
第16章 身边的寓言(11)

She went on to tell me that some months later,both she and her husband came home one afternoon to find that the three words had been scratched over in an attempt to cover them up and that the stick figures,heart and flower had been added,and they both took that as a sign that their son had come back to them in both spirit and body.She then smiled at me in a way that said we are okay now and then went off to speak to other neighbors.

There is no doubt that for many months these three words etched on the piano would have created significant distress and sadness for my two neighbors as it was clear that they had been directed at them.What the son had done had hurt them deeply,however,the son had come to realize what he had done and what it meant to his parents during that low period in his life finally.I thought at that very moment that he may have decided to make a statement which said I am sorry and the only way he could do that was with the three images.

I am reminded of a well-known quote:"People will forget what you said or what you did,but people will never forget how you made them feel."

What that young man said and did in writing those three words may over time be forgotten,however,what he did and said when he etched those three images into the piano made his parents feel something that will never be forgotten-it was a visual expression of the love of a son who had returned to them.

Their family life seems much more settled and happier now even if the sound of music and singing does not punctuate the weekends as it did before,however,this neighbor can live without that in the knowledge that there is again love and music in their hearts.


















One minute novelist


When I was 25 years old and working in Chicago as an editor at the American Bar Association,I wanted nothing more than to become a novelist.In the mornings,I'd awaken at six to write.In the evenings,I was known to stand up,mid-conversation with friends,and announce I had an idea and had to go home to write.

One October day,a co-worker and I were trying to think up Halloween costumes."How about if I went as a writer,with a typewriter slung from my shoulders?"I asked."I could walk around like one of those cigarette girls,saying,'Short stories?Novels'?"

Of course,I never did it.

But something about the idea grabbed me:writing in public on demand;not performance art,but performance writing.Behind the absurdity,I sensed the possibility of touching people more directly with my writing than I ever had while sitting alone at my desk.If nothing else,it would be a great story for my grandchildren.

I tried out the idea on my writers?group first."So,what do you think?"I asked,looking around the room,like a dog waiting to be petted.

"Well,Dan,"said one friend,"it's kind of weird."

I didn't mind-that was the whole point.

So on Sunday,April 24,1983,I carried my 28-pound,circa 1953 typewriter and a director's chair through the stiff winds of Chicago and set up shop on Michigan Avenue.Perching the typewriter on my lap,I taped a sign to the back of it-"60-Second Novels Written While You Wait"-and invited anyone who passed by to get an instant novel.

The whole thing took on the aspect of a psychological experiment.Some people laughed cynically and said,"What a gimmick!"Others looked sympathetic("A starving poet!").One lady asked me if I was selling the typewriter.But I had never felt more alive.

Then a couple walked up."I don't know what you're doing,"the woman said,"but whatever it is,I want one."The man added,with a wry smile,"It certainly is something extremely unusual."

I asked their names(plus a few other nosy questions)and began writing.I titled their story,"Something Extremely Unusual."