
第48章 比较法研究(20)





Comments on FATF Evaluation and Combating Terrorist Financing Legal System in China

Jiang Xiaotong Huang Feng

Abstract:As terrorist financing is involved with the transfer of assets,it appears to be the problem in financial field.However,the formulation,enforcement and the supervision of terrorist financing regulations are depend on the establishment of legal system and how interrelated industries to comply with and enforce it.Since FATF's evaluation,China has made infinite progress on CTF regulations.The path our legal system strive to achieve is to modify the drawbacks in Evaluation Report and give a positive response to FATF New Standards.

Key words:FATF Evaluation,Anti-terrorist Financing,Money-laundering,Financial Regulation,International Cooperation 注释:

[1] 北京师范大学刑事法律科学研究院法学硕士。

[2] 北京师范大学刑事法律科学研究院教授,博士生导师。

[3] 联合国《制止向恐怖主义提供资助的国际公约》第2条第1款规定:本公约所称的犯罪,是指任何人以任何手段,直接或间接地非法和故意地提供或募集资金,其意图是将全部或部分资金用于,或者明知全部或部分资金将用于实施:(a)属附件所列条约之一的范围并经其定义为犯罪的一项行为;或(b)意图致使平民或在武装冲突情势下未积极参与敌对行动的任何其他人死亡或重伤的任何其他行为,如这些行为因其性质或相关情况旨在威吓人口,或迫使一国政府或一个国际组织采取或不采取行动。

[4] Vittori,J.(2011),Terrorist Financing and Resourcing,Palgrave Macmillan,Basingstoke.

[5] 该决议认为,必须紧急地加强措施,以便侦查和遏制为恐怖主义目的而进行的金融和资金流动,还必须防止恐怖分子利用洗钱等进行其他犯罪活动。

[6] 该决议要求所有成员国毫不拖延地冻结“基地组织”等实施恐怖主义罪性的个人、集团、企业和实体的资金和其他金融资产或经济资源。

[7] 全称"Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering" FATF,"History of the FATF,"www.oecd.org/fatf/,updated October 15,2012.

[8] 张鹿:《中国加入FATF的历程及未来反洗钱和反恐融资面临的挑战》,载《中国金融》,2007(15)。

[9] 黎宜春:《浅析FATF评估机制及其对我国反洗钱刑事立法的影响》,载《学术论坛》,2010(8)。

[10] FATF:summary of the Third Mutual Evaluation Report on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorist on the People's Republic of China,29 June 2007.

[11] FATF:summary of the First Mutual Evaluation Report on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorist on the People's Republic of China,29 June 2007.

[12] FATF:summary of the Third Mutual Evaluation Report on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorist on the People's Republic of China,29 June 2007.

[13] FATF:summary of the Third Mutual Evaluation Report on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorist on the People's Republic of China,29 June 2007. [14] 《关于加强反恐怖工作有关问题的决定》第2条,载《外交评论》,2011(3)。

[15] 朱杰进:《G20与中国反恐怖融资体系建设》,载《外交评论》,2011(3)。

[16] International Standards of Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism & Proliferation,The FATF Recommendations,February 2012.

[17] Richard K.Gordon.Losing the war against dirty money:rethinking global standards on preventing money laundering and terrorism financing.Duke journal of comparative & international law,2011. [18] 黎宜春:《我国制止恐怖主义融资的刑事立法完善》,载《法制与经济》,2010(8)。

[19] SeeTitle 18,Crimes and Criminal Procedure,United States Code.

[20] FATF 2008:Mutual Evaluation on Singapore.载http://www.fatf-gafi.org/countries/s-t/singapore/documents/mutualevaluationofsingapore.html,访问日期:2012-08-31.张磊:《以“反向洗钱”的入罪化为中心反思我国洗钱罪的行为方式》,载《当代法学》,2012(1)。

[21] 《禁毒公约》第5条第1款(a)项规定,各国应制定可能必要的措施以便能够没收从贩毒犯罪和洗钱犯罪中得来的收益或价值相当于此种收益的财产。

[22] 《禁毒公约》第5条第6款。

[23] Nicholas Ridley,Dean C.Alexander,Combating terrorist Financing in the first decade of the twenty century,journal of Money Laundering Control,2012.

[24] Matthew H.Fleming,UK Law Enforcement Agency Use and Management of Suspicious Activity Reports,2005.www.ucl.ac.uk. [25] 即Egmont Group,一些国家金融情报中心(FIU)组成的专业反洗钱国际组织,旨在加强各国反洗钱信息交流与合作。

[26] 姜威:《反洗钱国际经验与借鉴》,160页,北京,中国金融出版社,2010。