书城公版A Phyllis Of The Sierras


A silence ensued.It seemed as if some shadow, or momentary darkening of the brilliant atmosphere; some film across the mirror-

like expanse of the open windows, or misty dimming of their wholesome light, had arisen to their elevation.Mainwaring felt that he was looking forward with unreasoning indignation and uneasiness to this impending interruption of their idyllic life;

Mrs. Bradley and Louise, who had become a little more constrained and formal under Minty's freedom, were less sympathetic; even the irrepressible Minty appeared absorbed in the responsibilities of the dinner.

Bradley alone preserved his usual patient good-humor."We'll take our coffee on the veranda, and the ladies will join us by and by,Mainwaring; besides, I don't know that I can allow you, as an invalid, to go entirely through Minty's bountiful menu at present.

You shall have the sweets another time."

When they were alone on the veranda, he said, between the puffs of his black brier-wood pipe,--a pet aversion of Mrs. Bradley,--"I wonder how Richardson will accept Minty!"

"If I can, I think he MUST," returned Mainwaring, dryly."By Jove,it will be great fun to see him; but"--he stopped and hesitated--"I don't know about the ladies.I don't think, you know, that they'll stand Minty again before another stranger."

Bradley glanced quickly at the young man; their eyes met, and they both joined in a superior and, I fear, disloyal smile.After a pause Bradley, as if in a spirit of further confidence, took his pipe from his mouth and pointed to the blue abyss before them.

"Look at that profundity, Mainwaring, and think of it ever being bullied and overawed by a long veranda-load of gaping, patronizing tourists, and the idiotic flirting females of their species.Think of a lot of over-dressed creatures flouting those severe outlines and deep-toned distances with frippery and garishness.You know how you have been lulled to sleep by that delicious, indefinite,far-off murmur of the canyon at night--think of it being broken by a crazy waltz or a monotonous german--by the clatter of waiters and the pop of champagne corks.And yet, by thunder, those women are capable of liking both and finding no discord in them!"

"Dancing ain't half bad, you know," said Mainwaring, conscientiously,"if a chap's got the wind to do it; and all Americans, especially the women, dance better than we do.But I say, Bradley, to hear you talk, a fellow wouldn't suspect you were as big a Vandal as anybody,with a beastly, howling saw-mill in the heart of the primeval forest.By Jove, you quite bowled me over that first day we met,when you popped your head out of that delirium tremens shaking mill,like the very genius of destructive improvement."

"But that was FIGHTING Nature, not patronizing her; and it's a business that pays.That reminds me that I must go back to it,"said Bradley, rising and knocking the ashes from his pipe.

"Not AFTER dinner, surely!" said Mainwaring, in surprise."Come now, that's too much like the bolting Yankee of the travellers'books."

"There's a heavy run to get through tonight.We're working against time," returned Bradley.Even while speaking he had vanished within the house, returned quickly--having replaced his dark suit by jean trousers tucked in heavy boots, and a red flannel shirt over his starched white one--and, nodding gayly to Mainwaring,stepped from the lower end of the veranda."The beggar actually looks pleased to go," said Mainwaring to himself in wonderment.

"Oh! Jim," said Mrs. Bradley, appearing at the door.

"Yes," said Bradley, faintly, from the bushes.

"Minty's ready.You might take her home."

"All right.I'll wait."

"I hope I haven't frightened Miss Sharpe away," said Mainwaring.

"She isn't going, surely?"

"Only to get some better clothes, on account of company.I'm afraid you are giving her a good deal of trouble, Mr. Mainwaring,"said Mrs. Bradley, laughing.

"She wished me to say good-by to you for her, as she couldn't come on the veranda in her old shawl and sun-bonnet," added Louise, who had joined them."What do you really think of her, Mr. Mainwaring?

I call her quite pretty, at times.Don't you?"

Mainwaring knew not what to say.He could not understand why they could have any special interest in the girl, or care to know what he, a perfect stranger, thought of her.He avoided a direct reply,however, by playfully wondering how Mrs. Bradley could subject her husband to Miss Minty's undivided fascinations.

"Oh, Jim always takes her home--if it's in the evening.He gets along with these people better than we do," returned Mrs. Bradley,dryly."But," she added, with a return of her piquant Quaker-like coquettishness, "Jim says we are to devote ourselves to you to-night--in retaliation, I suppose.We are to amuse you, and not let you get excited; and you are to be sent to bed early."

It is to be feared that these latter wise precautions--invaluable for all defenceless and enfeebled humanity--were not carried out:and it was late when Mainwaring eventually retired, with brightened eyes and a somewhat accelerated pulse.For the ladies, who had quite regained that kindly equanimity which Minty had rudely interrupted, had also added a delicate and confidential sympathy in their relations with Mainwaring,--as of people who had suffered in common,--and he experienced these tender attentions at their hands which any two women are emboldened by each other's saving presence to show any single member of our sex.Indeed, he hardly knew if his satisfaction was the more complete when Mrs. Bradley,withdrawing for a few moments, left him alone on the veranda with Louise and the vast, omnipotent night.