bigger loads I can bring off.Goodby."He held out his hand.The captain shook it, and was reluctant to let go.He seemed to cling to it as a drowning sailor clings to a life buoy.

"How do I know you will come back in the morning?" he asked.

"Yes, that's it!" cried the mate."How do we know but what he's skinning out to save his own hide?"McCoy did not speak.He looked at them sweetly and benignantly, and it seemed to them that they received a message from his tremendous certitude of soul.

The captain released his hand, and, with a last sweeping glance that embraced the crew in its benediction, McCoy went over the rail and descended into his canoe.

The wind freshened, and the Pyrenees, despite the foulness of her bottom, won half a dozen miles away from the westerly current.At daylight, with Pitcairn three miles to windward, Captain Davenport made out two canoes coming off to him.Again McCoy clambered up the side and dropped over the rail to the hot deck.He was followed by many packages of dried bananas, each package wrapped in dry leaves.

"Now, Captain," he said, "swing the yards and drive for dear life.You see, I am no navigator," he explained a few minutes later, as he stood by the captain aft, the latter with gaze wandering from aloft to overside as he estimated the Pyrenees' speed."You must fetch her to Mangareva.When you have picked up the land, then I will pilot her in.What do you think she is making?""Eleven," Captain Davenport answered, with a final glance at the water rushing past.