书城公版In a Hollow of the Hills


As the coach at last drove away from the station,a grizzled,farmer-looking man seated beside her uttered a sigh of relief,so palpable as to attract the general attention.Turning to his fair neighbor with a smile of uncouth but good-humored apology,he said in explanation:--"You'll excuse me,miss!I don't know ezactly how YOU'RE feelin',--for judging from your looks and gin'ral gait,you're a stranger in these parts,--but ez for ME,I don't mind sayin'that I never feel ezactly safe from these yer road agents and stage robbers ontil arter we pass Skinner's station.All along thet Galloper's Ridge it's jest tech and go like;the woods is swarmin'with 'em.But once past Skinner's,you're all right.They never dare go below that.So ef you don't mind,miss,for it's bein'in your presence,I'll jest pull off my butes and ease my feet for a spell."Neither the inconsequence of this singular request,nor the smile it evoked on the faces of the other passengers,seemed to disturb the lady's abstraction.Scarcely lifting her eyes from her book,she bowed a grave assent.

"You see,miss,"he continued,"and you gents,"he added,taking the whole coach into his confidence,"I've got over forty ounces of clean gold dust in them butes,between the upper and lower sole,--and it's mighty tight packing for my feet.Ye kin heft it,"he said,as he removed one boot and held it up before them."I put the dust there for safety--kalkilatin'that while these road gentry allus goes for a man's pockets and his body belt,they never thinks of his butes,or haven't time to go through 'em."He looked around him with a smile of self-satisfaction.

The murmur of admiring comment was,however,broken by a burly-bearded miner who sat in the middle seat."Thet's pretty fair,as far as it goes,"he said smilingly,"but I reckon it wouldn't go far ef you started to run.I've got a simpler game than that,gentlemen,and ez we're all friends here,and the danger's over,Idon't mind tellin'ye.The first thing these yer road agents do,after they've covered the driver with their shot guns,is to make the passengers get out and hold up their hands.That,ma'am,"--explanatorily to the lady,who betrayed only a languid interest,--"is to keep 'em from drawing their revolvers.A revolver is the last thing a road agent wants,either in a man's hand or in his holster.So I sez to myself,'Ef a six-shooter ain't of no account,wet's the use of carryin'it?'So I just put my shooting-iron in my valise when I travel,and fill my holster with my gold dust,so!It's a deuced sight heavier than a revolver,but they don't feel its weight,and don't keer to come nigh it.And I've been 'held up'twice on t'other side of the Divide this year,and Ipassed free every time!"

The applause that followed this revelation and the exhibition of the holster not only threw the farmer's exploits into the shade,but seemed to excite an emulation among the passengers.Other methods of securing their property were freely discussed;but the excitement culminated in the leaning forward of a passenger who had,up to that moment,maintained a reserve almost equal to the fair unknown.His dress and general appearance were those of a professional man;his voice and manner corroborated the presumption.