书城公版The Cloister and the Hearth


The letter was unfolded and spread out; and curiously enough, though not one of them could read, they could all tell it was Gerard's handwriting.

"And your father must be away," cried Catherine."Are ye not ashamed of yourselves? not one that can read your brother's letter."But although the words were to them what hieroglyphics are to us, there was something in the letter they could read.There is an art can speak without words; unfettered by the penman's limits, it can steal through the eye into the heart and brain, alike of the learned and unlearned; and it can cross a frontier or a sea, yet lose nothing.It is at the mercy of no translator; for it writes an universal language.

When, therefore, they saw this,[a picture of two hands clasped together]

which Gerard had drawn with his pencil between the two short paragraphs, of which his letter consisted, they read it, and it went straight to their hearts.

Gerard was bidding them farewelL

As they gazed on that simple sketch, in every turn and line of which they recognized his manner, Gerard seemed present, and bidding them farewell.

The women wept over it till they could see it no longer.

Giles said, "Poor Gerard!" in a lower voice than seemed to belong to him.

Even Cornelis and Sybrandt felt a momentary remorse, and sat silent and gloomy.

But how to get the words read to them.They were loth to show their ignorance and their emotion to a stranger.

"The Dame Van Eyck?" said Kate timidly.

"And so I will, Kate.She has a good heart.She loves Gerard, too.

She will be glad to hear of him.I was short with her when she came here; but I will make my submission, and then she will tell me what my poor child says to me."She was soon at Margaret Van Eyck's house.Reicht took her into a room, and said, "Bide a minute; she is at her orisons."There was a young woman in the room seated pensively by the stove;but she rose and courteously made way for the visitor.

"Thank you, young lady; the winter nights are cold, and your stove is a treat." Catherine then, while warming her hands, inspected her companion furtively from head to foot, inclusive.The young person wore an ordinary wimple, but her gown was trimmed with fur, which was, in those days, almost a sign of superior rank or wealth.But what most struck Catherine was the candour and modesty of the face.She felt sure of sympathy from so good a countenance, and began to gossip.

"Now, what think you brings me here, young lady? It is a letter! a letter from my poor boy that is far away in some savage part or other.And I take shame to say that none of us can read it.Iwonder whether you can read?"


"Can ye, now? It is much to your credit, my dear.I dare say she won't be long; but every minute is an hour to a poor longing mother.""I will read it to you."

"Bless you, my dear; bless you!"

In her unfeigned eagerness she never noticed the suppressed eagerness with which the hand was slowly put out to take the letter.She did not see the tremor with which the fingers closed on it.

"Come, then, read it to me, prithee.I am wearying for it.""The first words are, 'To my honoured parents.'""Ay! and he always did honour us, poor soul,""'God and the saints have you in His holy keeping, and bless you by night and by day.Your one harsh deed is forgotten; your years of love remembered.'"Catherine laid her hand on her bosom, and sank back in her chair with one long sob.

"Then comes this, madam.It doth speak for itself; 'a long farewell.'""Ay, go on; bless you, girl you give me sorry comfort.Still 'tis comfort.""'To my brothers Cornelis and Sybrandt - Be content; you will see me no more!'""What does that mean? Ah!"

"'To my sister Kate.Little angel of my father's house.Be kind to her -' Ah!""That is Margaret Brandt, my dear - his sweetheart, poor soul.

I've not been kind to her, my dear.Forgive me, Gerard!""' - for poor Gerard's sake: since grief to her is death to me-Ah!" And nature, resenting the poor girl's struggle for unnatural composure, suddenly gave way, and she sank from her chair and lay insensible, with the letter in her hand and her head on Catherine's knees.