书城公版Robert Falconer



One day, as Falconer sat at a late breakfast, Shargar burst into his room.Falconer had not even known that he was coming home, for he had outstripped the letter he had sent.He had his arm in a sling, which accounted for his leave.

'Shargar!' cried Falconer, starting up in delight.

'Major Shargar, if you please.Give me all my honours, Robert,'

said Moray, presenting his left hand.

'I congratulate you, my boy.Well, this is delightful! But you are wounded.'

'Bullet--broken--that's all.It's nearly right again.I'll tell you about it by and by.I am too full of something else to talk about trifles of that sort.I want you to help me.'

He then rushed into the announcement that he had fallen desperately in love with a lady who had come on board with her maid at Malta, where she had been spending the winter.She was not very young, about his own age, but very beautiful, and of enchanting address.

How she could have remained so long unmarried he could not think.

It could not be but that she had had many offers.She was an heiress, too, but that Shargar felt to be a disadvantage for him.

All the progress he could yet boast of was that his attentions had not been, so far as he could judge, disagreeable to her.Robert thought even less of the latter fact than Shargar himself, for he did not believe there were many women to whom Shargar's attentions would be disagreeable: they must always be simple and manly.What was more to the point, she had given him her address in London, and he was going to call upon her the next day.She was on a visit to Lady Janet Gordon, an elderly spinster, who lived in Park-street.

'Are you quite sure she's not an adventuress, Shargar?'

'It's o' no mainner o' use to tell ye what I'm sure or no sure o', Robert, in sic a case.But I'll manage, somehoo, 'at ye sall see her yersel', an' syne I'll speir back yer ain queston at ye.'

'Weel, hae ye tauld her a' aboot yersel'?'

'No!' answered Shargar, growing suddenly pale.'I never thocht aboot that.But I had no richt, for a' that passed, to intrude mysel'

upo' her to that extent.'

'Weel, I reckon ye're richt.Yer wounds an' yer medals ought to weigh weel against a' that.There's this comfort in 't, that gin she bena richt weel worthy o' ye, auld frien', she winna tak ye.'

Shargar did not seem to see the comfort of it.He was depressed for the remainder of the day.In the morning he was in wild spirits again.Just before he started, however, he said, with an expression of tremulous anxiety,'Oucht I to tell her a' at ance--already--aboot--aboot my mither?'

'I dinna say that.Maybe it wad be equally fair to her and to yersel' to lat her ken ye a bit better afore ye do that.--We'll think that ower.--Whan ye gang doon the stair, ye'll see a bit brougham at the door waitin' for ye.Gie the coachman ony orders ye like.He's your servant as lang 's ye're in London.Commit yer way to the Lord, my boy.'

Though Shargar did not say much, he felt strengthened by Robert's truth to meet his fate with something of composure.But it was not to be decided that day.Therein lay some comfort.

He returned in high spirits still.He had been graciously received both by Miss Hamilton and her hostess--a kind-hearted old lady, who spoke Scotch with the pure tone of a gentlewoman, he said--a treat not to be had once in a twelvemonth.She had asked him to go to dinner in the evening, and to bring his friend with him.Robert, however, begged him to make his excuse, as he had an engagement in--a very different sort of place.

When Shargar returned, Robert had not come in.He was too excited to go to bed, and waited for him.It was two o'clock before he came home.Shargar told him there was to be a large party at Lady Patterdale's the next evening but one, and Lady Janet had promised to procure him an invitation.

The next morning Robert went to see Mary St.John, and asked if she knew anything of Lady Patterdale, and whether she could get him an invitation.Miss St.John did not know her, but she thought she could manage it for him.He told her all about Shargar, for whose sake he wished to see Miss Hamilton before consenting to be introduced to her.Miss St.John set out at once, and Falconer received a card the next day.When the evening came, he allowed Shargar to set out alone in his brougham, and followed an hour later in a hansom.

When he reached the house, the rooms were tolerably filled, and as several parties had arrived just before him, he managed to enter without being announced.After a little while he caught sight of Shargar.He stood alone, almost in a corner, with a strange, rather raised expression in his eyes.Falconer could not see the object to which they were directed.Certainly, their look was not that of love.He made his way up to him and laid his hand on his arm.

Shargar betrayed no little astonishment when he saw him.

'You here, Robert!' he said.

'Yes, I'm here.Have you seen her yet? Is she here?'

'Wha do ye think 's speakin' till her this verra minute? Look there!' Shargar said in a low voice, suppressed yet more to hide his excitement.

Following his directions, Robert saw, amidst a little group of gentlemen surrounding a seated lady, of whose face he could not get a peep, a handsome elderly man, who looked more fashionable than his years justified, and whose countenance had an expression which he felt repulsive.He thought he had seen him before, but Shargar gave him no time to come to a conclusion of himself.

'It's my brither Sandy, as sure 's deith!' he said; 'and he's been hingin' aboot her ever sin' she cam in.But I dinna think she likes him a'thegither by the leuk o' her.'

'What for dinna ye gang up till her yersel', man? I wadna stan'

that gin 'twas me.'

'I'm feared 'at he ken me.He's terrible gleg.A' the Morays are gleg, and yon marquis has an ee like a hawk.'

'What does 't maitter? Ye hae dune naething to be ashamed o' like him.'

'Ay; but it's this.I wadna hae her hear the trowth aboot me frae that boar's mou' o' his first.I wad hae her hear 't frae my ain, an' syne she canna think I meant to tak her in.'