书城公版In a Hollow of the Hills


Two masks began to search the passengers under the combined focus of the bull's-eyes,the shining gun-barrels,and a running but still carefully prepared commentary from the spokesman."It is to be regretted that business men,instead of intrusting their property to the custody of the regularly constituted express agent,still continue to secrete it on their persons;a custom that,without enhancing its security,is not only an injustice to the express company,but a great detriment to dispatch.We also wish to point out that while we do not as a rule interfere with the possession of articles of ordinary personal use or adornment,such as simple jewelry or watches,we reserve our right to restrict by confiscation the vulgarity and unmanliness of diamonds and enormous fob chains."The act of spoliation was apparently complete,yet it was evident that the orator was restraining himself for a more effective climax.Clearing his throat again and stepping before the impatient but still mystified file of passengers,he reviewed them gravely.Then in a perfectly pitched tone of mingled pain and apology,he said slowly:--"It would seem that,from no wish of our own,we are obliged on this present occasion to suspend one or two of our usual rules.We are not in the habit of interfering with the wearing apparel of our esteemed clients;but in the interests of ordinary humanity we are obliged to remove the boots of the gentleman on the extreme left,which evidently give him great pain and impede his locomotion.We also seldom deviate from our rule of obliging our clients to hold up their hands during this examination;but we gladly make an exception in favor of the gentleman next to him,and permit him to hand us the altogether too heavily weighted holster which presses upon his hip.Gentlemen,"said the orator,slightly raising his voice,with a deprecating gesture,"you need not be alarmed!The indignant movement of our friend,just now,was not to draw his revolver,--for it isn't there!"He paused while his companions speedily removed the farmer's boots and the miner's holster,and with a still more apologetic air approached the coach,where only the lady remained erect and rigid in her corner."And now,"he said with simulated hesitation,"we come to the last and to us the most painful suspension of our rules.On these very rare occasions,when we have been honored with the presence of the fair sex,it has been our invariable custom not only to leave them in the undisturbed possession of their property,but even of their privacy as well.It is with deep regret that on this occasion we are obliged to make an exception.For in the present instance,the lady,out of the gentleness of her heart and the politeness of her sex,has burdened herself not only with the weight but the responsibility of a package forced upon her by one of the passengers.We feel,and we believe,gentlemen,that most of you will agree with us,that so scandalous and unmanly an attempt to evade our rules and violate the sanctity of the lady's immunity will never be permitted.For your own sake,madam,we are compelled to ask you for the satchel under your seat.It will be returned to you when the package is removed.""One moment,"said the professional man indignantly,"there is a man here whom you have spared,--a man who lately joined us.Is that man,"pointing to the astonished Key,"one of your confederates?""That man,"returned the spokesman with a laugh,"is the owner of the Sylvan Hollow Mine.We have spared him because we owe him some consideration for having been turned out of his house at the dead of night while the sheriff of Sierra was seeking us."He stopped,and then in an entirely different voice,and in a totally changed manner,said roughly,"Tumble in there,all of you,quick!And you,sir"(to Key),--"I'd advise you to ride outside.Now,driver,raise so much as a rein or a whiplash until you hear the signal--and by God!you'll know what next."He stepped back,and seemed to be instantly swallowed up in the darkness;but the light of a solitary bull's-eye--the holder himself invisible--still showed the muzzles of the guns covering the driver.There was a momentary stir of voices within the closed coach,but an angry roar of "Silence!"from the darkness hushed it.

The moments crept slowly by;all now were breathless.Then a clear whistle rang from the distance,the light suddenly was extinguished,the leveled muzzles vanished with it,the driver's lash fell simultaneously on the backs of his horses,and the coach leaped forward.