书城公版The Last Chronicle of Barset


'No, Lady Lufton, he did not go up there to call on Mrs Robarts. He went up there because he is making a fool of himself about that Miss Crawley.

That is the truth. Now you understand it all. I hope that Mrs Robarts does not know it. I do hope for her own sake that Mrs Robarts does not know it.'

The archdeacon certainly had no longer any doubt as to Lady Lufton's innocence when he looked at her face as she heard these tidings. She had predicted that Grace Crawley would 'make havoc', and could not, therefore, be altogether surprised at the idea that some gentleman should have fallen in love with her; but she had never suspected that the havoc might be made so early in her days, or on so great a quarry.

'You don't mean to tell me that Henry Grantly is in love with Grace Crawley?' she replied.

'I mean to say that he says he is.'

'Dear, dear, dear! I'm sure, archdeacon, that you will believe me when I say that I knew nothing about it.'

'I am quite sure of that,' said the archdeacon dolefully.

'Or I certainly should not have been glad to see him here. But the house, you know, is not mine, Dr Grantly. I could have done nothing if Ihad known of it. But only to think--; well, to be sure. She has lost no time, at any rate.'

Now this was not at all the light in which the archdeacon wished that the matter should be regarded. He had been desirous that Lady Lufton should be horror-stricken by the tidings, but it seemed to him that she regarded the iniquity as a good joke. What did it matter how young or how old the girl might be? She came of poor people--of people who had no friends--of disgraced people; and Lady Lufton ought to feel that such a marriage would be a terrible crime. 'I need hardly tell you, Lady Lufton,' said the archdeacon, 'that I shall set my face against it as far as it is in my power to do so.'

'If they both be resolved I suppose you can hardly prevent it.'

'Of course I cannot prevent it. Of course I cannot prevent it. If he will break my heart and his mother's--and his sister's--of course Icannot prevent it. If he will ruin himself he must have his own way.'

'Ruin himself, Dr Grantly!'

'They will have enough to live upon--somewhere in Spain or France.' The scorn expressed in the archdeacon's voice as he spoke of Pau as being somewhere in Spain or France' should have been heard to be understood.

'No doubt they will have enough to live upon.'

'Do you mean to say that it will make a difference as to your own property, Dr Grantly?'

'Certainly it will, Lady Lufton. I told Henry when I first heard of the thing--before he had definitely made any offer to the girl--that Ishould withdraw from him altogether the allowance that I now make him, if he married her. And I told him also that if he persisted in his folly I should think it my duty to alter my will.'

'I am sorry for that, Dr Grantly.'

'Sorry! And am I not sorry? Sorrow is no sufficient word. I am broken-hearted. Lady Lufton, it is killing me. It is indeed. I love him;I love him;--I love him as you have loved your son. But what is the use?

What can he be to me when he shall have married the daughter of such a man as that?'

Lady Lufton sat for a while silent, thinking of a certain episode in her own life. There had been a time when her son was desirous of making a marriage which she had thought would break her heart. She had for a time moved heaven and earth--as far as she knew how to move them--to prevent the marriage. But at last she had yielded--not from lack of power, for the circumstances had been such that at the moment of yielding she had still the power in her hand of staying the marriage--but she had yielded because she had perceived that her son was in earnest. She had yielded, and had kissed the dust; but from the moment in which her lips had so touched the ground, they had taken great joy in the daughter in whom her son had brought into the house. Since that she had learned to think that young people might perhaps be right, and that old people might perhaps be wrong. This trouble of her friend the archdeacon's was very like her own trouble. 'And he is engaged to her now?' she said, when those thoughts had passed through her mind.

'Yes;--that is, no. I am not sure. I do not know how to make myself sure.'

'I am sure Major Grantly will tell you all the truth as it exists.'

'Yes; he'll tell me the truth--as far as he knows it. I do not see that there is much anxiety to spare me in that matter. He is desirous rather of making me understand that I have no power of saving him from his own folly. Of course I have no power of saving him.'

'But is he engaged to her?'

'He says that she has refused him. But of course that means nothing.'

Again the archdeacon's position was very like Lady Lufton's position, as it had existed before her son's marriage. In that case also the young lady, who was now Lady Lufton's own daughter and dearest friend, had refused the lover who proposed to her, although the marriage was so much to her advantage--loving him too, the while, with her whole heart, as it was natural to suppose that Grace Crawley might so love her lover. The more she thought of the similarity of the stories, the stronger were her sympathies on the side of poor Grace. Nevertheless, she would comfort her old friend if she knew how; and of course she could not but admit to herself that the match was one which must be a cause of real sorrow to him. 'I don't know why her refusal should mean nothing,' said Lady Lufton.

'Of course a girl refuses at first--a girl, I mean, in such circumstances as hers. She can't but feel that more is offered to her than she ought to take, and that she is bound to go through the ceremony of declining. But my anger is not with her, Lady Lufton.'

'I do not see how it can be.'

'No; it is not with her. If she becomes his wife I trust that I may never see her.'

'Oh, Dr Grantly!'

'I do; I do. How can it be otherwise with me? But I shall have no quarrel with her. With him I must quarrel.'

'I do not see why,' said Lady Lufton.

'You do not? Does he not set me at defiance?'

'At his age surely a son has a right to marry as he pleases.'