书城公版The Poor Clare


Starkey, rode on a pillion behind her husband, holding on to him with a light hand by his leather riding-belt.Little master (he that was afterwards Squire Patrick Byrne Starkey) was held on to his pony by a serving-man.A woman past middle age walked, with a firm and strong step, by the cart that held much of the baggage; and high up on the mails and boxes, sat a girl of dazzling beauty, perched lightly on the topmost trunk, and swaying herself fearlessly to and fro, as the cart rocked and shook in the heavy roads of late autumn.The girl wore the Antwerp faille, or black Spanish mantle over her head, and altogether her appearance was such that the old cottager, who described the possession to me many years after, said that all the country-folk took her for a foreigner.Some dogs, and the boy who held them in charge, made up the company.They rode silently along, looking with grave, serious eyes at the people, who came out of the scattered cottages to bow or curtsy to the real Squire, "come back at last," and gazed after the little procession with gaping wonder, not deadened by the sound of the foreign language in which the few necessary words that passed among them were spoken.One lad, called from his staring by the Squire to come and help about the cart, accompanied them to the Manor-house.He said that when the lady had descended from her pillion, the middle-aged woman whom I have described as walking while the others rode, stepped quickly forward, and taking Madam Starkey (who was of a slight and delicate figure) in her arms, she lifted her over the threshold, and set her down in her husband's house, at the same time uttering a passionate and outlandish blessing.The Squire stood by, smiling gravely at first;but when the words of blessing were pronounced, he took off his fine feathered hat, and bent his head.The girl with the black mantle stepped onward into the shadow of the dark hall, and kissed the lady's hand; and that was all the lad could tell to the group that gathered round him on his return, eager to hear everything, and to know how much the Squire had given him for his services.

From all I could gather, the Manor-house, at the time of the Squire's return, was in the most dilapidated state.The stout gray walls remained firm and entire; but the inner chambers had been used for all kinds of purposes.The great withdrawing-room had been a barn;the state tapestry-chamber had held wool, and so on.But, by-and-by, they were cleared out; and if the Squire had no money to spend on new furniture, he and his wife had the knack of making the best of the old.He was no despicable joiner; she had a kind of grace in whatever she did, and imparted an air of elegant picturesqueness to whatever she touched.Besides, they had brought many rare things from the Continent; perhaps I should rather say, things that were rare in that part of England--carvings, and crosses, and beautiful pictures.And then, again, wood was plentiful in the Trough of Bolland, and great log-fires danced and glittered in all the dark, old rooms, and gave a look of home and comfort to everything.

Why do I tell you all this? I have little to do with the Squire and Madame Starkey; and yet I dwell upon them, as if I were unwilling to come to the real people with whom my life was so strangely mixed up.

Madam had been nursed in Ireland by the very woman who lifted her in her arms, and welcomed her to her husband's home in Lancashire.

Excepting for the short period of her own married life, Bridget Fitzgerald had never left her nursling.Her marriage--to one above her in rank--had been unhappy.Her husband had died, and left her in even greater poverty than that in which she was when he had first met with her.She had one child, the beautiful daughter who came riding on the waggon-load of furniture that was brought to the Manor-house.

Madame Starkey had taken her again into her service when she became a widow.She and her daughter had followed "the mistress" in all her fortunes; they had lived at St.Germains and at Antwerp, and were now come to her home in Lancashire.As soon as Bridget had arrived there, the Squire gave her a cottage of her own, and took more pains in furnishing it for her than he did in anything else out of his own house.It was only nominally her residence.She was constantly up at the great house; indeed, it was but a short cut across the woods from her own home to the home of her nursling.Her daughter Mary, in like manner, moved from one house to the other at her own will.