书城公版Orlando Furioso

第1271章 I

Zerbino for Gabrina, who a heart Of asp appears to bear, contends. O'erthrown, The Fleming falls upon the other part, Through cause of that despised and odious crone, He wounded sore, and writhing with the smart, The beldam's treason to the prince makes known, Whose scorn and hatred hence derive new force.

Towards loud cries Zerbino spurs his horse.

No cord I well believe is wound so tight Round chest, nor nails the plank so fastly hold, As Faith enwraps an honourable sprite In its secure, inextricable, fold;

Nor holy Faith, it seems, except in white Was mantled over in the days of old;

So by the ancient limner ever painted, As by one speck, one single blemish tainted.