书城公版Tales of Trail and Town


It was not a mere memory conjured up by association, for although the figure, face, and attitude were the same, there were certain changes of costume which the eye of recollection noticed.In place of the smart narrow-brimmed sailor hat he remembered, she was wearing a slouched cavalry hat with a gold cord around its crown, that, with all its becomingness and picturesque audacity, seemed to become characteristic and respectable, as a crest to her refined head, and as historic as a Lely canvas.She wore a flannel shirt, belted in at her slight waist with a band of yellow leather, defining her small hips, and short straight pleatless skirts that fell to her trim ankles and buckled leather shoes.She was fresh and cool, wholesome and clean, free and unfettered; indeed, her beauty seemed only an afterthought or accident.So much so that when Peter saw her afterwards, amidst the billowy, gauzy, and challenging graces of the officer's wives, who were dressed in their best and prettiest frocks to welcome her, the eye turned naturally from that suggestion of enhancement to the girl who seemed to defy it.She was clearly not an idealized memory, a spirit or a ghost, but naturalistic and rosy; he thought a trifle rosier, as she laughingly addressed him:--"I suppose it isn't quite fair to surprise you like that," she said, with an honest girlish hand-shake, "for you see I know all about you now, and what you are doing here, and even when you were expected; and I dare say you thought we were still in England, if you remembered us at all.And we haven't met since that day at Ashley Church when I put my foot in it,--or rather on your pet protege's, the Indian's: you remember Major Atherly's tomb? And to think that all the while we didn't know that you were a public man and a great political reformer, and had a fad like this.Why, we'd have got up meetings for you, and my father would have presided,--he's always fond of doing these things,--and we'd have passed resolutions, and given you subscriptions, and Bibles, and flannel shirts, and revolvers--but I believe you draw the line at that.My brother was saying only the other day that you weren't half praised enough for going in for this sort of thing when you were so rich, and needn't care.And so that's why you rushed away from Ashley Grange,--just to come here and work out your mission?"His whole life, his first wild Californian dream, his English visit, the revelation of Gray Eagle, the final collapse of his old beliefs, were whirling through his brain to the music of this clear young voice.And by some cruel irony of circumstance it seemed now to even mock his later dreams of expiation as it also called back his unhappy experience of the last week.

"Have you--have you"--he stammered with a faint smile, "seen my sister?""Not yet," said Lady Elfrida."I believe she is not well and is confined to her room; you will introduce me, won't you?" she added eagerly."Of course, when we heard that there was an Atherly here we inquired about you; and I told them you were a relation of ours," she went on with a half-mischievous shyness,--"you remember the de Bracys,--and they seemed surprised and rather curious.Isuppose one does not talk so much about these things over here, and I dare say you have so much to occupy your mind you don't talk of us in England." With the quickness of a refined perception she saw a slight shade in his face, and changed the subject."And we have had such a jolly time; we have met so many pleasant people; and they've all been so awfully good to us, from the officials and officers down to the plainest working-man.And all so naturally too--so different from us.I sometimes think we have to work ourselves up to be civil to strangers." "No," she went on gayly, in answer to his protesting gesture, and his stammered reminder of his own reception."No.You came as a sort of kinsman, and Sir Edward knew all about you before he asked you down to the Grange--or even sent over for me from the Towers.No! you Americans take people on their 'face value,' as my brother Reggy says, and we always want to know what are the 'securities.' And then American men are more gallant, though," she declared mischievously, "I think you are an exception in that way.Indeed," she went on, "the more I see of your countrymen the less you seem like them.You are more like us,--more like an Englishman--indeed, more like an Englishman than most Englishmen,--I mean in the matter of reserve and all that sort of thing, you know.It's odd,--isn't it? Is your sister like you?""You shall judge for yourself," said Peter with a gayety that was forced in proportion as his forebodings became more gloomy.Would his sister's peculiarities--even her secret--be safe from the clear eyes of the young girl?

"I know I shall like her," said Lady Elfrida, simply."I mean to make friends with her before we leave, and I hope to see a great deal of her; and," she said with a naive non sequitur, that, however, had its painful significance to Peter, "I do want you to show me some Indians--your Indians, you know YOUR friends.I've seen some of them, of course; I am afraid I am a little prejudiced, for I did not like them.You see my taste has to be educated, Isuppose; but I thought them so foolishly vain and presuming.""That is their perfect childishness," said Peter quickly."It is not, I believe, considered a moral defect," he added bitterly.

Lady Elfrida laughed, and yet at the same moment a look of appeal that was in itself quite as childlike shone in her blue eyes.

"There, I have blundered again, I know; but I told you I have such ridiculous prejudices! And I really want to like them as you do.

Only," she laughed again, "it seems strange that YOU, of all men, should have interested yourself in people so totally different to you.But what will be the result if your efforts are successful?