

Fellow students,as we sit here today listening to that classic A_ha tune which will definitely stand the test of time,I would like to make several predictions about what the future will hold.

I believe that one day a simple governor from a small southern state will rise to the highest office in the land.


He will lack political skill,but will lead on the sheer strength of his moral authority.


I believe that justice will prevail and one day the Berlin Wall will crumble,uniting East and West Berlin forever under Communist rule.


I believe that one day a high_speed network of interconnected computers will spring up worldwide,so enriching people that they will lose their interest in idle chitchat and pornography.


And finally,I believe that one day I will have a television show on a major network seen by millions of people at night which I will use to reenact crimes and help catch at large criminals.


Then I had a section on the death of Wall Street,but you don t need to hear about that.


The point is that although you see me as a celebrity,a member of the cultural elite,a demigod if you will,and potential husband material,I came here in the fall of 1981and lived at Holworthy Hall as a student much like you.


I was,without exaggeration—this is true—the ugliest picture in the freshman facebook


When Harvard asked me for a picture the previous summer,I thought it was for their records,so I jogged in the August heat to a passport photo office and sat for a morgue shot.


To make matters worse,when the facebook came out,they put my picture right next to Catherine Oxenberg,a stunning blonde actress who was expected to join the class of 85,but decided to defer admission so she could join the cast of Dynasty.


Folks,my photo would have looked bad on any page,but next to Catherine Oxenberg,I looked like a mackerel that had been in a car accident.


You see,in those days,I was 6feet 4inches tall and I weighed 150pounds.



Recently,I had some structural engineers run those numbers into a computer model,and according to the computer,I collapsed in 1987,killing hundreds in Taiwan.


After freshman year,I moved to Mather House.

Mather House,incidentally,was designed by the same firm that built Hitlers bunker.


In fact,if Hitler had conducted the war from Mother House,he would have shot himself a year earlier.

Saved us a lot of trouble.(哄堂大笑)


1985seems like a long time ago now.

When I had my Class Day,you students would have been seven years old.


Seven years old!

You realize what that means?


Back then I could have beaten any of you in a fight.

And I mean really badly.



Like no contest at all.

If anyone here has a time machine,seriously,I will kick your seven_year_old butt right now.


A lot has happened in 15years though.

When you think about it,we come from completely different worlds.


When I graduated in 1985,we watched movies starring Tom Cruise and listened to music by Madonna.

I come from a time when we huddled around the TV set and watched the Cosby Show on NBC,never imagining that there would one day be a show called Cosby on CBS.


In 1985we drove cars with driver s_side air bags.


But if you had told us that one day there would be passenger_side air bags,we d have burned you for witchcraft.


Of course I think there is some common ground between us.


I remember well the great uncertainty of this day,the anxiety


Many of you are justifiably nervous about leaving the safe,comfortable world of Harvard Yard and hurling yourself headlong into the cold,harsh world of Harvard grad school,a plum job in your father s firm,or a year abroad with a gold Amex card and then a plum job at your father's firm.


Let me assure you that the knowledge you gained here at Harvard is a precious gift that will never leave you.


Take it from me,your education is yours to keep forever.


Why,many of you have read the Merchant of Florence,and that will inspire you when you travel to the island of Spain


There s also sadness today.A feeling of loss that you re leaving Harvard forever.


Let me assure you that you never really leave Harvard.


The Harvard fundraising committee will be on your ass until the day you die.


This is true.

I know for a fact that right now a member of the alumni association is at the Mount Auburn Cemetery shaking down the corpse of Henry Adams.


They heard he has a brass toe ring and they aim to get it.
