书城公版Sir Gibbie



In the mean time Fergus, dull as he was to doubt his own importance and success--for did not the public acknowledge both?--yet by degrees lost heart and hope so far as concerned Ginevra, and at length told the laird that, much as he valued his society, and was indebted for his kindness, he must deny himself the pleasure of visiting any more at the cottage--so plainly was his presence unacceptable to Miss Galbraith.The laird blustered against his daughter, and expostulated with the preacher, not forgetting to hint at the ingratitude of forsaking him, after all he had done and borne in the furthering of his interests: Jenny must at length come to see what reason and good sense required of her! But Fergus had at last learned his lesson, and was no longer to be blinded.Besides, there had lately come to his church a certain shopkeeper, retired rich, with one daughter; and as his hope of the dignity of being married to Ginevra faded, he had come to feel the enticement of Miss Lapraik's money and good looks--which gained in force considerably when he began to understand the serious off-sets there were to the honour of being son-in-law to Mr.Galbraith: a nobody as was old Lapraik in himself and his position, he was at least looked upon with respect, argued Fergus; and indeed the man was as honest as it is possible for any worshipper of Mammon to be.Fergus therefore received the laird's expostulations and encouragements with composure, but when at length, in his growing acidity, Mr.Galbraith reflected on his birth, and his own condescension in showing him friendship, Fergus left the house, never to go near it again.

Within three months, for a second protracted courtship was not to be thought of, he married Miss Lapraik, and lived respectable ever after--took to writing hymns, became popular afresh through his poetry, and exercised a double influence for the humiliation of Christianity.But what matter, while he counted himself fortunate, and thought himself happy! his fame spread; he had good health; his wife worshipped him; and if he had had a valet, I have no doubt he would have been a hero to him, thus climbing the topmost untrodden peak of the world's greatness.

When the next evening came, and Fergus did not appear, the laird fidgeted, then stormed, then sank into a moody silence.When the second night came, and Fergus did not come, the sequence was the same, with exasperated symptoms.Night after night passed thus, and Ginevra began to fear for her father's reason.She challenged him to play backgammon with her, but he scorned the proposal.She begged him to teach her chess, but he scouted the notion of her having wit enough to learn.She offered to read to him, entreated him to let her do something with him, but he repelled her every advance with contempt and surliness, which now and then broke into rage and vituperation.

As soon as Gibbie returned, Ginevra let him know how badly things were going with her father.They met, consulted, agreed that the best thing was to be married at once, made their preparations, and confident that, if asked, he would refuse his permission, proceeded, for his sake, as if they had had it.

One morning, as he sat at breakfast, Mr.Galbraith received from Mr.

Torrie, whom he knew as the agent in the purchase of Glashruach, and whom he supposed to have bought it for Major Culsalmon, a letter, more than respectful, stating that matters had come to light regarding the property which rendered his presence on the spot indispensable for their solution, especially as there might be papers of consequence in view of the points in question, in some drawer or cabinet of those he had left locked behind him.The present owner, therefore, through Mr.Torrie, begged most respectfully that Mr.Galbraith would sacrifice two days of his valuable time, and visit Glashruach.The result, he did not doubt, would be to the advantage of both parties.If Mr.Galbraith would kindly signify to Mr.Torrie his assent, a carriage and four, with postilions, that he might make the journey in all possible comfort, should be at his house the next morning, at ten o'clock, if that hour would be convenient.

For weeks the laird had been an unmitigated bore to himself, and the invitation laid hold upon him by the most projecting handle of his being, namely, his self-importance.He wrote at once to signify his gracious assent; and in the evening told his daughter he was going to Glashruach on business, and had arranged for Miss Kimble to come and stay with her till his return.