书城公版Sir Gibbie


ye ken, sir, gien it war hauden frae them, they wad but see deils an' cut their throts.""They're like to see deils ony gait er' lang," retorted the minister, relapsing into the vernacular for a moment.

"Ow, deed maybe, sir! but e'en the deils themsels war justifeed i'

their objection to bein' committed to their ain company afore their time."Mr.Sclater could not help smiling at the woman's readiness, and that was a point gained by her.An acquaintance with Scripture goes far with a Scotch ecclesiastic.Besides, the man had a redeeming sense of humour, though he did not know how to prize it, not believing it a gift of God.

"It's true, my woman," he answered."Ay! it said something for them, deils 'at they war, 'at they preferred the swine.But even the swine cudna bide them!"Encouraged by the condescension of the remark, but disinclined to follow the path of reflection it indicated, Mistress Croale ventured a little farther upon her own.

"Ye see, sir," she said, "as lang's there's whusky, it wull tak the throt-ro'd.It's the naitral w'y o' 't, ye see, to rin doon, an'

it's no mainner o' use gangin' again natur.Sae, allooin' the thing maun be, ye'll hae till alloo likewise, an' it's a trouth I'm tellin' ye, sir, 'at it's o' nae sma' consequence to the toon 'at the drucken craturs sud fill themsels wi' dacency--an' that's what Isee till.Gang na to the magistrate, sir; but as sune's ye hae gotten testimony--guid testimony though, sir--'at there's been disorder or immorawlity i' my hoose, come ye to me, an' I'll gie ye my han' to paper on't this meenute, 'at I'll gie up my chop, an'

lea' yer perris--an' may ye sune get a better i' my place.Sir, I'm like a mither to the puir bodies! An' gin ye drive them to Jock Thamson's, or Jeemie Deuk's, it'll be just like--savin' the word, Idinna inten' 't for sweirin', guid kens!--I say it'll just be dammin' them afore their time, like the puir deils.Hech! but it'll come sune eneuch, an' they're muckle to be peetied!""And when those victims of your vile ministrations," said the clergyman, again mounting his wooden horse, and setting it rocking, "find themselves where there will be no whisky to refresh them, where do you think you will be, Mistress Croale?""Whaur the Lord wulls," answered the woman."Whaur that may be, Iconfess I'm whiles laith to think.Only gien I was you, Maister Sclater, I wad think twise afore I made ill waur.""But hear me, Mistress Croale: it's not your besotted customers only I have to care for.Your soul is as precious in my sight as any of which I shall have to render an account.""As Mistress Bonniman's, for enstance?" suggested Mrs.Croale, interrogatively, and with just the least trace of pawkiness in the tone.

The city, large as it was, was yet not large enough to prevent a portion of the private affairs of individuals from coming to be treated as public property, and Mrs.Bonniman was a handsome and rich young widow, the rumour of whose acceptableness to Mr.Sclater had reached Mistress Croale's ear before ever she had seen the minister himself.An unmistakable shadow of confusion crossed his countenance; whereupon with consideration both for herself and him, the woman made haste to go on, as if she had but chosen her instance at merest random.

"Na, na, sir! what my sowl may be in the eyes o' my Maker, I hae ill tellin'," she said, "but dinna ye threip upo' me 'at it's o' the same vailue i' your eyes as the sowl o' sic a fine bonny, winsome leddy as yon.In trouth," she added, and shook her head mournfully, "I haena had sae mony preevileeges; an' maybe it'll be seen till, an' me passed ower a wheen easier nor some fowk.""I wouldn't have you build too much upon that, Mistress Croale,"said Mr.Sclater, glad to follow the talk down another turning, but considerably more afraid of rousing the woman than he had been before.

The remark drove her behind the categorical stockade of her religious merits.