书城公版Orlando Furioso

第670章 LXIII

When that fell blow Calamidor espied, He turned the bridle short to speed away, But him with downright cut Zerbino plied Behind, and cried withal, "Stay, traitor, stay."

Nor from its aim the sword-stroke wandered wide, Though from the mark it went somedeal astray;

The falchion missed the rider as he fled, But reached the horse's croup, and stretched him dead, LXIV

He quits the horse, and thence for safety crawls;

But he with little boot escapes his foe;

For him Duke Thraso's horse o'erturns and mawls, Opprest the ponderous courser's weight below.

Where the huge crowd upon Zerbino falls, Ariodantes and Lurcanio go;

And with them many a cavalier and count, Who do their best Zerbino to remount.