书城公版Orlando Furioso

第1187章 LX

"They for two thousand years nigh past away This usage have maintained, and yet maintain The impious rite; and rarely passes day But stranger wight is slaughtered in the fane.

If he, Elbanio-like, ten foes assay, (And such sometimes is found) he oft is slain In the first charge: nor, in a thousand, one The other feat, of which I spake, has done, LXI

"Yet some there are have done it, though so few, They may be numbered on the fingers; one Of the victorious cavaliers, but who Reigned with his ten short time, was Argilon:

For, smote by me, whom ill wind hither blew, The knight to his eternal rest is gone.

Would I with him that day had filled a grave, Rather than in such scorn survive a slave!