书城公版Letters to His Son

第256章 LETTER CLXV(2)

This knowledge of the world teaches us more particularly two things,both which are of infinite consequence,and to neither of which nature inclines us;I mean,the command of our temper,and of our countenance.

A man who has no 'monde'is inflamed with anger,or annihilated with shame,at every disagreeable incident:the one makes him act and talk like a madman,the other makes him look like a fool.But a man who has 'du monde',seems not to understand what he cannot or ought not to resent.If he makes a slip himself,he recovers it by his coolness,instead of plunging deeper by his confusion like a stumbling horse.

He is firm,but gentle;and practices that most excellent maxim,'suaviter in modo,fortiter in re'.The other is the 'volto sciolto a pensieri stretti'.People unused to the world have babbling countenances;and are unskillful enough to show what they have sense enough not to tell.In the course of the world,a man must very often put on an easy,frank countenance,upon very disagreeable occasions;he must seem pleased when he is very much otherwise;he must be able to accost and receive with smiles,those whom he would much rather meet with swords.In courts he must not turn himself inside out.All this may,nay must be done,without falsehood and treachery;for it must go no further than politeness and manners,and must stop short of assurances and professions of simulated friendship.Good manners,to those one does not love,are no more a breach of truth,than "your humble servant"at the bottom of a challenge is;they are universally agreed upon and understood,to be things of course.They are necessary guards of the decency and peace of society;they must only act defensively;and then not with arms poisoned by perfidy.Truth,but not the whole truth,must be the invariable principle of every man,who hath either religion,honor,or prudence.Those who violate it may be cunning,but they are not able.Lies and perfidy are the refuge of fools and cowards.Adieu!

P.S.I must recommend to you again,to take your leave of all your French acquaintance,in such a manner as may make them regret your departure,and wish to see and welcome you at Paris again,where you may possibly return before it is very long.This must not be done in a cold,civil manner,but with at least seeming warmth,sentiment,and concern.

Acknowledge the obligations you have to them for the kindness they have shown you during your stay at Paris:assure them that wherever you are,you will remember them with gratitude;wish for opportunities of giving them proofs of your 'plus tendre et respectueux souvenir;beg of them in case your good fortune should carry them to any part of the world where you could be of any the least use to them,that they would employ you without reserve.Say all this,and a great deal more,emphatically and pathetically;for you know 'si vis me flere'.This can do you no harm,if you never return to Paris;but if you do,as probably you may,it will be of infinite use to you.Remember too,not to omit going to every house where you have ever been once,to take leave and recommend yourself to their remembrance.The reputation which you leave at one place,where you have been,will circulate,and you will meet with it at twenty places where you are to go.That is a labor never quite lost.

This letter will show you,that the accident which happened to me yesterday,and of which Mr.Grevenkop gives you account,hath had no bad consequences.My escape was a great one.