
第12章 平凡而快乐着Unextraordinary and happy(5)

At last my feet were free.My arms were free.Now if I could just learn how to stand up.If I could grip the bars with both hands and pull myself up,I could look at my sleeping mama and dada,instead of looking at the never changing ceiling.I managed to roll over onto my tummy.I moved my legs and my arms in different directions.I was slowly getting into the position I wanted to be in.I was making real progress.I was determined to stand by myself.

I heard a noise coming from where mama and dada were sleeping.I tried to look over.But my head was too heavy in the position I was in.I got a burst of energy and grabbed hold of the bars.I moved my legs.My head was rising up,and my body was following it.I was almost on my feet.

I called out “Dada -mama!”

There was no reply.I looked over at them.They were sleeping.They were sleeping,and I was standing.For the first time in my life I was standing,and they were asleep.I had to wake them.I had to let them see me.

I called out “Mama-mama-gaah.”

There was no reply,and I didn’t know how long I could stay like this for.I started shaking my legs.The bars shuck with me,and with them shaking there was a noise.I shuck harder.I called out.There was a movement in the bed.My mother‘s head had moved and her eyes had opened.I was excited for her to see me standing up like this.I smiled at her.She smiled back at me.

I said “Ga ga -goo.”

Then it dawned on her.I could stand!I was doing it now!I could stand up!She sat up,smiled at me and said,“Hello sweetie.Did you stand up all by yourself?”

I laughed,and with pride I said “Goo gah.”

She lay back down and said “Good boy.Now lie back down and go asleep.”

I smiled back and said “Goo goo goo.”and I won’t tell you what that means!


























回家Go home

They say you can never go home again.

Well,you can.Only you might find yourself staying at a Travel Lodge,driving a rented Ford Contour and staking out your childhood home like some noir private eye just trying to catch a glimpse of the Johnny-come-latelys that are now living in YOUR HOUSE.

It‘s a familiar story.Kids grow up,parents sell the family home and move to some sunnier climate,some condo somewhere,some smaller abode.We grown up kids box up all the junk from our childhoods—dusty ballet shoes,high school text books,rolled up posters of Adam Ant—and wonder where home went.

I’m not a sentimental person,I told myself.I don‘t need to see old 392226th Street before we sell the place.I even skipped the part where I return home to salvage my mementos from the garage.I let my parents box up the stuff which arrived from San Francisco like the little package you get when released from jail.You know,here’s your watch,the outfit you wore in here,some cash.Here‘s the person you once were.

After a year,San Francisco called me home again.I missed it.High rents had driven all my friends out of the city to the suburbs so I made myself a reservation at a motel and drove there in a rented car.

The next day,I cruised over to my old neighborhood.There was the little corner store my mom used to send me to for milk,the familiar fire station,the Laundromat.

I cried like the sap I never thought I’d be.I sat in the car,staring at my old house,tears welling up.It had a fresh paint job,the gang graffiti erased from the garage door.New curtains hung in the window.

I walked up and touched the doorknob like it was the cheek of a lover just home from war.I noticed the darker paint where our old mezuzah used to be.I sat on our scratchy brick stoop,dangling my legs off the edge,feeling as rootless as I‘ve ever felt.

You can’t go home in a lot of ways,I discovered that night,when I met up with an ex-boyfriend.

“Great to see you,”he said,giving me a tense hug.“The thing is,I only have an hour.”

What am I,the LensCrafters of social engagements?

As it happens,his new girlfriend wasn‘t too keen on my homecoming.We had a quick drink and he dropped me back off at my motel where I scrounged up my change to buy some Whoppers from the vending machine for dinner.I settled in for the evening to watch “Three to Tango”on HBO.

“You had to watch a movie with a Friends’cast member,”said my brother,nodding empathetically.“That‘s sad.”