书城公版The Cloister and the Hearth


that is, 'to shave an egg.' Therefore, I, for my lost dinner, do claim to feast mine eyes on your picture, whose face is toward the wall.""Nay, nay," said the painter hastily, "ask me not that; I have already misconducted myself enough towards thee.I would not shed thy blood.""Saints forbid! My blood?"

"Stranger," said Pietro sullenly, "irritated by repeated insults to my picture, which is my child, my heart, I did in a moment of rage make a solemn vow to drive my dagger into the next one that should flout it, and the labour and love that I have given to it.""What, are all to be slain that will not praise this picture?" and he looked at its back with curiosity.

"Nay, nay; if you would but look at it, and hold your parrot tongues.But you will be talking.So I have turned it to the wall for ever.Would I were dead, and buried in it for my coffin!"Gerard reflected.

"I accept the condition.Show me the picture! I can but hold my peace."Pietro went and turned its face, and put it in the best light the room afforded, and coiled himself again on his chest, with his eye, and stiletto, glittering.

The picture represented the Virgin and Christ, flying through the air in a sort of cloud of shadowy cherubic faces; underneath was a landscape, forty or fifty miles in extent, and a purple sky above.

Gerard stood and looked at it in silence.Then he stepped close, and looked.Then he retired as far off as he could, and looked;but said not a word.

When he had been at this game half an hour, Pietro cried out querulously and somewhat inconsistently: "well, have you not a word to say about it?"Gerard started."I cry your mercy; I forgot there were three of us here.Ay, I have much to say." And he drew his sword.

"Alas! alas!" cried Pietro, jumping in terror from his lair."What wouldst thou?""Marry, defend myself against thy bodkin, signor; and at due odds, being, as aforesaid, a Dutchman.Therefore, hold aloof, while Ideliver judgment, or I will pin thee to the wall like a cockchafer.""Oh! is that all?" said Pietro, greatly relieved."I feared you were going to stab my poor picture with your sword, stabbed already by so many foul tongues."Gerard "pursued criticism under difficulties." Put himself in a position of defence, with his sword's point covering Pietro, and one eye glancing aside at the picture."First, signor, I would have you know that, in the mixing of certain colours, and in the preparation of your oil, you Italians are far behind us Flemings.

But let that flea stick.For as small as I am, I can show you certain secrets of the Van Eycks, that you will put to marvellous profit in your next picture.Meantime I see in this one the great qualities of your nation.Verily, ye are solis filii.If we have colour, you have imagination.Mother of Heaven! an he hath not flung his immortal soul upon the panel.One thing I go by is this;it makes other pictures I once admired seem drossy, earth-born things.The drapery here is somewhat short and stiff.why not let it float freely, the figures being in air and motion?

"I will! I will!" cried Pietro eagerly."I will do anything for those who will but see what I have done.""Humph! This landscape it enlightens me.Henceforth I scorn those little huddled landscapes that did erst content me.Here is nature's very face: a spacious plain, each distance marked, and every tree, house, figure, field, and river smaller and less plain, by exquisite gradation, till vision itself melts into distance.O, beautiful! And the cunning rogue hath hung his celestial figure in air out of the way of his little world below.

Here, floating saints beneath heaven's purple canopy.There, far down, earth and her busy hives.And they let you take this painted poetry, this blooming hymn, through the streets of Rome and bring it home unsold.But I tell thee in Ghent or Bruges, or even in Rotterdam, they would tear it out of thy hands.But it is a common saying that a stranger's eye sees clearest.Courage, Pietro Vanucci! I reverence thee and though myself a scurvy painter, do forgive thee for being a great one.Forgive thee? I thank God for thee and such rare men as thou art; and bow the knee to thee in just homage.Thy picture is immortal, and thou, that hast but a chest to sit on, art a king in thy most royal art.Viva, il maEstro! Viva!"At this unexpected burst the painter, with all the abandon of his nation, flung himself on Gerard's neck."They said it was a maniac's dream," he sobbed.

"Maniacs themselves! no, idiots!" shouted Gerard.

"Generous stranger! I will hate men no more since the world hath such as thee.I was a viper to fling thy poor dinner away; a wretch, a monster.""Well, monster, wilt be gentle now, and sup with me?""Ah! that I will.Whither goest thou?"

"To order supper on the instant.We will have the picture for third man.""I will invite it whiles thou art gone.My poor picture, child of my heart.""Ah, master, 'twill look on many a supper after the worms have eaten you and me.""I hope so," said Pietro.