书城公版Orlando Furioso

第546章 XL

Astolpho along Trajan's channel goes, Upon that horse which has no earthly peer, And moves so lightly, that the soft sand shows No token of the passing cavalier;

Who prints not grass, prints not the driven snows, -- Who dry-shod would the briny billows clear, And strains so nimbly in the course, he wind And thunderbolt and arrow leaves behind:-- 第一章XLI

Erst Argalia's courser, which was born From a close union of the wind and flame, And, nourished not by hay or heartening corn, Fed on pure air, and Rabican his name.

His way the bearer of the magic horn Following, where Nile received that river, came;

But ere he at its outlet could arrive, Towards him saw a pinnace swiftly drive.