
第2章 每个人都可以是天使(2)

It may have been that mother was responsible.Being a schoolteacher she had no doubt read books and magazines.She had,I presume,read of how Garfield,Lincoln,and other Americans rose from poverty to fame and greatness and as I lay beside her--in the days of her lying-in--she may have dreamed that I would some day rule men and cities.At any rate she induced father to give up his place as a farm-hand,sell his horse and embark on an independent enterprise of his own.She was a tall silent woman with a long nose and troubled Grey eyes.For herself she wanted nothing.For father and myself she was incurably ambitious.




The meaning of life


Once upon a time there was a young man who used to meditate all day about the meaning of life.Most of the time he was pondering about what is the most important thing in life.He thought the importance could more easily lead people beyond the exterior of existence,and disclose to them the reason of things.

No matter how long he meditated and observed,he could get no result.To clear his doubts,he decided to go and visit an old sage,who lived alone in a faraway forest.

When he finally met the old sage,he was asked what brought him there.The young man replied he was searching for the most precious deed a man could do to get close to God.

"What did you do on your way here?"asked the sage.

The young man thought the old man did not get the question,and repeated his demand.

Then the sage asked again,"What did you do on your way here?"

"I toiled,"said the young man,"because the road up the hill was very steep.I gasped and felt very thirsty.But I made an effort to patiently endure that troublesome walking."

"What did you do next?"

"I meditated,as I do every day.Today I pondered about imperturbability 3 that can be both a virtue and a fault."

"What did you do next?"

"I helped an old man by taking his bundle of wood to his place.This meant a long detour on my route,but he was too weak for that burden."

"What did you do next?"

The young man hesitated,then admitted,"I sat on a stone for a moment,and played with a marble that my father gave me when I left school.I apologize for wasting my time like that."

"What action made you feel lighter?"asked the old man.

The young man,puzzled,looked at the sage,"I came to you with a demand."

The sage repeated,as if he had not heard this last objection,"What action made you feel lighter?"

"Playing with the marble,"said the confused young man,"I was really free and happy;I had no thoughts,no worries."

"That was the best time today,"said the sage,"when you yielded to play."Play is a light yet serious activity,because then God is near you.You go beyond the surface of existence in the very same moment as you rise above it.



















You must have good luck


It was a hot,muggy August afternoon,and I had every reason to feel sorry for myself.A comedy of has-sles began with the normal airport security gauntlet,followed by a random drug test,and a missed flight home due to a number of mechanical,weather problems.

During the usual pandemonium at the gate,I no ticed a 5-year-old boy standing by his mother and watching me.He looked at me,then my bag,then back at me.

Cautiously,he left his mother's side and slowly began to walk toward me,glancing between my bag,his mother,and me.As he came closer,I was both relieved and alarmed that it wasn't me he was after.It was my hat.

I started to tell him not to bother my things,but something made me stop and watch.He stopped in front of my bag,looking at my hat,then up at me.

With wide eyes,he gently touched the bill of my hat,running his index finger slowly along the edge,carefully touching the emblem.

Again,he looked up at me,now smiling,but saying nothing.I asked him if he would like to wear my captain hat.He excitedly nodded his head,still smiling.I placed my hat on his head,but it fell down around his ears.He didn't seem to mind and held it up in the proper position with both hands.He ran to show his mother,then back to me still smiling from ear to ear.

With much reverence and ceremony,he slowly removed my hat with both hands and presented it to me as though it were the crown jewels.

I put my hat on and gave him an airplane card.This,too,he held with both hands in awe.

After this exchange,he still hadn't spoken,although I knew he was excited.I also was happy that I had been briefly distracted from my self-pity fester.

Still holding the card carefully with both hands,he looked up at me and said,"Mister,you sure are lucky."