
'Come! How should I know who kept the house? When I sent my servant on to you, I strolled in here because the place was new to me; and I had a natural curiosity in everything new and old, in these old scenes; and it was outside the town.I wanted to communicate with you, first, before appearing there.I wanted to know what people would say to me.I see by your manner that you can tell me.If it were not for your confounded caution, I should have been possessed of everything long ago.'

'Our caution!' returned the lawyer, 'speaking for Self and Craggs -deceased,' here Mr.Snitchey, glancing at his hat-band, shook his head, 'how can you reasonably blame us, Mr.Warden? It was understood between us that the subject was never to be renewed, and that it wasn't a subject on which grave and sober men like us (Imade a note of your observations at the time) could interfere.Our caution too! When Mr.Craggs, sir, went down to his respected grave in the full belief - '

'I had given a solemn promise of silence until I should return, whenever that might be,' interrupted Mr.Warden; 'and I have kept it.'

'Well, sir, and I repeat it,' returned Mr.Snitchey, 'we were bound to silence too.We were bound to silence in our duty towards ourselves, and in our duty towards a variety of clients, you among them, who were as close as wax.It was not our place to make inquiries of you on such a delicate subject.I had my suspicions, sir; but, it is not six months since I have known the truth, and been assured that you lost her.'

'By whom?' inquired his client.

'By Doctor Jeddler himself, sir, who at last reposed that confidence in me voluntarily.He, and only he, has known the whole truth, years and years.'

'And you know it?' said his client.

'I do, sir!' replied Snitchey; 'and I have also reason to know that it will be broken to her sister to-morrow evening.They have given her that promise.In the meantime, perhaps you'll give me the honour of your company at my house; being unexpected at your own.

But, not to run the chance of any more such difficulties as you have had here, in case you should be recognised - though you're a good deal changed; I think I might have passed you myself, Mr.

Warden - we had better dine here, and walk on in the evening.It's a very good place to dine at, Mr.Warden: your own property, by-the-bye.Self and Craggs (deceased) took a chop here sometimes, and had it very comfortably served.Mr.Craggs, sir,' said Snitchey, shutting his eyes tight for an instant, and opening them again, 'was struck off the roll of life too soon.'

'Heaven forgive me for not condoling with you,' returned Michael Warden, passing his hand across his forehead, 'but I'm like a man in a dream at present.I seem to want my wits.Mr.Craggs - yes -I am very sorry we have lost Mr.Craggs.' But he looked at Clemency as he said it, and seemed to sympathise with Ben, consoling her.

'Mr.Craggs, sir,' observed Snitchey, 'didn't find life, I regret to say, as easy to have and to hold as his theory made it out, or he would have been among us now.It's a great loss to me.He was my right arm, my right leg, my right ear, my right eye, was Mr.

Craggs.I am paralytic without him.He bequeathed his share of the business to Mrs.Craggs, her executors, administrators, and assigns.His name remains in the Firm to this hour.I try, in a childish sort of a way, to make believe, sometimes, he's alive.

You may observe that I speak for Self and Craggs - deceased, sir -deceased,' said the tender-hearted attorney, waving his pocket-handkerchief.

Michael Warden, who had still been observant of Clemency, turned to Mr.Snitchey when he ceased to speak, and whispered in his ear.

'Ah, poor thing!' said Snitchey, shaking his head.'Yes.She was always very faithful to Marion.She was always very fond of her.

Pretty Marion! Poor Marion! Cheer up, Mistress - you are married now, you know, Clemency.'

Clemency only sighed, and shook her head.

'Well, well! Wait till to-morrow,' said the lawyer, kindly.

'To-morrow can't bring back' the dead to life, Mister,' said Clemency, sobbing.

'No.It can't do that, or it would bring back Mr.Craggs, deceased,' returned the lawyer.'But it may bring some soothing circumstances; it may bring some comfort.Wait till to-morrow!'

So Clemency, shaking his proffered hand, said she would; and Britain, who had been terribly cast down at sight of his despondent wife (which was like the business hanging its head), said that was right; and Mr.Snitchey and Michael Warden went up-stairs; and there they were soon engaged in a conversation so cautiously conducted, that no murmur of it was audible above the clatter of plates and dishes, the hissing of the frying-pan, the bubbling of saucepans, the low monotonous waltzing of the jack - with a dreadful click every now and then as if it had met with some mortal accident to its head, in a fit of giddiness - and all the other preparations in the kitchen for their dinner.

To-morrow was a bright and peaceful day; and nowhere were the autumn tints more beautifully seen, than from the quiet orchard of the Doctor's house.The snows of many winter nights had melted from that ground, the withered leaves of many summer times had rustled there, since she had fled.The honey-suckle porch was green again, the trees cast bountiful and changing shadows on the grass, the landscape was as tranquil and serene as it had ever been; but where was she!

Not there.Not there.She would have been a stranger sight in her old home now, even than that home had been at first, without her.

But, a lady sat in the familiar place, from whose heart she had never passed away; in whose true memory she lived, unchanging, youthful, radiant with all promise and all hope; in whose affection - and it was a mother's now, there was a cherished little daughter playing by her side - she had no rival, no successor; upon whose gentle lips her name was trembling then.