书城公版The Cloister and the Hearth


But she saw her advantage, and kneeled before him, and put the boy on his knees."This fatherless babe is poor Margaret Brandt's, that never did you ill, and comes of a race that loved you.Nay, look at his face.'Twill melt thee more than any word of mine, Saints of heaven, what can a poor desolate girl and her babe have done to wipe out all memory of thine own young days, when thou wert guiltless as he is, that now looks up in thy face and implores thee to give him back his father?"And with her arms under the child she held him up higher and higher, smiling under the old man's eyes,He cast a wild look of anguish on the child, and another on the kneeling mother, and started up shrieking, "Avaunt, ye pair of adders."The stung soul gave the old limbs a momentary vigour, and he walked rapidly, wringing his hands and clutching at his white hair."Forget those days? I forget all else.Oh, woman, woman, sleeping or waking I see but the faces of the dead, I hear but the voices of the dead, and I shall soon be among the dead, There, there, what is done is done.I am in hell.I am in hell,"And unnatural force ended in prostration.

He staggered, and but for Margaret would have fallen, With her one disengaged arm she supported him as well as she could and cried for help.

A couple of servants came running, and carried him away in a state bordering on syncope, The last Margaret saw of him was his old furrowed face, white and helpless as his hair that hung down over the servant's elbow.

"Heaven forgive me," she said."I doubt I have killed the poor old man."Then this attempt to penetrate the torturing mystery left it as dark, or darker than before.For when she came to ponder every word, her suspicion was confirmed that Ghysbrecht did know something about Gerard."And who were the two knaves he thought had done a good deed, and told me? Oh, my Gerard, my poor deserted babe, you and I are wading in deep waters."The visit to Tergou took more money than she could well afford;and a customer ran away in her debt.She was once more compelled to unfold Catherine's angel.But strange to say, as she came down stairs with it in her hand she found some loose silver on the table, with a written line -For Gerard his wife.

She fell with a cry of surprise on the writing; and soon it rose into a cry of joy.

"He is alive.He sends me this by some friendly hand."She kissed the writing again and again, and put it in her bosom.

Time rolled on, and no news of Gerard.

And about every two months a small sum in silver found its way into the house.Sometimes it lay on the table.Once it was flung in through the bedroom window in a purse.Once it was at the bottom of Luke's basket.He had stopped at the public-house to talk to a friend.The giver or his agent was never detected.

Catherine disowned it.Margaret Van Eyck swore she had no hand in it.So did Eli.And Margaret, whenever it came, used to say to little Gerard, "Oh, my poor deserted child, you and I are wading in deep waters.

She applied at least half this modest, but useful supply, to dressing the little Gerard beyond his station in life."If it does come from Gerard, he shall see his boy neat." All the mothers in the street began to sneer, especially such as had brats out at elbows.

The months rolled on, and dead sickness of heart succeeded to these keener torments.She returned to her first thought: "Gerard must be dead.She should never see her boy's father again, nor her marriage lines." This last grief, which had been somewhat allayed by Eli and Catherine recognizing her betrothal, now revived in full force; others would not look so favourably on her story.And often she moaned over her boy's illegitimacy.

"Is it not enough for us to be bereaved? Must we be dishonoured too? Oh, that we had ne'er been born."A change took place in Peter Brandt.His mind, clouded for nearly two years, seemed now to be clearing; he had intervals of intelligence; and then he and Margaret used to talk of Gerard, till he wandered again.But one day, returning after an absence of some hours, Margaret found him conversing with Catherine, in a way he had never done since his paralytic stroke."Eh, girl, why must you be out?" said she."But indeed I have told him all; and we have been a-crying together over thy troubles."Margaret stood silent, looking joyfully from one to the other,Peter smiled on her, and said, "Come, let me bless thee."She kneeled at his feet, and he blessed her most eloquently,He told her she had been all her life the lovingest, truest, and most obedient daughter Heaven ever sent to a poor old widowed man.

"May thy son be to thee what thou hast been to me!"After this he dozed.Then the females whispered together; and Catherine said - "All our talk e'en now was of Gerard.It lies heavy on his mind.His poor head must often have listened to us when it seemed quite dark.Margaret, he is a very understanding man; he thought of many things: 'He may be in prison, says he, 'or forced to go fighting for some king, or sent to Constantinople to copy books there, or gone into the Church after all.' He had a bent that way.""Ah, mother," whispered Margaret, in reply, "he doth but deceive himself as we do."Ere she could finish the sentence, a strange interruption occurred.

A loud voice cried out, "I SEE HIM, I SEE HIM."And the old man with dilating eyes seemed to be looking right through the wall of the house.

"IN A BOAT; ON A GREAT RIVER; COMING THIS WAY.Sore disfigured;but I knew him.Gone! gone! all dark,"

And he sank back, and asked feebly where was Margaret.

"Dear father, I am by thy side, Oh, mother! mother, what is this?""I cannot see thee, and but a moment agone I saw all round the world, Ay, ay.Well, I am ready.Is this thy hand? Bless thee, my child, bless thee! Weep not! The tree is ripe."The old physician read the signs aright.These calm words were his last.The next moment he drooped his head, and gently, placidly, drifted away from earth, like an infant sinking to rest, The torch had flashed up before going out,