

Templemore-Devil's Mountain-No companion-Force of circumstance-Way of the world-Ruined castle-Grim and desolate-The donjon-Old woman-My own house.

WHEN Christmas was over,and the new year commenced,we broke up our quarters,and marched away to Templemore.This was a large military station,situated in a wild and thinly inhabited country.

Extensive bogs were in the neighbourhood,connected with the huge bog of Allen,the Palus Maeotis of Ireland.Here and there was seen a ruined castle looming through the mists of winter;whilst,at the distance of seven miles,rose a singular mountain,exhibiting in its brow a chasm,or vacuum,just,for all the world,as if a piece had been bitten out;a feat which,according to the tradition of the country,had actually been performed by his Satanic majesty,who,after flying for some leagues with the morsel in his mouth,becoming weary,dropped it in the vicinity of Cashel,where it may now be seen in the shape of a bold bluff hill,crowned with the ruins of a stately edifice,probably built by some ancient Irish king.

We had been here only a few days,when my brother,who,as I have before observed,had become one of his Majesty's officers,was sent on detachment to a village at about ten miles'distance.He was not sixteen,and,though three years older than myself,scarcely my equal in stature,for I had become tall and large-limbed for my age;but there was a spirit in him which would not have disgraced a general;and,nothing daunted at the considerable responsibility which he was about to incur,he marched sturdily out of the barrack-yard at the head of his party,consisting of twenty light-infantry men,and a tall grenadier sergeant,selected expressly by my father,for the soldier-like qualities which he possessed,to accompany his son on this his first expedition.So out of the barrack-yard,with something of an air,marched my dear brother,his single drum and fife playing the inspiring old melody,Marlbrouk is gone to the wars,He'll never return no more!

I soon missed my brother,for I was now alone,with no being,at all assimilating in age,with whom I could exchange a word.Of late years,from being almost constantly at school,I had cast aside,in a great degree,my unsocial habits and natural reserve,but in the desolate region in which we now were there was no school;and I felt doubly the loss of my brother,whom,moreover,Itenderly loved for his own sake.Books I had none,at least such 'as I cared about';and with respect to the old volume,the wonders of which had first beguiled me into common reading,I had so frequently pored over its pages,that I had almost got its contents by heart.I was therefore in danger of falling into the same predicament as Murtagh,becoming 'frighted'from having nothing to do!Nay,I had not even his resources;I cared not for cards,even if I possessed them and could find people disposed to play with them.However,I made the most of circumstances,and roamed about the desolate fields and bogs in the neighbourhood,sometimes entering the cabins of the peasantry,with a 'God's blessing upon you,good people!'where I would take my seat on the 'stranger's stone'at the corner of the hearth,and,looking them full in the face,would listen to the carles and carlines talking Irish.

Ah,that Irish!How frequently do circumstances,at first sight the most trivial and unimportant,exercise a mighty and permanent influence on our habits and pursuits!-how frequently is a stream turned aside from its natural course by some little rock or knoll,causing it to make an abrupt turn!On a wild road in Ireland I had heard Irish spoken for the first time;and I was seized with a desire to learn Irish,the acquisition of which,in my case,became the stepping-stone to other languages.I had previously learnt Latin,or rather Lilly;but neither Latin nor Lilly made me a philologist.I had frequently heard French and other languages,but had felt little desire to become acquainted with them;and what,it may be asked,was there connected with the Irish calculated to recommend it to my attention?

First of all,and principally,I believe,the strangeness and singularity of its tones;then there was something mysterious and uncommon associated with its use.It was not a school language,to acquire which was considered an imperative duty;no,no;nor was it a drawing-room language,drawled out occasionally,in shreds and patches,by the ladies of generals and other great dignitaries,to the ineffable dismay of poor officers'wives.Nothing of the kind;but a speech spoken in out-of-the-way desolate places,and in cut-throat kens,where thirty ruffians,at the sight of the king's minions,would spring up with brandished sticks and an 'ubbubboo like the blowing up of a powder-magazine.'Such were the points connected with the Irish,which first awakened in my mind the desire of acquiring it;and by acquiring it I became,as I have already said,enamoured of languages.Having learnt one by choice,I speedily,as the reader will perceive,learnt others,some of which were widely different from Irish.

Ah,that Irish!I am much indebted to it in more ways than one.