书城公版The Poor Clare


I noticed also that Mrs.Clarke, the elderly woman, after her first reluctance to allow me to pay them any attentions had been overcome, was cheered by my evident attachment to the young girl; it seemed to lighten her heavy burden of care, and she evidently favoured my visits to the farmhouse where they lodged.It was not so with Lucy.

A more attractive person I never saw, in spite of her depression of manner, and shrinking avoidance of me.I felt sure at once, that whatever was the source of her grief, it rose from no fault of her own.It was difficult to draw her into conversation; but when at times, for a moment or two, I beguiled her into talk, I could see a rare intelligence in her face, and a grave, trusting look in the soft, gray eyes that were raised for a minute to mine.I made every excuse I possibly could for going there.I sought wild flowers for Lucy's sake; I planned walks for Lucy's sake; I watched the heavens by night, in hopes that some unusual beauty of sky would justify me in tempting Mrs.Clarke and Lucy forth upon the moors, to gaze at the great purple dome above.

It seemed to me that Lucy was aware of my love; but that, for some motive which I could not guess, she would fain have repelled me; but then again I saw, or fancied I saw, that her heart spoke in my favour, and that there was a struggle going on in her mind, which at times (I loved so dearly) I could have begged her to spare herself, even though the happiness of my whole life should have been the sacrifice; for her complexion grew paler, her aspect of sorrow more hopeless, her delicate frame yet slighter.During this period I had written, I should say, to my uncle, to beg to be allowed to prolong my stay at Harrogate, not giving any reason; but such was his tenderness towards me, that in a few days I heard from him, giving me a willing permission, and only charging me to take care of myself, and not use too much exertion during the hot weather.

One sultry evening I drew near the farm.The windows of their parlour were open, and I heard voices when I turned the corner of the house, as I passed the first window (there were two windows in their little ground-floor room).I saw Lucy distinctly; but when I had knocked at their door--the house-door stood always ajar--she was gone, and I saw only Mrs.Clarke, turning over the work-things lying on the table, in a nervous and purposeless manner.I felt by instinct that a conversation of some importance was coming on, in which I should be expected to say what was my object in paying these frequent visits.I was glad of the opportunity.My uncle had several times alluded to the pleasant possibility of my bringing home a young wife, to cheer and adorn the old house in Ormond Street.He was rich, and I was to succeed him, and had, as I knew, a fair reputation for so young a lawyer.So on my side I saw no obstacle.

It was true that Lucy was shrouded in mystery; her name (I was convinced it was not Clarke), birth, parentage, and previous life were unknown to me.But I was sure of her goodness and sweet innocence, and although I knew that there must be something painful to be told, to account for her mournful sadness, yet I was willing to bear my share in her grief, whatever it might be.

Mrs.Clarke began, as if it was a relief to her to plunge into the subject.

"We have thought, sir--at least I have thought--that you knew very little of us, nor we of you, indeed; not enough to warrant the intimate acquaintance we have fallen into.I beg your pardon, sir,"she went on, nervously; "I am but a plain kind of woman, and I mean to use no rudeness; but I must say straight out that I--we--think it would be better for you not to come so often to see us.She is very unprotected, and--""Why should I not come to see you, dear madam?" asked I, eagerly, glad of the opportunity of explaining myself."I come, I own, because I have learnt to love Mistress Lucy, and wish to teach her to love me.

Mistress Clarke shook her head, and sighed.

"Don't, sir--neither love her, nor, for the sake of all you hold sacred, teach her to love you! If I am too late, and you love her already, forget her,--forget these last few weeks.O! I should never have allowed you to come!" she went on passionately; "but what am I to do? We are forsaken by all, except the great God, and even He permits a strange and evil power to afflict us--what am I to do!

Where is it to end?" She wrung her hands in her distress; then she turned to me: "Go away, sir! go away, before you learn to care any more for her.I ask it for your own sake--I implore! You have been good and kind to us, and we shall always recollect you with gratitude; but go away now, and never come back to cross our fatal path!""Indeed, madam," said I, "I shall do no such thing.You urge it for my own sake.I have no fear, so urged--nor wish, except to hear more--all.I cannot have seen Mistress Lucy in all the intimacy of this last fortnight, without acknowledging her goodness and innocence; and without seeing--pardon me, madam--that for some reason you are two very lonely women, in some mysterious sorrow and distress.Now, though I am not powerful myself, yet I have friends who are so wise and kind that they may be said to possess power.