
第6章 清空心灵的沙子Emptied the sand soul(6)

“My life was saved by a smile.”Yes,the smile―the unaffected,unplanned,natural connection between people.I really believe that if that part of you and that part of me could recognize each other,we wouldn‘t be enemies.We couldn’t have hate or envy or fear.“






难忘的机场晚餐Airport unforgettable dinner

Several years ago,as I was looking over my travel itinerary for a business trip from San Francisco to New Orleans,I noticed that I would have some time at the airport in Dallas before catching my connecting flight.So I called my friend Luke who lives in Dallas,and said,“Luke,I’ve got an hour-and-a-half layover at the airport.If you’ll come out and meet my plane,I’ll treat you to dinner.”Luke enthusiastically agreed.

When the pilot announced that our flight would be delayed on the ground an extra few minutes in San Francisco because of air traffic control I paid no attention,but as those few minutes dragged on,I became more agitated and upset.Every minute that passed was one minute less that I would be able to spend with my friend.

The plane arrived in Dallas an hour late.That left me only half an hour to visit with Luke and I still needed time to catch my connecting flight.

At this point,I knew that our having dinner together was totally out of the question.When I stepped off the plane,Luke was there,waiting for me.“Hey,Luke,”I said apologetically,“thanks for coming out to meet me.I hope you didn’t have to wait here too long.”

“Oh,no problem,”he replied easily.“I called ahead and found out your plane was going to be late.”

“Oh,good,”I replied.“Look,I’m really sorry about dinner,but I’ll owe you one next time.Come on,we’ll find out what gate my next plane is leaving from.We can head over there together and talk a bit.”

I started walking but Luke didn’t budge.

“I am very interested in having dinner with you,”he said to me.

I looked back at him incredulously.“What are you talking about.”I laughed.“The only way you’re going to have dinner with me tonight is if you buy a plane ticket to New Orleans!”

“We’re having dinner,”replied Luke with determination.“Believe me,I have this whole thing scoped out.Just follow me.”

He picked up one of my bags and carried it out through the security check.I followed him closely,silently protesting and growing more anxious with every passing moment.He started running,down into the parking garage,and I ran along behind him,thinking to myself,“There is no way we are going to get into his car,drive to a restaurant,have dinner,and still get back in time for me to make my plane!”

The two of us hustled down a short flight of stairs in the parking garage and walked rapidly along several rows of cars until we came to the place where Luke’s car was parked.I immediately noticed that in the parking space next to his car,he had set up a folding table.

Luke pulled out his car keys and opened the trunk of his car.He reached in and pulled out a checkered picnic tablecloth,which he spread with a grand flourish over the table.Then he grabbed two folding chairs and set them up next to the table.Then a bottle of champagne and a large container of hors d’oeuvres.He set a candle in the center of the table and lit it.