书城公版Orlando Furioso

第374章 I

Two squadrons lack of those which muster under King Agramant, by single Roland slain;

Hence furious Mandricardo, full of wonder And envy, seeks the count by hill and plain:

Next joys himself with Doralice; such plunder, Aided by heaven, his valiant arms obtain.

Rinaldo comes, with the angel-guide before, To Paris, now assaulted by the Moor.

In many a fierce assault and conflict dread, 'Twixt Spain and Afric and their Gallic foe, Countless had been the slain, whose bodies fed The ravening eagle, wolf, and greedy crow;

But though the Franks had worse in warfare sped, Forced all the champaigne country to forego, This had the paynims purchased at the cost Of more good princes and bold barons lost.