Palace,or rather the ground which it includes,is several acres in extent.A terrace encloses it toward the lagoon;on the side of the land,a palisade with several gates.These are scarce intended for defence;a man,if he were strong,might easily pluck down the palisade;he need not be specially active to leap from the beach upon the terrace.There is no parade of guards,soldiers,or weapons;the armoury is under lock and key;and the only sentinels are certain inconspicuous old women lurking day and night before the gates.By day,these crones were often engaged in boiling syrup or the like household occupation;by night,they lay ambushed in the shadow or crouched along the palisade,filling the office of eunuchs to this harem,sole guards upon a tyrant life.

Female wardens made a fit outpost for this palace of many women.

Of the number of the king's wives I have no guess;and but a loose idea of their function.He himself displayed embarrassment when they were referred to as his wives,called them himself 'my pamily,'and explained they were his 'cutcheons'-cousins.We distinguished four of the crowd:the king's mother;his sister,a grave,trenchant woman,with much of her brother's intelligence;the queen proper,to whom (and to whom alone)my wife was formally presented;and the favourite of the hour,a pretty,graceful girl,who sat with the king daily,and once (when he shed tears)consoled him with caresses.I am assured that even with her his relations are platonic.In the background figured a multitude of ladies,the lean,the plump,and the elephantine,some in sacque frocks,some in the hairbreadth RIDI;high-born and low,slave and mistress;from the queen to the scullion,from the favourite to the scraggy sentries at the palisade.Not all of these of course are of 'my pamily,'-many are mere attendants;yet a surprising number shared the responsibility of the king's trust.These were key-bearers,treasurers,wardens of the armoury,the napery,and the stores.

Each knew and did her part to admiration.Should anything be required -a particular gun,perhaps,or a particular bolt of stuff,-the right queen was summoned;she came bringing the right chest,opened it in the king's presence,and displayed her charge in perfect preservation -the gun cleaned and oiled,the goods duly folded.Without delay or haste,and with the minimum of speech,the whole great establishment turned on wheels like a machine.

Nowhere have I seen order more complete and pervasive.And yet Iwas always reminded of Norse tales of trolls and ogres who kept their hearts buried in the ground for the mere safety,and must confide the secret to their wives.For these weapons are the life of Tembinok'.He does not aim at popularity;but drives and braves his subjects,with a simplicity of domination which it is impossible not to admire,hard not to sympathise with.Should one out of so many prove faithless,should the armoury be secretly unlocked,should the crones have dozed by the palisade and the weapons find their way unseen into the village,revolution would be nearly certain,death the most probable result,and the spirit of the tyrant of Apemama flit to rejoin his predecessors of Mariki and Tapituea.Yet those whom he so trusts are all women,and all rivals.

There is indeed a ministry and staff of males:cook,steward,carpenter,and supercargoes:the hierarchy of a schooner.The spies,'his majesty's daily papers,'as we called them,come every morning to report,and go again.The cook and steward are concerned with the table only.The supercargoes,whose business it is to keep tally of the copra at three pounds a month and a percentage,are rarely in the palace;and two at least are in the other islands.The carpenter,indeed,shrewd and jolly old Rubam -query,Reuben?-promoted on my last visit to the greater dignity of governor,is daily present,altering,extending,embellishing,pursuing the endless series of the king's inventions;and his majesty will sometimes pass an afternoon watching and talking with Rubam at his work.But the males are still outsiders;none seems to be armed,none is entrusted with a key;by dusk they are all usually departed from the palace;and the weight of the monarchy and of the monarch's life reposes unshared on the women.

Here is a household unlike,indeed,to one of ours;more unlike still to the Oriental harem:that of an elderly childless man,his days menaced,dwelling alone amid a bevy of women of all ages,ranks,and relationships,-the mother,the sister,the cousin,the legitimate wife,the concubine,the favourite,the eldest born,and she of yesterday;he,in their midst,the only master,the only male,the sole dispenser of honours,clothes,and luxuries,the sole mark of multitudinous ambitions and desires.I doubt if you could find a man in Europe so bold as to attempt this piece of tact and government.And seemingly Tembinok'himself had trouble in the beginning.I hear of him shooting at a wife for some levity on board a schooner.Another,on some more serious offence,he slew outright;he exposed her body in an open box,and (to make the warning more memorable)suffered it to putrefy before the palace gate.Doubtless his growing years have come to his assistance;for upon so large a scale it is more easy to play the father than the husband.And to-day,at least to the eye of a stranger,all seems to go smoothly,and the wives to be proud of their trust,proud of their rank,and proud of their cunning lord.

I conceived they made rather a hero of the man.A popular master in a girls'school might,perhaps,offer a figure of his preponderating station.But then the master does not eat,sleep,live,and wash his dirty linen in the midst of his admirers;he escapes,he has a room of his own,he leads a private life;if he had nothing else,he has the holidays,and the more unhappy Tembinok'is always on the stage and on the stretch.