书城公版The Lesser Bourgeoisie


"You can't deny it, for I found the door of her room double-locked.""Parbleu! all this because in my anger at the infamous things she was spitting at me I may have turned the key of the door without intending it.""Come, come," said Thuillier, "these are not proper actions for people of our class.""Oh! so it is I who am to blame, is it? Well, my lad, some day you'll remember this, and we shall see how your household will get along when I have stopped taking care of it.""You'll always take care of it," said Thuillier. "Housekeeping is your very life; you will be the first to get over this affair.""We'll see about that," said Brigitte; "after twenty years of devotion, to be treated like the lowest of the low!"And rushing to the door, which she slammed after her with violence, she went away.

Thuillier was not disturbed by this exit.

"Were you there, Flavie," he asked, "when the scene took place?""No, it happened in Celeste's room. What did she do to her?""What I said,--raised her hand to her and locked her in like a child.

Celeste may certainly be rather dull-minded, but there are limits that must not be passed.""She is not always pleasant, that good Brigitte," said Flavie; "she and I have just had a little set-to.""Oh, well," said Thuillier, "it will all pass off. I want to tell you, my dear Flavie, what fine success we have had this morning. The 'National' quotes two whole paragraphs of an article in which there were several sentences of mine."Thuillier was again interrupted in the tale of his great political and literary success,--this time by the entrance of Josephine the cook.

"Can monsieur tell me where to find the key of the great trunk?" she said.

"What do you want with it?" asked Thuillier.

"Mademoiselle told me to take it to her room.""What for?"

"Mademoiselle must be going to make a journey. She is getting her linen out of the drawers, and her gowns are on the bed.""Another piece of nonsense!" said Thuillier. "Flavie, go and see what she has in her head.""Not I," said Madame Colleville; "go yourself. In her present state of exasperation she might beat me.""And my stupid wife, who must needs raise a fuss about the contract!"cried Thuillier. "She really must have said something pretty sharp to turn Brigitte off her hinges like this.""Monsieur has not told me where to find the key," persisted Josephine.

"I don't know anything about it," said Thuillier, crossly; "go and look for it, or else tell her it is lost.""Oh, yes!" said Josephine, "it is likely I'd dare to go and tell her that."Just then the outer door-bell rang.

"No doubt that's la Peyrade," said Thuillier, in a tone of satisfaction.

The Provencal appeared a moment later.

"Faith, my dear friend," cried Thuillier, "it is high time you came;the house is in revolution, all about you, and it needs your silvery tongue to bring it back to peace and quietness."Then he related to his assistant editor the circumstances of the civil war which had broken out.

La Peyrade turned to Madame Colleville.

"I think," he said, "that under the circumstances in which we now stand there is no impropriety in my asking for an interview of a few moments with Mademoiselle Colleville."In this the Provencal showed his usual shrewd ability; he saw that in the mission of pacification thus given to him Celeste Colleville was the key of the situation.

"I will send for her, and we will leave you alone together," said Flavie.

"My dear Thuillier," said la Peyrade, "you must, without any violence, let Mademoiselle Celeste know that her consent must be given without further delay; make her think that this was the purpose for which you have sent for her; then leave us; I will do the rest."The man-servant was sent down to the entresol with orders to tell Celeste that her godfather wished to speak to her. As soon as she appeared, Thuillier said, to carry out the programme which had been dictated to him:--"My dear, your mother has told us things that astonish us. Can it be true that with your contract almost signed, you have not yet decided to accept the marriage we have arranged for you?""Godfather," said Celeste, rather surprised at this abrupt summons, "Ithink I did not say that to mamma."

"Did you not just now," said Flavie, "praise Monsieur Felix Phellion to me in the most extravagant manner?""I spoke of Monsieur Phellion as all the world is speaking of him.""Come, come," said Thuillier, with authority, "let us have no equivocation; do you refuse, yes or no, to marry Monsieur de la Peyrade?""Dear, good friend," said la Peyrade, intervening, "your way of putting the question is rather too abrupt, and, in my presence, especially, it seems to me out of place. In my position as the most interested person, will you allow me to have an interview with mademoiselle, which, indeed, has now become necessary? This favor I am sure will not be refused by Madame Colleville. Under present circumstances, there can surely be nothing in my request to alarm her maternal prudence.""I would certainly yield to it," said Flavie, "if I did not fear that these discussions might seem to open a question which is irrevocably decided.""But, my dear madame, I have the strongest desire that Mademoiselle Celeste shall remain, until the very last moment, the mistress of her own choice. I beg you, therefore, to grant my request.""So be it!" said Madame Colleville; "you think yourself very clever, but if you let that girl twist you round her finger, so much the worse for you. Come, Thuillier, since we are 'de trop' here."As soon as the pair were alone together, la Peyrade drew up a chair for Celeste, and took one himself, saying:--"You will, I venture to believe, do me the justice to say that until to-day I have never annoyed you with the expression of my sentiments.