
第18章 身边的寓言(13)













A cat is tale:bandit and mum


Driving home from work one evening,my headlights illuminated two eyes on the side of the road.I stopped to investigate,finding a bedraggled-looking cat looking up at me,meowing pitifully.A car must have hit it and it now lay in the gutter,unable to move.I checked for a collar and ID but there was none.I flattened a cardboard box from the boot and slid the cat onto it,covering it in a rug.

At the nearest veterinary clinic,the vet gently examined it."He's about eight months old and has a broken front and hind leg,but I would need X-rays to know the extent of the damage,"he told me."As he's not your cat,I don't know if you want to go ahead with this.It could be rather expensive."

I knew it would cost me hundreds of dollars,but the alternative was the cat being put to sleep.The following morning the vet rang to say the X-rays confirmed a broken front leg and two badly splintered breaks in the hind leg."I'll put a metal pin in his back leg to keep it immobilized until it's healed,"he told me."He'll have slightly shorter hind legs but it won't affect his movements at all."

I contacted the RSPCA to no avail,so all day I looked forward to picking up my little friend.Carrying the cat,the vet smiled,"He's a happy little fellow-he hasn't stopped purring since he woke up.The staff are quite taken with him!"I hardly recognized him.His previously matted,dirty fur was now beautiful silver grey,with a dark charcoal mask around his eyes and nose,like a bandit.His front leg was in a cast and the hind leg was taped.He lay there looking at me,purring loudly.

I thanked the doctor and went out to pay the bill."I think you've given me the wrong account,"I said."This is only $85.He's had X-rays and an operation on his legs.""No,that's right,"she replied."The vet has only charged you for the drugs and medication.There's a message on the bottom."Written underneath the total were the words "SPECIAL RATE FOR ADOPTIONS."I was speechless at his kind and generous gesture.It was obvious he would be embarrassed if I made a fuss,so I paid the account and underneath his message I wrote "WITH GRATEFUL THANKS,BANDIT AND MUM."






A Nickel in the Road


Exercising is not one of my favorite pastimes but I know it's good for me,so every day I try to get outside and take a two-mile walk.Most days I carry a small notebook and pen with me so that I can jot down the random,brilliant thoughts that come to me.

A few weeks ago I was rounding a corner about half way through my walk and noticed a nickel in the road.I adjusted my gait so that I stepped on the coin and kept walking.

Within a few steps I started thinking of my daughter who always stops to pick up loose change.She wouldn't have passed this one by.I was half tempted to turn around and go back for it,but I thought it would be embarrassing if someone happened to see me stooping down to pick up a nickel.

It didn't take me long to transition my thoughts from that nickel to those small opportunities that have been in front of me that I've stepped on or passed by.How many have I overlooked because I thought they were not important?How many have I been too embarrassed to try?How many have I stepped on because I wanted to show the world they were unworthy of my attention?

Later that day I told my daughter about the nickel incident because it continued to weigh on my mind.She said,"I would have picked it up.Did you know that one day at school I found a dollar on the floor?"

She had taken advantage of seemingly small opportunities,but when added up,they became something worthwhile.In my daughter's case,she was able to buy a can of soda from the vending machine she wouldn't have been able to do otherwise.

The next morning I paid attention as I walked that same road.I was determined to pick up that nickel if I saw it again.But alas,it was gone.Not surprising I guess.Someone else is usually willing to take advantage of the opportunities that others choose to pass by.Unfortunately,by the time I decided to take advantage of it,the opportunity was no longer there.