书城公版The Aspern Papers


There was a great digging of holes and carting about of earth, and after a while I grew so impatient that I had thoughts of sending for my bouquets to the nearest stand.But I reflected that the ladies would see through the chinks of their shutters that they must have been bought and might make up their minds from this that I was a humbug.So I composed myself and finally, though the delay was long, perceived some appearances of bloom.

This encouraged me, and I waited serenely enough till they multiplied.

Meanwhile the real summer days arrived and began to pass, and as Ilook back upon them they seem to me almost the happiest of my life.

I took more and more care to be in the garden whenever it was not too hot.

I had an arbor arranged and a low table and an armchair put into it;and I carried out books and portfolios (I had always some business of writing in hand), and worked and waited and mused and hoped, while the golden hours elapsed and the plants drank in the light and the inscrutable old palace turned pale and then, as the day waned, began to flush in it and my papers rustled in the wandering breeze of the Adriatic.

Considering how little satisfaction I got from it at first it is remarkable that I should not have grown more tired of wondering what mystic rites of ennui the Misses Bordereau celebrated in their darkened rooms; whether this had always been the tenor of their life and how in previous years they had escaped elbowing their neighbors.

It was clear that they must have had other habits and other circumstances;that they must once have been young or at least middle-aged.

There was no end to the questions it was possible to ask about them and no end to the answers it was not possible to frame.

I had known many of my country-people in Europe and was familiar with the strange ways they were liable to take up there; but the Misses Bordereau formed altogether a new type of the American absentee.

Indeed it was plain that the American name had ceased to have any application to them--I had seen this in the ten minutes Ispent in the old woman's room.You could never have said whence they came, from the appearance of either of them; wherever it was they had long ago dropped the local accent and fashion.

There was nothing in them that one recognized, and putting the question of speech aside they might have been Norwegians or Spaniards.

Miss Bordereau, after all, had been in Europe nearly three-quarters of a century; it appeared by some verses addressed to her by Aspern on the occasion of his own second absence from America--verses of which Cumnor and I had after infinite conjecture established solidly enough the date--that she was even then, as a girl of twenty, on the foreign side of the sea.

There was an implication in the poem (I hope not just for the phrase)that he had come back for her sake.We had no real light upon her circumstances at that moment, any more than we had upon her origin, which we believed to be of the sort usually spoken of as modest.

Cumnor had a theory that she had been a governess in some family in which the poet visited and that, in consequence of her position, there was from the first something unavowed, or rather something positively clandestine, in their relations.I on the other hand had hatched a little romance according to which she was the daughter of an artist, a painter or a sculptor, who had left the western world when the century was fresh, to study in the ancient schools.

It was essential to my hypothesis that this amiable man should have lost his wife, should have been poor and unsuccessful and should have had a second daughter, of a disposition quite different from Juliana's.It was also indispensable that he should have been accompanied to Europe by these young ladies and should have established himself there for the remainder of a struggling, saddened life.