第34章 Part 3(12)

It is to be noted here that the dead-carts in the city were not confined to particular parishes,but one cart went through several parishes,according as the number of dead presented;nor were they tied to carry the dead to their respective parishes,but many of the dead taken up in the city were carried to the burying-ground in the out-parts for want of room.

I have already mentioned the surprise that this judgement was at first among the people.I must be allowed to give some of my observations on the more serious and religious part.Surely never city,at least of this bulk and magnitude,was taken in a condition so perfectly unprepared for such a dreadful visitation,whether I am to speak of the civil preparations or religious.They were,indeed,as if they had had no warning,no expectation,no apprehensions,and consequently the least provision imaginable was made for it in a public way.For example,the Lord Mayor and sheriffs had made no provision as magistrates for the regulations which were to be observed.They had gone into no measures for relief of the poor.The citizens had no public magazines or storehouses for corn or meal for the subsistence of the poor,which if they had provided themselves,as in such cases is done abroad,many miserable families who were now reduced to the utmost distress would have been relieved,and that in a better manner than now could be done.

The stock of the city's money I can say but little to.The Chamber of London was said to be exceedingly rich,and it may be concluded that they were so,by the vast of money issued from thence in the rebuilding the public edifices after the fire of London,and in building new works,such as,for the first part,the Guildhall,Blackwell Hall,part of Leadenhall,half the Exchange,the Session House,the Compter,the prisons of Ludgate,Newgate,&c.,several of the wharfs and stairs and landing-places on the river;all which were either burned down or damaged by the great fire of London,the next year after the plague;and of the second sort,the Monument,Fleet Ditch with its bridges,and the Hospital of Bethlem or Bedlam,&c.But possibly the managers of the city's credit at that time made more conscience of breaking in upon the orphan's money to show charity to the distressed citizens than the managers in the following years did to beautify the city and re-edify the buildings;though,in the first case,the losers would have thought their fortunes better bestowed,and the public faith of the city have been less subjected to scandal and reproach.

It must be acknowledged that the absent citizens,who,though they were fled for safety into the country,were yet greatly interested in the welfare of those whom they left behind,forgot not to contribute liberally to the relief of the poor,and large sums were also collected among trading towns in the remotest parts of England;and,as I have heard also,the nobility and the gentry in all parts of England took the deplorable condition of the city into their consideration,and sent up large sums of money in charity to the Lord Mayor and magistrates for the relief of the poor.The king also,as I was told,ordered a thousand pounds a week to be distributed in four parts:one quarter to the city and liberty of Westminster;one quarter or part among the inhabitants of the Southwark side of the water;one quarter to the liberty and parts within of the city,exclusive of the city within the walls;and one-fourth part to the suburbs in the county of Middlesex,and the east and north parts of the city.But this latter I only speak of as a report.

Certain it is,the greatest part of the poor or families who formerly lived by their labour,or by retail trade,lived now on charity;and had there not been prodigious sums of money given by charitable,well-minded Christians for the support of such,the city could never have subsisted.There were,no question,accounts kept of their charity,and of the just distribution of it by the magistrates.But as such multitudes of those very officers died through whose hands it was distributed,and also that,as I have been told,most of the accounts of those things were lost in the great fire which happened in the very next year,and which burnt even the chamberlain's office and many of their papers,so I could never come at the particular account,which I used great endeavours to have seen.

It may,however,be a direction in case of the approach of a like visitation,which God keep the city from;-I say,it may be of use to observe that by the care of the Lord Mayor and aldermen at that time in distributing weekly great sums of money for relief of the poor,a multitude of people who would otherwise have perished,were relieved,and their lives preserved.And here let me enter into a brief state of the case of the poor at that time,and what way apprehended from them,from whence may be judged hereafter what may be expected if the like distress should come upon the city.

At the beginning of the plague,when there was now no more hope but that the whole city would be visited;when,as I have said,all that had friends or estates in the country retired with their families;and when,indeed,one would have thought the very city itself was running out of the gates,and that there would be nobody left behind;you may be sure from that hour all trade,except such as related to immediate subsistence,was,as it were,at a full stop.

This is so lively a case,and contains in it so much of the real condition of the people,that I think I cannot be too particular in it,and therefore I descend to the several arrangements or classes of people who fell into immediate distress upon this occasion.For example: