书城公版Orlando Furioso

第1870章 LXXXIX

Hippalca he to Mont Albano prayed, To wend, which distant one day's journey lies;

Because to seek anew that fountain-glade, Would be to wander in too wide a guise.

And that she need not doubt withal, he said, But that he would retrieve the ravished prize.

And, were she in Mount Alban -- or where'er-- Vowed she the tidings speedily should hear, XC

And gave the letter to that maid to bear, Which, writ by him, he in his bosom wore, And added many matters, with the prayer, She would excuse him by her friendly lore.

Hippalca in her memory fixt, with care, The whole; took leave, and turned her horse once more:

Nor ceased that faithful messenger to ride Till she Mount Alban reached at evening-tide.