

"I thank you again,Mara,"I said."--May I lie here on your floor till the morning?""At the top of that stair,"she answered,"you will find a bed--on which some have slept better than they expected,and some have waked all the night and slept all the next day.It is not a very soft one,but it is better than the sand--and there are no hyenas sniffing about it!"The stair,narrow and steep,led straight up from the room to an unceiled and unpartitioned garret,with one wide,low dormer window.

Close under the sloping roof stood a narrow bed,the sight of which with its white coverlet made me shiver,so vividly it recalled the couches in the chamber of death.On the table was a dry loaf,and beside it a cup of cold water.To me,who had tasted nothing but fruit for months,they were a feast.

"I must leave you in the dark,"my hostess called from the bottom of the stair."This lantern is all the light I have,and there are things to do to-night.""It is of no consequence,thank you,madam,"I returned."To eat and drink,to lie down and sleep,are things that can be done in the dark.""Rest in peace,"she said.

I ate up the loaf,drank the water every drop,and laid myself down.

The bed was hard,the covering thin and scanty,and the night cold:

I dreamed that I lay in the chamber of death,between the warrior and the lady with the healing wound.

I woke in the middle of the night,thinking I heard low noises of wild animals.

"Creatures of the desert scenting after me,I suppose!"I said to myself,and,knowing I was safe,would have gone to sleep again.But that instant a rough purring rose to a howl under my window,and Isprang from my bed to see what sort of beast uttered it.

Before the door of the cottage,in the full radiance of the moon,a tall woman stood,clothed in white,with her back toward me.She was stooping over a large white animal like a panther,patting and stroking it with one hand,while with the other she pointed to the moon half-way up the heaven,then drew a perpendicular line to the horizon.Instantly the creature darted off with amazing swiftness in the direction indicated.For a moment my eyes followed it,then sought the woman;but she was gone,and not yet had I seen her face!

Again I looked after the animal,but whether I saw or only fancied a white speck in the distance,I could not tell.--What did it mean?

What was the monster-cat sent off to do?I shuddered,and went back to my bed.Then I remembered that,when I lay down in the sandy hollow outside,the moon was setting;yet here she was,a few hours after,shining in all her glory!"Everything is uncertain here,"I said to myself,"--even the motions of the heavenly bodies!"I learned afterward that there were several moons in the service of this world,but the laws that ruled their times and different orbits I failed to discover.

Again I fell asleep,and slept undisturbed.